Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 24)
The Right of the child (24th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Imam Musa al-Kadhim Imam Musa ibn Jafar Al-Kadhim (AS)
Imam Musa ibn Jafar Al-Kadhim (AS) was born on Sunday, the 7th of Safar, year 128 Hijrah at the land of Abwa situated between Mecca and Madina from his mother named “Hameeda.” He had access to Imamate at the age of twenty-one years.
Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 23)
Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Mother: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 22)
The Right of Mother (22nd): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Wife: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 21)
The Right of Wife (21th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Servant over His Master: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 20)
The Right of Servant over His Master (20 th): Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Imam al-Baqir’s (A.S) Commandments to his Shias
Ima`m Abu` Ja’far (al-Ba`qir), peace be on him, and all the Ima`ms of the members of the House (ahl al-Bayt), peace be upon them, took great care of their Shi’ites. They wanted them to follow their guidance and behavior.
The Right of a Master: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 19)
The Right of a Master (19th): Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Fatimah Zahra (SA) | Biography, Characteristics & Teachings
Lady Fatimah Zahra (615-633), is the daughter of the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Lady Khadijah (SA). She is the wife of Imam Ali (AS) and the mother of Imam Hassan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS).
The Right of Student: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 18)
The Right of Student (18th): Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Teacher: Commentary on Imam al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 17)
The Right of Teacher (17th) Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of People: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 16)
The Right of People (16th) Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
40 Hadiths from Sunni Sources on the Virtues of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (SA)
Numerous narrations extolling the virtues of Faṭimah al-Zahra (SA), the daughter of the Prophet Muḥammad (God bless him and his family), are found in various books, including those belonging to the Sunni heritage. The following are forty such hadiths from Sunni sources, presented as examples
The Right of Ruler: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 15)
The Right of Ruler (15th) Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of the Sacrificial Animal: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 14)
The Right of the Sacrificial Animal (14th) Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Charity: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 13)
The Right of Charity (13th) Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Pilgrimage: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 12)
The Right of Pilgrimage 12th: Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Fasting: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 11)
The Right of Fasting (11th): Commentary on Imam al-Sajjad’s (A.S) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Prayer: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 10)
The Right of Prayer (10th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Private Parts: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 9)
The Right of Private Parts (9th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Stomach: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 8)
The Right of Stomach (8th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Hands: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 7)
The Right of Hands (7th): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Hezbollah announces martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah
In a statement, Hezbollah announced the martyrdom of Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah following years of sacrifice on the path of Resistance against Israel.
The Right of Legs: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 6)
Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right By Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Hadiths About Himself
The Messenger of God, Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) has stated many Hadiths about himself that presents the greatness of his creation.
The Right of Sight: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 5)
Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right
The Right of Hearing: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 4)
The Right of Hearing: Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Samarra: Mourning ceremony of Imam Hasan al-Askari’s (AS) martyrdom
Some Shafaqna exclusive photos from the martyrdom mourning ceremony of Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS) held near his shrine in Samarra.
The Right of Tongue: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 3)
The Right of Tongue: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Message from the Office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani Following the Passing of Ayatollah Sayyid Fazel Milani
Following the passing of Ayatollah Sayyid Fazel Milani, the office of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani issued a message of condolence.
The Right of Soul: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right (Part 2)
The Right of Soul: Commentary on Imam Al-Sajjad’s (A.S) Treaties of Right By Mohammad Sobhanie.
The Right of Allah (SWT): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (A.S) Treaties of Right (Part 1)
The Right of Allah (SWT): Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right by Mohammad Sobhanie.
Imam Musa Sadr: Symbol of Unity in Muslim World
Imam Musa Sadr was one of the most remarkable exponents of convergence of the Muslim World so that such a significant orientation was high on his agenda for structural reform in Lebanon and the Muslim world.
Eid Al-Mubahala
The Event or Eid Al-Mubahala.
Exploring Ghadir: Historical Texts and Scholarly Works
“Atlas of Shia” is a book written by “Rasul Jafarian” in Persian, published in Tehran in 2008.
8 Shawwal; Anniversary of destruction of Jannatul Baqi cemetery by Wahhabis
The demolition of Jannatul-Baqi (Baqi cemetery) on 8 Shawwal,1345AH (April 21,1925) at the hands of Al-e-Saud was a great tragedy in the history of Islam.
Karbala: 24th Candle Festival for Imam Mahdi (AJ)
On the occasion of the birth of Imam Al-Mahdi (AJ), 1,190 candles were lighted in the Imam Hussain’s (AS) Shrine as well as Hazrat Abbas’s (AS) Shrine at the 24th Bayn Al-Haramayn Candle Festival in Karbala Moala.
Karbala: Yazidi patients to be treated in medical centers of Imam Hussain’s (AS) Shrine
Custodianship of Astan Quds Hosseini announced today (Thursday 18 Jan. 2024) that all Iraqi Yazidi patients are accepted in the medical centers of this Astan and the best services are provided to them.
Aspects of Lady Fatimah’s (SA) personality in her own words
Lady Fatimah’s (SA) virtues resulted in her elevation and it distinguished her character in the eyes of many throughout history.
Shia Islam Doctrine: The Awaited Imam (AJ)
All Muslims believe in the prophecy that a reformer will come to usher in an age of global justice. This doctrine cannot be denied by anyone with an understanding of the Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH).
South Korean Ambassador at Imam Hussain’s (A.S) holy shrine: “I Was Captivated by the Beauty and Felt the Spirituality”
The South Korean Ambassador to Iraq, who visited the shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S), said, “I was captivated by the beauty of this place and felt its spirituality.”
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani Office’s Important Statement on Gaza Bombardment
The Grand Ayatollah Sistani the Supreme Religious Authority of Shia Muslims issued a statement regarding the continuous bombardment of different areas of Gaza Strip by Israeli occupying forces.
Al-Abbas Shrine covered with black on anniversary of demolition of graves of Imams of Baqi
The Department of the Holy Shrine's Care at the Al-Abbas's (p) Shrine has begun to be covered in black as signs of grief and condolence all over the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), in memory of the demolition of the graves of the imams of al-Baqi' (peace be upon them).
Photos: 'Who Is Hussain?' Mauritius team help 26 needy families in holy Ramadan
On April 15, 2023, the 'Who Is Hussain?'
8 Shawwal; Anniversary of the destruction of the Jannatul Baqi by Wahhabis
The demolition of Jannatul-Baqi (Baqi cemetery) on 8 Shawwal,1345AH (April 21,1925) at the hands of Al-e-Saud was a great tragedy in the history of Islam.
Photos: Holy ramadan Iftar table at Purana Paltan Hussainiyah in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Photos: Holy ramadan Iftar table at Purana Paltan Hussainiyah in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Photos: Distribution of Iftar meals at Imam Reza holy shrine
Deputy of Pilgrim Services of Astan Quds Razavi and the Mawkib of Azerbaijanis living in Mashhad, every night during the holy month of Ramadan, served the pilgrims of Imam Reza (a.s.) shrine with hot food and light Iftar.
Photos: Holy Ramadan programs at Ahlul Bayt Center in Gambia
Holy Ramadan programs at Ahlul Bayt Center in Gambia.
Photos: Demise anniversary of Hazrat Khadija held in Kuala Lumpur
The mourning ceremony of demise anniversary of Hazrat Khadija (pbuh) was held in Kuala Lumpur.
On occasion of Sha’ban, three webinars to be held by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly
On the occasion of the beginning of the month of Sha’ban, and the auspicious birth of Imam Hussain (a.s.), Imam Sajjad (a.s.), and Hazrat Abbas (a.s.), three webinars in Spanish, Azeri, and Urdu will be held by the General Directorate of Virtual Space of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.
Photos: Imam Hussain birth anniversary celebrated at Razavi shrine
The birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (a.s.) was celebrated at Imam Reza (a.s.) holy shrine in Mashhad.
Al-Abbas shrine organizes celebration on occasion of birth anniversaries of Imams born in Shaban
The Al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine organized its annual central celebration on the occasion of the birth anniversaries of the members of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) who are born in the blessed month of Sha'ban;
Food packages distributed among Syrian earthquake affected people by AhlulBayt (a.s.) Assembly
After parts of Syria were struck by an earthquake, the AhlulBayt (a.s.) Assembly in his first step issued a message of condolence and expressed sympathy for the victims.
Sha'ban: The month for cultivating hearts (Video)
The month for cultivating hearts (from Imam Khamenei's statements).
Video: English poem in praise of Imam Ali (a.s.)
On the occasion of Imam Ali's birt anniversary, we present a eulogy with the voice of Hujjat al-Islam Rafian:
Photos: Imam al-Jawad birth anniversary held at Zeinebia Center in Brisbane, Australia
Imam al-Jawad birth anniversary held at Zeinebia Center in Brisbane, Australia.
Najaf holy Shrine hosts pilgrims at night of Father Day
The Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (AS), the first Imam of the Worlds Shias, is hosting the pilgrims on the occasion of his birthday and Father's Day.
Photos: Imam Ali birth anniversary celebrated at Hazrat Masoumeh shrine in Qom
The birth anniversary of Imam Ali (a.s.) was celebrated at Hazrat Masoumeh holy shrine in Qom.
Imam Ali birthday celebrated at Sayyida Zainab holy shrine in Syria
A major celebration was held at the holy shrine of Hazrat Zainab (SA) in Damascus, Syria, on the occasion of birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS), the first Shia Imam.
[Photos] Ceremonies held in holy sites to mark Laylat Al-Raghaib in Iran
Ceremonies were organized at Mosques and holy sites in Iran, including at the holy shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh (SA) in Qom and Shah Cheragh (AS) holy shrine in Shiraz, to mark Laylat Al-Raghaib.
Martyrdom anniversary of 10th Shia Imam 'Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi'
Abu l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Muḥammad al-Hādī, (b. 212/828 - d. 254/868) (Arabic:ابوالحسن علي بن محمد الهادي) was the son of Imam al-Jawad (a) and he was the tenth of the twelve Imams of the Shia. He is also known as al-Naqī (النقي, the pure) and al-Hādī (الهادي, the guide).
A German Muslim delegation visits Al-Askariya Holy Shrine of Samarra
A delegation of German Muslims visited the Al-Askariyain Holy Shrine to get acquainted with the most prominent religious and cultural monuments and the history of the holy city of Samarra.
Photos: Fatimiyya 1444 programs at Jaffari Centre in Ontario, Canada
Programs on martyrdom anniversary of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (S) with attendance of Shaikh Nuru and Shaikh Hamam were held at Jaffari Centre of Ontario, Canada, 1444-2022.
Photos: Sayyida al-Zahra Martyrdom ceremony held at Imam Ali Mosque in Ponta Grossa, Brazil
Commemorating martyrdom anniversary of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUT), was held at Imam Ali Masjid in Ponta Grossa, Brazil 1444-2022.
Photos: Lady Fatima Martyrdom ceremony held at Thaqlain Center in Odense, Denmark
Lady Fatima Martyrdom ceremony held at Thaqlain Center in Odense, Denmark.
Opening of exhibition of Fatimi season of sorrows in area between Two Holy Shrines (+Photos)
The Department of Rituals and Processions of the two holy shrines in Karbala opened the panorama exhibition of the sixteenth Fatimi season of sorrows in the are between the two holy shrines, on the occasion of the martyrdom of Immaculate Lady az-Zahra (peace be upon her) according to the second narration.
Sayed servants of al-Abbas shrine present to visitors on martyrdom Sayyida Zahra
As usual, on the martyrdom anniversary of their grandmother az-Zahra (peace be upon her), the Sayed servants at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine begin to serve the visitors of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), in the Fatimi season of sorrow by establishing a procession in which they distribute tea prepared in the Karbala style.
Students participate in art exhibition within festival of Fatimi season of Sorrows in Karbala
Students of Al-Ameed Group Schools participated in an art exhibition as part of the Fatimi Season of Sorrows Festival, held by the Rituals and Processions Department of the two holy shrines in the area between the two holy shrines in Karbala.
Hadith Graph: “And Allah (SWT) set obedience of Ahlul Bayt (AS) for the security of the societies
Lady Fatimah Zahra (SA) said: “And Allah (SWT) set our obedience (the household of the Prophet (PBUH) for the security of the Society, and our Imamate as a safety from Segregation & disunity) .
A Survey into Lives of Infallible Imams (a.s.)” published in India
The book “A Survey into Lives of Infallible Imams (a.s.)” by martyr Ayatollah Morteza Motahari was published in India by the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly Publishing House.
Hadith Graph: “Forgive the shortcomings…
Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) said: “Forgive the shortcomings of people of virtue and honor because when they fall into error Allah (SWT) raises them up.”
Photos: Celebrating birth anniversary of Sayeda Zainab at Victoria Shia Center in Melbourne, Australia
Celebrating birth anniversary of Sayeda Zainab at Victoria Shia Center in Melbourne, Australia.
Celebrating birth anniversary of Lady Zaynab in Michigan
The representative office of the Al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine in North and South America participated in celebrating the birth anniversary of Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her), in a ceremony held in the US state of Michigan.
Sayed servants of al-Abbas shrine welcomes visitors with sweets on birth of Lady Zainab
The Sayed Servants Division at the Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine welcomed the visitors arriving to visit the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him), with pieces of candy, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her).
Birth anniversary of Hazrat Zeynab marked in Georgia
Devotees of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) celebrated the birth anniversary of Hazrat Zeynab (SA) in a ceremony held in Georgia.
Department of Hussaini Rituals starts erecting Fatimi Panorama exhibition in Bain al-Haramain
The staff of the Department of Hussayni Rituals, Processions and Bodies in Iraq and the Islamic world have started erecting the Fatimi Panorama exhibition in the square between the Two Holy Shrines.
Hadith Weekly: Standing and Sweating [Video]
In this episode of Hadith Weekly, Sheikh Azhar shares a narration from Imam Ali (AS) about the condition of people on the Day of Judgement.
Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine officials visit Mashhad’s holy shrine
A host of officials from Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine in Najaf have visited Imam Reza’s (AS) holy shrine in Mashhad.
Webinar: Commentary on Dua Makarim Akhlaq By Imam Sajjad (AS)
Weekly webinar on Quranic lifestyle with the topic of:
Imam Hussein holy shrine to resume Quranic activities in Indonesia
The Astan (custodianship) of Imam Hussein (AS) holy shrine will resume its Quranic activities in Indonesia.
2000 books published in 36 languages by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly
The 2nd scientific-specialized conference “The study of the works and indicators of the introduction of Shiite Islam in the international arena in the contemporary world” will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2022, in the conference hall of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in Qom.
Summary of Commission “Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) and Mahdaviat” in Ibn al-Reza conference
The session of the commission “Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.) and Mahdaviat”, under the international conference “Tradition and Era of Imam Hassan Askari (a.s.)”, was held on Thursday morning, November 3, 2022, in the Imam Hussain (a.s.) Hall of the Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy in Pardisan, Qom.
Photos: Birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Al-Askari held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (a.s.) was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Photos: Mourning ceremony on demise anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh in Qom, Iran
Mourning ceremony on demise anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (s.a.) was held in Qom.
Islamic Centre of England: 93rd Weekly Webinar on Islam & Contemporary Issues on 7 November 2022
The 93rd Weekly Webinar on Islam & Contemporary Issues will be held on November 7th, 2022 at 6pm London time.
[Photos] Birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) held in Moscow
Birth anniversary of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (AS) was held in Moscow.
Iranians in Mashhad bid farewell to Shah Cheragh terror attack victims
People in Iran’s holy city of Mashhad on Saturday held a mourning ceremony at Imam Reza’s holy shrine to say farewell to the victims of the recent terrorist attack in Shiraz.
Islamic Centre of England: 91st Weekly Webinar on Islam & Contemporary Issues on 24 October 2022
The 91st Weekly Webinar on Islam & Contemporary Issues will be held today October 24th, 2022 at 5pm London time.
Love is the basis of the “Prophet’s (PBUH) method”: Researcher
The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) faced a society plunged into darkness, harshness, lack of temper, violence and when Ali (PBUH) asked him “What was your way, custom and tradition in changing the people of the ignorant society?”
Iraq: International Poetry Festival In Najaf [Photos]
An international festival of poetry was organized in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq, on the occasion of the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) birth anniversary.
Scotland: Shia & Christian leaders lights candles in honor of Imam Hussain (AS)
A group of Shia clerics and a number of Christian leaders in Scotland celebrated the day of Imam Hussain (AS), on October 12, according to the Scottish civil calendar, in honor of his great human sacrifices.
Photos: Arbaeen mourning ceremony in Halkali Shiite area of Istanbul
Thousands of Shiites marked Arbaeen in Halkali district of Istanbul, Turkey.
Photos: Arbaeen mourning ceremony in Kuruman, South Africa
Arbaeen mourning ceremony was held in Kuruman, South Africa.
This year’s pilgrimage, greatest Arbaeen pilgrimage ever: Governor of Karbala
The governor of Karbala stated, “Arbaeen pilgrimage this year was the largest Arbaeen pilgrimage in the history. In this year’s Arbaeen pilgrimage, 60,000 volunteers participated in serving the pilgrims.”
Canada’s Envoy to Iraq: I have come to Karbala to see Arbaeen pilgrims [photos]
Canada’s Envoy to Iraq today (Sunday 10 Sep 2022) visited the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) and praised the projects of Astan Quds Hussaini and the services of the center to all Iraqi people.
Video: Imam Hussain (AS) And the Angel Gabriel (AS)
Imam Hussain (AS) and the Angel Gabriel (AS) (Episode 5):
Video: Arbaeen; the bigger picture
The social discourse-Arbaeen: The bigger picture, This program with the topic of: ” What are the different ways of reacting to injustice and oppression” donated, supported and released on Ahlulbayt TV.
Portuguese Shiites in Arbaeen Walk (+Photo)
During the fervent days of Arbaeen of Imam Hussain (a.s.), a group of Shiites from Portugal joined the enthusiasts of Infallible AhlulBayt (a.s.) and started their walk from Najaf to Karbala.
Al-Hussaini mourning processions commemorated Ziyarat Arbaeen in Karbala
On Tuesday morning, 16th of Safar, the Hussaini mourning processions (zinjeel) from various cities of Iraq and the world set off to commemorate the ceremonies of the Ziyarat Arbaeen in the city of Karbala.
Imam Reza shrine’s Mukibs offer biggest services for Arbaeen pilgrims
Setting up biggest Mukib in western border town of Mehran, Imam Reza holy shrine offers best and biggest possible services to the on-foot pilgrims of Imam Hossein (AS) participating in Arbaeen rally.
Al-Abbas Shrine sends large quantities of water to visitors of Imam al-Hadi, Imam al-Askari shrines
The Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine sent large quantities of water and ice to the visitors of the shrine of Imam al-Hadi and Imam al-'Askari (peace be upon them) in the city of Samarra.
Launching field hospital by Iraq PMU to serve Arbaeen pilgrims
Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) launched a field hospital in Karbala to serve the pilgrims visiting the holy city for the Arbaeen procession.
Iraqi official: Pilgrims from 80 nationalities participating in Arbaeen March
The Deputy Governor-General of Karbala says the pilgrims of Arbaeen March who traveled to the Iraqi city are from over 80 nationalities.
Najaf Ashraf: Imam Ali’s (AS) Holy Shrine Ahead of Arbaeen [Photos]
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf Ashraf is visited by a larger number of pilgrims everyday as the day of Arbaeen approaches.
Karbala: Raising Banner of Imam Hassan (AS) At Al-Abbas’s Holy Shrine [Photos]
The Al-Abbas’s (AS) holy shrine organized on Saturday evening (6 Safar 1444 AH), the ceremony of raising the banner of Imam Al-Hassan (AS) on his martyrdom anniversary, in conjunction with raising it at all the holy shrines.
USA: Arbaeen program to be held at IHW in Dearborn
The Arbaeen program will be held at the Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn on September 16th and 17th at 8:00 pm.
Video: How did Seyyedah Zainab (SA) see beauty in Karbala?
Gulamabbas Lakha presents key lessons on mental health on topic:” How did Seyyedah Zainab (SA) see beauty in Karbala?”
Karbala: Provision of Arbaeen pilgrimage with 20000 security forces
Karbala Operation Command announces the provision of Arbaeen pilgrimage in this province with the participation of thousands of security forces, thermal cameras and UAV.
Manchester: Arbaeen Peace Walk 2022 is scheduled for 3rd of September
‘The10thDay’ Team has invited lovers of Imam Hussain (AS) to participate in Manchester’s Arbaeen Peace Walk on Saturday the 3rd of September 2022.
August 26: Al-Layali al-Hassaniya to be held by Imam Ali (AS) Association
Al-Layali Al -Hassaniya; A ten night series of Majalis in honor of the legendary legacy of Kareem of Ahlulbayt (AS), Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba (AS) will be held by Imam Ali (AS) Association.
Commentary on Dua Makarim Akhlaq (Part 5)
Seeking God’s Grace on Intention, Certainty, and Self-Purification.
Webinar: Looking at life through the lens of Imam Hussain (AS)
The 84nd session of weekly webinar on “Islam & Contemporary Issues” released on 22 Agust 2022 by HIWM Sheikh Nadir Jaffar with the topic of:
IHW’s Imam: Terrorists are not representatives of their religion
“I think 2001 was the year of ‘Dialogue among Civilizations’ when the United Nations accepted Iran’s proposal for the dialogue. We need the talks between Muslims and Christians, especially Muslims and Christians who are like half of the world’s population. If we have this, we will unite half of the planet.
England: Hundreds attend Muharram mourning procession in Lancashire [photos]
Hundreds gathered for an annual procession held in Burnley in Lancashire, England, as part of commemorations to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS).
Iraq: Najaf airport prepare to receive over 200 daily flights as Arbaeen approaches
The official of Najaf international airport in Iraq said the airport has been prepared to receive more than 200 flights every day starting on the first day of Safar (August 29).
Mashhad: Tourists from the Netherlands & Germany visit Imam Reza (AS) shrine
A 14-person group of tourists from the Netherlands and Germany have paid a visit to Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine.
Colombia: Answering religious doubts of students in Imam Reza Mosque
The meeting to answer the religious doubts of Colombian students was held in the presence of “Syed Mohammad Razavi”, the head of the London Shia Education Center, at the “Imam Reza” mosque in”Bogota”.
“I saw nothing but beauty!” the word of Lady Zaynab to Ibn Ziyad
Upon their arrival to Kufa, the captives caravan headed towards the Emirate Palace, breaching the masses of the people in Kufa, crying for what happened to the House of Prophecy, for deceiving their promises to the grandson of the Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and upon his holy Household) and the Imam of the Muslims; al-Hussayn (peace be upon him).
Photos: Ashura mourning ceremony held in Baku
Ashura mourning ceremony was held at "Mashadi Dadash" mosque in Baku.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Phatthalung, Thailand
Muharram mourning ceremony was held in Phatthalung, Thailand.
Photos: Ashura mourning ceremony held in Copenhagen, Denmark
Ashura mourning ceremony was held in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Imam Hussain mourning rituals observed in Madrid for first time
Mourning rituals in commemoration of Imam Hussain (AS) were observed in Span's capital Madrid for the first time.
Photos: Ashura mourning procession held in Tyre, Lebanon
Ashura mourning procession was held in Tyre, Lebanon.
AhlulBayt World Assembly denounced crimes against mourners for Imam Hussain in Afghanistan, Nigeria
In a statement, while condemning the crime against the mourners for Imam Hussain (a.s.) in Afghanistan and Nigeria, and expressing condolences on the martyrdom of the mourners, AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly announced that these crimes committed to fuel sectarian discords and create religious wars.
Transfer of Imamate from Imam Hussain to Imam Ali Al-Sajjad
The transfer of the Imamate to the next Holy Imam has to occur at the death of the previous Holy Imam, and the transfer of the Imamate of Imam Hussein to Imam Sajjad was under particularly distressing circumstances with the severe illness that Imam Sajjad was suffering and the martyrdom of so many family members and companions.
Imam Sajjad deep love for holy Quran
Imam Ali ibn al-Hussein al-Sajjad (A.s) held the Holy Qur’an dearly to his heart. This is evident from his sayings and behavior with regard to the Qur’an.
Imam Sajjad; The Secret Helper of Poor
The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as praying, ablution (Wudu), supplicating, Hajj, etc, is a stranger to the society.
Photos: Ashura mourning ceremony held in Pune, India
Ashura mourning ceremony was held in Pune, India.
Hadith Graph: “…tears for the killing of Hussain Ibn Ali (AS) …”
Imam Sajjad (AS) said : Every Mu’min, whose eyes shed tears upon the killing of Hussain Ibn Ali (AS) and his companions, such that the tears roll down his cheeks, Allah (SWT) shall accommodate him/her in the elevated rooms of Paradise.”
Photos: Ashura mourning ceremony held in Afghanistan
The Ashura mourning ceremony was held in various Afghanistan's cities including Herat, Kabul, Ghazni.
Indian police savagely attack-arrest Shia Muslims Muharram procession in Kashmir
Indian police broke up a procession of Shia Muslim mourners observing the month of Muharram in Srinagar, the capital of Indian Kashmir on Sunday, according to reports.
Shia answers: What is the meaning of Tawassul to Ahlul-Bayt (AS)?
What is the meaning of Tawassul (resorting) to Ahlul-Bayt (AS) and why do Shias believe in this way?
Karbala: Imam Hussain’s (AS) Holy Shrine In Muharram [Photos]
Imam Hussain’s (AS) holy shrine’s photos in Muharram.
Saudis Prohibit Muharram Mourning Processions In Qatif
Yesterday, the Saudi government issued a decision prohibiting the mourning processions of Sayyid Al-Shuhada (AS) in the streets of Qatif, Mirat Aljazeera new wrote.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Dearborn, Michigan
Muharram mourning ceremony was held in Dearborn, Michigan.
Positions of companions of Imam al-Hussain
Those who look closely at the positions of the supporters of Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him) see a lot of lofty concepts that have been most wonderfully applied and constructed in the most beautiful way, and what is the finest description that came to them from the mouth of Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him), when he said:
Photos: Husseini infants ceremony held in Izmir
Hosseini infants ceremony was held in Izmir in commemoration of Ali Asghar (AS), the six-month-old baby boy of Imam Hussein (AS), who was the youngest person martyred in Karbala battle.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Budgam, Kashmir
Muharram mourning ceremony was held at "Central Husseiniyah" with the speech of Hujjat-ul-Islam Agha Sayyed Hassan Al-Mousavi Al-Safavi, the head of the Shia Association of Jammu and Kashmir and a prominent member of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.
Photos: Imam Hussain (a.s.) mourning ceremony held in Hyderabad, India
Muharram mourning ceremony was held in Hyderabad, India with the speech of Hujjat-ul-Islam Sayyed Taqi Reza Abedi (Taqi Agha), the head of Jafari Organization of India and a prominent member of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Derbent, Russia
The Muharram mourning ceremony was held in the "Friday Mosque" in the city of Derbent, the most important Shiite city of Dagestan, Russia.
Analysis: Bahrain Al Khalifa struggling to crack down on Ashura cermonies
As the Shiites across the world mark Muharram mourning month, the authorities in the predominantly-Shiite Bahrain are banning mourning ceremonies in the tiny Persian Gulf state.
Shia Muslims in Syria’s Nubl and Al-Zahraa mourn martyrdom of Imam Hussain
Mourning rituals are held in different parts of Syria during the lunar Hijri month of Muharram for the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (AS).
Moscow: Muharram mourning ceremony held at “Fatimah Al-Zahra (SA)” Hussainiyah [photos]
Muharram mourning ceremony was held at “Fatimah Al-Zahra (SA)” Hussainiyah in Moscow.
Iraq: Muharram mourning ceremony held at Kufa Mosque [photos]
Muharram mourning ceremony was held at Kufa Mosque.
Karbala: Imam Hussain’s (AS) holy shrine’s medical plan to serve Ashura pilgrims
The Health and Medical Education Commission at the Imam Hussain’s (AS) Holy Shrine announced its medical plan to serve Ashura pilgrims.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Montreal, Canada
The mourning ceremony of Imam Hussain (a.s.) was held in the "Islamic Assembly" in the city of "Montreal" in Canada.
Russia: Muhammad is second most popular name in Kaluga
The registry office in the Kaluga region in Russian Oblast registered the birth of 767 babies in June: 392 boys and 375 girls.
Photos: Imam Hussain mourning ceremony held in Karzakkan, Bahrain
The mourning ceremony of Imam Hussain (a.s.) was held in Karzakkan, Bahrain.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremony held in Essen, Germany
The mourning ceremony of Imam Hussain (a.s.) was held at "Umm ul-Banin" hussianiyah in Essen, Germany.
Karbala: Flag Changing ceremony in shrines of Imam Hussain (AS) and Hazrat Abul-Fadhl (AS) [photos & video]
On the occasion of the arrival of the holy month of Muharram, the ceremony of changing the flag of the shrines of Imam Hussain (AS) and Hazrat Abu-Fadl (.S) was held.
Germany: Muharram mourning ceremonies begin at Hamburg Islamic Center
Mourning ceremonies were held on the eve of the lunar Hijri Month of Muharram Friday (29 July 2022) night at the Islamic Center of Hamburg in Germany.
The Right of Legs According To Imam Sajjad (AS)
Imam Sajjad (AS): The right of your legs is that you do not walk with them to forbidden places. And do not direct them to carry you on the path that brings you humiliation and debasement. Instead, guide your legs to lead you in the direction of religion so that you exceed others in doing good deeds. And there is no power but in Allah (SWT).”
Hussain and Karbala: A role model for humanity (Part 1)
The questions faced by Hussain [A.S] were questions that run throughout human life in every time and situation.
OneShiaOneMessage/Karbala is a lesson to learn
Shafaqna International News Agency invites all Shia Muslims and Ahlal-Bayt (A.S.) devotees all around the world to be the messengers of Imam Hussain’s (A.S.) movement to the world in Muharram 2022, by using cyberspace and through updating their profile pictures with Ashura symbols and posting contents about Imam Hussain (A.S.) on social media with the hashtag “#OneShiaOneMessage“.
Square between Two Holy Shrines covered with signs of sadness in Muharram (+Photos)
The staff of the Department of the Square between the Two Holy Shrines of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, in cooperation with the outer courtyard care department at the Imam al-Hussayn's (p) holy shrine, has finished spreading the signs of grief in the square between the two holy shrines to receive the holy month of Muharram.
Photos: First night of Muharram mourning ceremony held in Kano, Nigeria
The mourning ceremony on the first night of Muharram was held in Kano, Nigeria.
The Legacy of Mubahila
If anyone disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge has come to you, say:
International conference to discuss 'Ghadir event' in view of Islamic denominations
Prominent Muslim clerics and elites will exchange views on the different aspects of Ghadir Khum event in an international conference to be held by Iran’s major Islamic unity center on Monday.
IRCS to provide free medical services to Arbaeen pilgrims
The head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) said it will provide health and medical services to Arbaeen pilgrims for free.
Kids celebrate Eid al-Ghadir at Lady Masumah (AS) holy shrine [Photos]
Kids celebrate Eid al-Ghadir at Lady Masumah (AS) holy shrine.
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Fatima Zahra center in Moscow, Russia
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Fatima Zahra center in Moscow, Russia.
Holy shrine of al-Abbas crowned by bouquets of flowers on greatest Eid of Allah (+Photos)
Within the glorious celebrations of the greatest Eid of Allah, Eid al-Ghadeer, the holy grid of the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) was decorated with crowns of natural roses, to express the joys and congratulations for this great occasion.
Eid al-Ghadeer: the Greatest Eid of Allah!
Eid Al-Ghadeer is called "the greatest Eid of Allah" for its great importance, as in the Eighteenth of the holy month of Dhu Al-Hijjah in the tenth year of the Prophetic migration, there was the announcement of very important event.
Eid al-Ghadir 1433 meters cake distributed among pilgrims in Najaf (+Photos)

Video / The Greatest and Best Eid
An English animation named as The Greatest and Best Eid to commemorate Eid Ghadir. Please send this clip to the parents who have kids under 9 so that you can also contribute to delivering Ghadir's message to future generations.
Najaf: Flag of Ghadir raised on the dome of Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine [photos]
As the auspicious occasion of Eid Al-Ghadir is approaching, in a ceremony in Najaf the flag of Ghadir was raised on the dome of Imam Ali (AS) holy shrine.
USA: Fatima Al-Zahra (SA) Mosque in New York targeted in hate crime
An incident in which two people threw a molotov cocktail at a crescent moon symbol outside the Fatima Al-Zahra (SA) Mosque in Long Island, New York is now being investigated as a hate crime by local authorities.
Political life of Imam Al-Hadi (AS)
Imam Ali Al-Naqi (AS), the tenth Shia Imam, was born in 827 AD (Mufid, Irshad; Kashf Al-Ghamma) and died in 868 AD.
Eid Al-Ghadir celebrations planned at Imam Ali’s (AS) shrine
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) will host various programs for a week in celebration of Eid Al-Ghadir.
USA: Eid of Adha prayer and celebration at Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn[Photos]
Eid of Adha prayer and celebration were held at Islamic House of Wisdom in Dearborn Both Saturday and Sunday. IHW observed 4 prayers and sermons by Imam Elahi and shaikh Mohammad Molollah.
Photos: Recitation of Dua Arafah at holy shrines in Kadhimiyya
Dua Arafah’s blessing-filled ceremony was held at holy shrines in Kazemain.
Karbala: Recitation of Dua Arafah near holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) [photos]
Dua Arafah’s blessing-filled ceremony was held in holy city of Karbala, next to the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS).
Acts of 'Arafah eve and day and Ziyarat of Imam al-Hussain
Eve of 'Arafah: is the Eve of the ninth of Dhu Al-Hijjah, and it is a blessed night, a night for invocations, repentance and the supplication in it is answered.
Webinar “Role of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) in Unity of Islamic Ummah” to be held
On the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.), the webinar “The Role of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) in the Unity of the Islamic Ummah” will be held by the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.
Debate of Imam al-Baqir with Christian scholar
The Fifth Shi'ite infallible Imam, Imam al-Baqir's (a) debate with a Syrian Christian scholar is a set of questions and replies between Imam al-Baqir (a) and a Syrian Christian scholar. The Christian scholar asked different questions, all of which were answered by the Imam (a).
Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad Baqir / Biography
The Holy Imam(A.S.) was martyred in Madina by poisoning in the year 114 A.H. and was buried at Baqi cemetery beside his holy father.
Photos: New Zarih of Lady Zainab’s (SA) Shrine
Astan Quds Abbasi announced that the construction of the new Zarih for the holy shrine of Lady Zainab (SA) has been completed.
First day of Dhul-Hijjah: Marriage anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (SA)
The spread of Islam and the improvement of the Prophet’s (PBUH) position prompted Arab tribal chiefs to ask Fatimah’s (SA) hand for marriage.
Photos: Mourning ceremony on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad held in Istanbul
The mourning ceremony for the martyrdom of Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) was held in "Zainabiyah Hussainiyah" in the Halkali area of Istanbul, Turkey, with the presence of Hujjat-ul-Islam Sheikh Salahuddin Ozgunduz.
Photos: Imam al-Jawad mourning ceremony held in Montreal, Canada
Mourning ceremony on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) was held in Montreal, Canada.
Photos: Mourning ceremony on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad held in Kirkuk, Iraq
Mourning ceremony on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad (a.s.) was held in Kirkuk, Iraq.
Photos: Mourning procession for martyrdom of Imam Jawad (a.s.) held in Karzakkan, Bahrain
Mourning procession for martyrdom of Imam Jawad (a.s.) was held in Karzakkan, Bahrain.
Al-Abbas holy shrine covered in black to commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad (+Photos)
The walls of the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine are covered in black in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of the ninth Imam of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them); Imam Mohammad al-Jawad (peace be upon him), which is commemorated at the end of Dhu al-Qi'dah.
Flag of the dome of Imamayn Al-Jawadin’s (AS) shrines changed [photos]
On the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Jawad (AS), the flag of the dome of the shrine of the Imam Jawad (AS) and Imam Musa Kazem (AS) was changed.
Photos: "Islam Dialogue with Araucanía" meeting with presence of Chilean Shiite cleric
On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, Hujjat al-Islam Sheikh Gustavo Zander, a Chilean cleric, was invited to attend and speak at the Araucanía Interfaith Dialogue (MEDIA).
Webinar: Commentary on Dua Makarim Akhlaq by Imam Sajjad (A.S)
109th session of weekly webinar on Quranic lifestyle with topic ”
England: Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Al-Jawad (AS) to be held in Islamic center in London
Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Al-Jawad (AS) will be held in Islamic center of England.
Imam Reza holy shrine holds special programs marking Dahw al-Ard
Imam Reza holy shrine commemorates Dahw al-Ard, 25th of Zul-Qa'dah coinciding June 25, 2022, with participation of thousands of pilgrims from around the world.
Launch of Mahdawi impact competition (for visual content makers)
The Al-Qamar Cultural Forum Center, affiliated to the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, announced the launch of the Athar competition (for visual content makers), which is part of the broadest and most comprehensive program on the Mahdawi issue, launched in the middle of the month of Sha’ban last 1443 AH.
Holy shrine of al-Askari launches 6th national Quranic plan
The sixth edition of a national Quranic plan was launched in Iraq by the Astan (custodianship) of Al-Askari Shrine.
Muslim scholars union urges law to ban insults against religions
The International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has called for enacting a law to ban insults against religions and sanctities. In a statement, the Doha-based grouping said it will dispatch a delegation of Muslim scholars to Islamic countries for talks on the increasing insults against the Islamic religion.
Final touches for maintenance, glazing dome of al-Abbas holy shrine (+Photos)
The maintenance and glazing of the Dome of the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) from the inside, has reached its final stages of finalization by the staff of the maintenance and engineering construction department at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine.
Photos: Birth anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s.) celebrated at Islamic Center of England
Birth anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s.) celebrated at Islamic Center of England.
Political life of Imam Ridha (AS)
The eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha (AS), was born in Medina in 765 AD.
Photos: Birth anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s.) celebrated in Karzakkan, Bahrain
Birth anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s.) celebrated in Karzakkan, Bahrain.
Shia Graph: “When this world advances towards anyone …”
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (A.S) said:
Photos: Washing holy dome of Imam Ridha’s (AS) shrine on his birth anniversary
he holy dome of Imam Ridha’s (A.S) shrine was washed on the eve of his birth anniversary.
Imam Reza holy shrine broadcasts 70 hrs. of programs on national, Int. channels
Management Office for Audiovisuals of Imam Reza holy shrine has announced the broadcast of over 70 hours of radio and television programs on more than 68 national and international networks coinciding with the celebrations for birth anniversary of Imam Reza (AS).
Astan Quds Razavi gives charity food to mark Imam Reza’s birth anniversary celebrations
The holy shrine is commemorating Imam Reza’s birth anniversary by giving charity food for the first time in Imam Hassan Courtyard.
Birthday Anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Masumah / Biography
Hadrat Fatima Masumah the Blessed and the Gracious Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt was born in the holy city of Madinah, Her father Imam Musa al-Kazim the 7th Shia Imam. She died on 10th of the month of Rabi al-Thani 201 A.H. and buried in Qom.
Photos: Green flag hoisted on top of lady Fatimah al-Masumah shrine
On auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Masumah the green flag hoisted on the top her holy shrine in Qom. 1443-2022.
Shia Graph: Cheerfulness is the bond of friendship & effective forbearance is the grave of shortcomings
Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (AS) said:
Photos: Seminar on 'Reality of human beings', 'What is Islam?' held at Imam Ali center in Sydney, Australia
Seminar on topics of 'Reality of human beings' and 'What is Islam?' was held at Imam Ali center in Sydney, Australia. 29.05.2022.
Photos: Imam Ali’s (AS) shrine covered in black on martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS)
On the eve of the martyrdom of Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) the holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S.) covered with black banners.
Who was al-Sadiq (AS)?
I would like to mention a group of the viewpoints of the religious scholars concerning Ja'far al- Sadiq, peace be on him, because such viewpoints express the ideas of generations about this great figure. They are as follows:
Religious School and Sects during era of Imam Ja'afar al-Sadiq (AS)
The days of Abu Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be on him, were the days of religious schools, sects, ideas, desires, theology, research, misguidance, suspicion, and doubts.
Photos: Mourning ceremonies of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) martyrdom held at Hazrat Masoumah shrine
Mourning ceremonies of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) martyrdom was held at holy shrine of Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) in Qom.
Shia answers: What is the philosophy of absence of Imam Mahdi (AJ)?
What is the philosophy of the absence of Imam Mahdi (AJ)?
The Right of Soul: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right
The Right of Soul:
The Right of Tongue: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right
The Right of Tongue:
The Right of Hearing: Commentary on Imam Sajjad’s (AS) Treaties of Right
The Right of Hearing:
Webinar: The virtues of the holy Quran in the narrations of lmam Sajjad (AS)
The 104th session of Weekly webinar on Quranic lifestyle with topic:
Largest Friday Prayers for Bahraini Shiites in Diraz resumes
The largest Friday prayer in the Imam Al-Sadiq mosque in Bahrain's Diraz was resumed after being prevented by the authorities following the citizenship revocation of the spiritual leader of Shia majority, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.
Imam Ali center in Vienna launches online Quran memorization program
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Vienna, Austria, has launched an online plan for memorization of the Quran.
14 May 2022: Seventh Annual Conference on Shia Studies
The Islamic College will hold the Seventh Annual Conference on Shi’i Studies.
Photos: Program to commemorate demolition of Jannat ul Baqi at Muhammadi Welfare A. in Sydney, Australia
Program to commemorate demolition of Jannat ul Baqi at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia 1443-2022.
Photos: Anniversary of destruction of Jannat al-Baqi Baqariya held at Shia Jama Masjid Malwani of Mumbai, India
Followers of Ahlul Bayt commemorated sad anniversary of destruction of al-Baqee cemetery by Saudi Wahhabiis at Baqariya Shia Jama Masjid Malwani of Mumbai, India. 1443-2022.
Photos: Mourning ceremony in Mirpur, Bangladesh on anniv of demolishing graves of Imams in al-Baqi Cemetery
Discussion & protest rally held in Karbala Imambargah of Mirpur, Bangladesh against tyrant Ale-Saud who demolished the Holy Shrines of Shia Imams in al-Baqee Cemetery. 1443-2022.
Eighth of Shawwal; Anniversary of the crime of demolishing graves of Imams in Al-Baqi cemetery
The pain of witnessing the demotion of the cemetery of Baqi' is still present in the minds and hearts of the lovers and followers of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them), as in every year, their sorrows are renewed when they remember the heinous crime committed by the junta unjust Wahhabis and takfirists by demolishing the graves of the Imams of guidance and the infallible people of prophecy house (peace be upon them), the desecration of their sanctity by carrying out two attacks.
Webinar on 'Possibility of Long Life of Imam Al-Mahdi; A Quranic Study' in London
A webinar is set to be held today by an Islamic center in London with the focus on the long life of Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his glad advent).
USA: Orthodox Jewish Rabbis visited Shia Islamic Education Center in Illinois [Photos]
Two Orthodox Jewish Rabbis visited the Shia Islamic Education Center in Glendale Heights, Illinois.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer held in Ponta Grossa, Brazil
Eid al-Fitr prayer held at Imam Ali (a.s.) mosque in Ponta Grossa, Brazil.
Eid al-Fitr prayer held in Bradford, England
Eid al-Fitr prayer held at "Bait al-Qaem" Islamic Center in Bradford, England.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer held in Canberra, Australia
Eid al-Fitr prayer held at " Imam Hasan (a.s.)" Islamic Center in Canberra, Australia.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer held in Houston, US
Eid al-Fitr prayer held at " Dar al-Abbas" Islamic Center in Houston, US.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer held in Orebro, Sweden
Eid al-Fitr prayer held at "Karbala" Islamic Center in Orebro, Sweden.
Dua: Day 29 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 29 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Dua: Day 27 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 27 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Photos: Kentucky 'Who is Hussain' team packed holy Ramadan food boxes for families in need
The Kentucky (a US State) 'Who is Hussain' team packed food boxes for holy Ramadan and delivered them to families in need.
Dua: Day 25 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 25 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Photos: Revival third night of Qadr at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia
Revival the third night of Qadr was held at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia. 1443-2022.
Photos: On Martyrdom of Imam Ali volunteers of Who is Hussain distributed 100 litres of milk to needy in Jaipur, India
Who is Hussain' team in Jaipur of India in its annual ration distribution drive during the holy month of Ramadan provided a months ration to 45 downtrodden families across Jaipur.
Photos: Revival the third night of Qadr at Lady Zainab holy shrine, Damascus
Revival the third night of Qadr at Lady Zainab holy shrine, Damascus. 1443-2022.
Photos: Mourning procession on martyrdom of Imam Ali held in Tokyo, Japan
On 21th of Ramadan month the mourning procession on martyrdom of Imam Ali was held by Babul Ilm Hussainiya in Tokyo, Japan. 1443-2022.
USA: Hundreds observe Laylatul-Qadr in New York & Washington [photos]
Hundreds of Shia Muslims observed Lailatul Qadr (Night of Qadr) in New York and Washington, DC, on Sunday (24 Apr 2022) night.
Photos: Martyrdom of Imam Ali and revival of night of Qadr at Imam Hasan Centre of Canberra, Australia
Martyrdom of Imam Ali and revival of the night of Qadr was held at Imam Hasan Islamic Centre of Canberra, Australia. 1443-2022.
Photos: Revival night of Qadr at center of Imam al-Sadiq in Madison Heights, USA
Revival the night of Qadr at Islamic center of Imam al-Sadiq in Madison Heights city of Michigan state, USA. 1443-2022.
Dua: Day 23 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 23 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Photos: Mourning ceremony on martyrdom of Imam Ali held at Umm al-Banin Center of Essen, Germany
Mourning ceremony on martyrdom of Imam Ali was held at Umm al-Banin Center of Essen, Germany. 1443-2022.
Photos: Revival the second night of Qadr at al-Zahra Hussainiya of Vimmerby, Sweden
Revival the second night of Qadr was held at al-Zahra Hussainiya of Vimmerby, Sweden. 1443-2022.
Photos: Revival the second night of Qadr at Muslim Educational Community Center of America, Michigan
Revival the second night of Qadr at Muslim Educational Community Center of America, Michigan. 1443-2022.
Photos: Commemorating martyrdom of Imam Ali at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia
Commemorating martyrdom of Imam Ali at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia. 1443-2022.
Photos: The second night of Qadr held at Meshedi Dadash Masjid in Baku, Azerbaijan
The second night of Qadr was held at Meshedi Dadash Masjid in Baku, Azerbaijan. 1443-2022.
Photos: oldest images of Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine
Followings are the oldest images of the holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S).
Photos: The Second Night of Qadr at Askariyah holy shrine, Iraq
The Second Night of Qadr was held at al-Askariyah holy shrine, Samarra citu of Iraq 1443-2022.
Imam Reza shrine observes second Night of Qadr, Imam Ali martyrdom anniv.
Observing all health protocols related to the coronavirus pandemic, Imam Reza holy shrine’s General Directorate for Islamic Ideology Dissemination has programed a special ceremony for Iranian and foreign pilgrims on Ramadan’s second Night of Qadr and Imam Ali’s martyrdom anniversary.
Dua: Day 20 of Ramadhan [Video]
-Day 20 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Photos: First Night of Qadr ceremony held at Islamic Institute of Knowledge in Dearborn, Michigan State
First Night of Qadr ceremony was held at Islamic Institute of Knowledge in Dearborn, Michigan State 1443-2022.
Photos: First Night of Qadr held at al-Kawthar center in The Hague, Netherlands
The first Night of Qadr and the mourning ceremony on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali held at al-Kawthar center in The Hague, Netherlands 1443-2022.
Photos: First Night of Qadr Ceremony held at al-Sajjadiyya Hussainiyah of Moscow, Russia
First Night of Qadr Ceremony was held at al-Sajjadiyya Hussainiyah with presence of Grand Ayatollah al-Sistani representative in Moscow, Russia 1443-2022.
Photos: First Night of Qadr at Imam Ali Holy Shrine, Najaf
The First Night of Qadr was held at Imam Ali Holy Shrine, Najaf 1443-2022.
Explosion at Shia mosque in Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif leaves casualties
Two powerful explosions hit two mosques in Mazar-i-Sharif, the capital of Balkh province.
Photos: Celebration of Imam Hasan Mujtaba birthday at cultural center of Utrecht, Netherlands
Celebration of Imam Hasan Mujtaba birthday at cultural center of Utrecht, Netherlands 1443-2022.
Photos: Imam Hasan birth anniversary celebrated at Central Imam Bargha Budgam, Kashmir
Imam Hasan birth anniversary was celebrated at Central Imam Bargha Budgam, Kashmir 1443-2022.
Political life of Imam Hassan (AS)
Hassan (AS), the first child of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (SA), was born on March 4, 625 AD in Medina.
Australia: Birth celebration of Imam Hassan (AS) held in Canberra [photos]
Birth anniversary celebration of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) held at Imam Hassan Center of Canberra in Australia .
Dua: Day 16 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 16 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Imam Hasan Mujtaba's Introduction
The Holy Imam (A.S.) was the eldest child of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Bibi Fatima Zahra (A.S.). When the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) received the happy news of the birth of his grandson.
Dua: Day 15 of Ramadhan [Video]
Day 15 Dua of Ramadhan recited by Noureddine Alkathemy.
Imam Reza holy shrine holds special ceremony for Imam Hassan’s birth anniv.
Deputy Office for Islamic Ideology Dissemination of Imam Reza holy shrine has planned various religious, literary, and cultural programs for the pilgrims on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Hassan (AS), the second Imam in Shia Islam.
Imam Hasan Mujtaba Knowledge of Holy Qur'an
A Man came to Ibn Abbas and Ibn ‘Umar, and asked the interpretations of SHAAHID (Witness) and MASH-HOOD (One who is witnessed) in the Holy Quran.
Benefits of fasting for 30 days for the body
Ramadhan is a great opportunity to begin a healthy lifestyle and avoid various health related problems. Here are five benefits of doing intermittent fasting:
Imam Reza holy shrine holds ‘Quran: Meaning of Life’ exhibition
Holy Quran Center of Imam Reza holy shrine has embarked on holding ‘Quran: Meaning of Life’ exhibition during the fasting month of Ramadan in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashhad.
Al-Abbas shrine affiliated center launched program of Ramadan month in 13 African countries
The Center for African Studies, affiliated with the Department of intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, announced that it has organized a special program during the holy month of Ramadhan entitled: (Sufra Al-Kafeel) in 13 African countries.
Hazrat Khadijah demise anniversary held at Imam Reza holy shrine
Imam Reza holy shrine has programmed mourning ceremonies for demise anniversary of Hazrat Khadijah (SA), with full observance of health protocols.
Najaf: Astan of Imam Ali’s (AS) Holy Shrine feeding needy people during Ramadhan [photos]
The Astan of Imam Ali’s (AS) Holy Shrine distributes thousands of Iftar meals among the needy people during the holy Month of Ramadhan.
Photos: Reading Dua Iftitah of Ramadan month at Imam Ali Shrine
Reading Dua Iftitah in Ramadan (The Supplication of The Opening) at Imam Ali Shrine.
16th edition of Ramadan tent launched in Moscow
The 16th edition of the Ramadan Tent in Moscow was launched in the Russian capital by the country’s Spiritual Administration of Muslims.
Germany: 8th European Quran contest planned in Hamburg
The eighth edition of the European Quran competition will be held by the the Islamic Center Hamburg, during the holy Month of Ramadhan.
Right of Fasting by Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
Since sins are usually committed via the tongue, the eyes, the ears, the stomach or the unleashing of sexual desires, Imam Sajjad considers the philosophy behind fasting to be restraining oneself from committing sins.
Ramadan programs of Imam Reza holy shrine to air in different languages on social media
Management Office for News and Modern Media of Imam Reza holy shrine has embarked on airing special programs in five different languages on 12 social media platforms during the holy month of Ramadan.
Germany: Berlin Islamic Center holding Ramadan programs
Imam Ali (A.S.) Islamic Center in Berlin is staging various programs including Tarteel recitation of the Quran and iftar during month of Ramadan.
Month of Ramadan in memory of Karbala
It seems clear that this holy month may differ in the city of Karbala from the rest of the months with special features, which we may not find in other cities of Iraq," said the writer Ali al-Khabbaz, head of the read media division of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine.
Mashhad Quran exhibition to be held at various locations
The 15th edition of the Quran and Etrat exhibition of Mashhad will not be organized in one place unlike previous years.
Investigating the effects of Imam Hussain’s (AS) blood in the world and the effects of his light in the higher worlds (Part 2)
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Mercifull.
Investigating the effects of Imam Hussain’s (AS) blood in the world and the effects of his light in the higher worlds (Part 1)
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.
Al-Abbas holy shrine begins its month of Ramadan program with Quranic Khatma (+Photos)
The Al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine began this Sunday afternoon (1st of the month of Ramadan 1443 AH) corresponding to (April 3, 2022), its month of Ramadhan program with the Holy Quran Khatma organized by the Institute of the Holy Quran affiliated to the scientific complex of the Holy Quran, and is held daily in the courtyard of the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) with the participation of a group of readers.
Significance of Ramadhan according to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Every year the Month of Ramadhan comes and goes; every year we fast, yet without proper appreciation of the potentials of character building that the fasts hold for us.
Photo: Ramadhan’s Crescent Moon in sky of Hadhrat Abbas’s (AS) shrine
Crescent Moon of the holy Month of Ramadhan in the sky of the shrine of Hazrat Abul-Fadhl Al-Abbas (AS).
Eids of Shaban celebrated at al-Sadeq Academy in Windsor, Canada
Al-Sadeq Academy's Celebration Program in Windsor of Canada, Medal and Award Ceremony for Arabic and French Spelling Bee winners, and Fun Day Activities celebrating the birth anniversaries of Imam Hussain (A.S.), Abul Fadhl Al-Abbas (A.S.), and Imam Al-Sajjad (A.S.) 1443-2022.
Auspicious birthday of Imam Mahdi celebrated at Khatam al-Anbia Masjid in Quetta, Pakistan
Auspicious birthday of Imam Mahdi (aj) celebrated at Khatam al-Anbia Masjid in Quetta, Pakistan 1443-2022.
Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi celebrated at Imam Hassan Center in Annangrove, NSW of Australia
Birthday of Imam al-Mahdi celebrated at Imam Hassan Center in Annangrove, NSW of Australia 1443-2022.
Millions of pilgrims to celebrate 15th of Sha’ban in Karbala
In the midst of an increase in the number of pilgrims from inside and outside Iraq to celebrate15th of Sha’ban in the holy city of Karbala, which is expected to be in the millions, the Astan Quds Hussaini, ministries and service institutions have launched special projects.
Photos: Decorating Imam Ali holy shrine with natural flowers on eve of Imam Mahdi birthday
Decorating the holy shrine of Imam Ali with natural flowers on the eve of auspicious birth anniversary if Imam al-Mahdi 1443-2022.
UN condemns mass execution of 81 people in Saudi Arabia
The UN’s Human Rights Chief on Monday (14 Mar 2022) condemned Saudi Arabia‘s mass execution of 81 people during the course of a single day.
Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS)
Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS) was born on 11th of Shabaan 44 AH and he was the son of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (AS) and Umm-e-Laila (SA).
Auspicious birth of 'Ali Akbar' celebrated in Budgam of Jammu & Kashmir
Auspicious birth anniversary of 'Ali Akbar' celebrated in Budgam of Jammu & Kashmir 1443-2022.
Imam Mahdi birthday celebrated at Amir Al Mumineen Hussainiya of Gothenburg, Sweden
Imam Mahdi birthday celebrated at Amir Al Mumineen Hussainiya of Gothenburg, Sweden 1443-2022.
Imam Reza holy shrine attends international conference on pilgrimage in religions, nations
Researchers from Islamic Research Foundation of Imam Reza holy shrine have submitted articles on pilgrimage in religions and nations to the Second International Conference on Interfaith Dialogue.
Photos: ‘Who is Hussain’ London organised food drive in honour of Imam Hussain (AS)
Who is Hussain’ team in London, England organised a food drive in honour of Hussain ibn Ali (AS)’s birth anniversary.
Qom: Jamkaran Mosque being decorated for 15th Sha’aban Eid
The Jamkaran Mosque, is being decorated as the 15th Sha’aban Eid approaches.
Imam Hussain’s (AS) shrine organized Quranic program in Sydney
Imam Hussain’s (AS) shrine organized Quranic program in Australia’s Sydney on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of Imam Hussain (AS).
Imam Zainul Abedin Supplication on Excellence in Moral and Good Conduct
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abedin (a.s.) Supplication on Excellence in Moral and Good Conduct
Photos: Holy shrine of Imam Hussain overwhelmed with joy on his auspicious birth anniversary
Holy shrine of Imam Hussain overwhelmed with joy on his auspicious birth anniversary 1443-2022.
London Al-Khoei Foundation condemns continued attacks against Shia-Muslims in Pakistan
The Al-Khoei Foundation is deeply distressed at the loss of lives of Shia-Muslim worshippers in the most recent deadly attack on a Shia mosque during Friday prayers in Peshawar, Pakistan, on 4th March 2022, which killed at least 63 innocent worshippers and injured a further 200 people.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain' team in Jaipur, India shared joy with poor children by fruits, chips and chocolates
On the Auspicious occasion of the birth of Imam Hussain (a.s), 'Who is Hussain' team in Jaipur city in India shared the joy with the children of the slum area of Sitapura. The team spent quality time with the children and distributed fruits, chips and chocolates among them.
Celebrating Birth of Imam al-Hussain (A)
حسين بن علي بن أﺑﻲ طالب (ع)) (3rd Sha‘bān 4 AH - 10th Muharram 61 AH; 8 January 626 AD - 10 October 680 AD) was the grandson of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad (s a), and the son of ‘Imam Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib (a s) first Shia Imām and Hazrat Fātimah Zahra (a s) ,daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s a).
Imam Reza shrine replete with joy and light for beginning of Sha’ban
With the beginning of holy and auspicious month of Sha’ban, Imam Reza holy shrine has turned into a hub of joyful celebrations for arriving pilgrims and lovers of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) from different countries particularly from neighboring nations.
Audiobook “Imam Hussain (a.s.)” published in Spanish
Simultaneously with the blessed birth of Imam Hussain (a.s.), the audiobook “Imam Hussain (a.s.)” produced and published in Spanish, with the participation of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.This book narrates parts of the life of Imam Hussain (a.s.) and reports of his martyrdom and that of his loyal companions in the Ashura incident. The book begins with a brief description of the personal characteristics of Imam Hussain (a.s.).
Al-Abbas holy shrine decorated to celebrate holy month of Shaban (+Photos)
As in every year, with the first day of the holy month of Sha'ban, the month of the auspicious birth anniversaries of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), the al-Abbas's holy shrine like usual is decorated to show the joy and festivity, as the relevant departments have started decorating the holy sanctuary to reflect the festive atmosphere of this holy month in all the corridors of the holy shrine, in order to bring joy and happiness to the lovers and followers of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).
Holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) celebrates Eid al-Mab’ath
On the occasion of the 27th of Rajab, Holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) has programed many cultural and religious celebrations for pilgrims by fully observing health protocols.
Photos: Day of Mab'ath celebrated in Toronto, Canada
Day of Mab'ath celebrated in Toronto, Canada 1443-2022.
Photos: Congregation prayer in Imam Ali shrine at night of Mab'ath
Congregation prayer was performed in Imam Ali shrine at night of Mab'ath 1443-2022.
Al-Mab'ath 'Prophetic Mission' the day when Allah has brought people out from darkness into light
There are some days and night that God has made special and gave a great position as they were linked to some events that have affected the march of Islam and Muslims, among of which is the day of the appointment to the Prophetic mission which falls in the 27th of Rajab.
Imam Musa al-Kadhim and Christian scholar
Imam Kazim (as) was not only superior to all the scholars and scientists of his time in knowledge, but he was also famous for his moral virtues and high humane characteristics.
Photos: Millions of Pilgrims walk towards holy shrine of Imam al-Kadhim on his martyrdom anniversary
Millions of Pilgrims are walking towards the holy shrine of Imam al-Kadhim (pbuh) to commemorate his martyrdom anniversary. 1443-2022.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Imam al-Kadhim in Khalishpur of Khulna, Bangladesh
A mourning majlis organized on 26th February 2022 in commemoration of martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa Kazim (pbuh) at Qasre Abbas Hussainiyah in Khalishpur, Khulna, Bangladesh.
Photos: Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine mourns on Imam Kazim’s martyrdom anniversary
Imam Kazim’s martyrdom anniversary was held at Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine in Qom.
Demise anniversary of Hazrat Zainab to be held in London (+Poster)
Demise anniversary of Hazrat Zainab (s.a.) will be held in Islamic center of London.
The Role of Sayyida Zaynab Bint Ali
The ruin and confusion brought about by the atrocious army was so great that Zeinab, the daughter of Ali (a.s.), had great difficulty in gathering the orphaned children, whom she had to appease and to appease and console till late midnight.
Photos: Food distribution on birth anniv. of Imam Ali by Anjuman Panjatani of Khulna, Bangladesh
Anjuman Panjatani of Khulna, Bangladesh distributed food to passerby on the occasion of auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Ali (A). 1443-2022.
Demise anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab marked in Damascus
A mourning ceremony was held at the holy shrine of Hazrat Zaynab (SA) in Damascus, Syria, on the demise anniversary of the great lady.
Photos: Sayyida Zaynab mourning ceremony at Imam al-Hussain shrine
Sayyida Zaynab mourning ceremony was held at Imam al-Hussain shrine 1443-2022.
Sweden: Imam Ali’s (AS) birthday celebration in Orbero
Imam Ali’s (AS) birthday celebration was held at Karbala Centre of Orebro, Sweden 1443-2022. Ali bin Abi Talib (علي بن أبي طالب) known as Imam Ali (AS) (b.
13th of Rajab: Birth anniversary of the commander of Faithful Ali Ibn Abi Talib inside holy Kaaba
One of the important and unique incidents that occurred in the holy Ka'aba is the birth of the Commander of the Faithful;
Photos: Imam Ali birth anniversary celebrated in Dagestan
Imam Ali (a.s.) birth anniversary celebrated at Jome mosque in Dagestan.
Photo: Group of Sunni scholars from India visit Imam Reza’s (A.S.) holy shrine in Mashhad
Group of Sunni scholars from India visit Imam Reza’s (AS) holy shrine in Mashhad, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Imam Jawad (A.S): Biography, Characteristics & Teachings
Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Musa (810-835 AD) is the ninth Imam of the Shia Muslims and is known as Jawad (AS).
Photos: Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine in the Month of Rajab
Imam Ali’s (A.S) holy shrine in the month of Rajab.
Photos: Crowds of visitors commemorate martyrdom of Imam Al-Hadi at his holy shrine in Samarra
The Holy Shrine of Imam al-Hadi and Imam al-Askari (peace be upon both of them) witnessed the influx of visitors from different provinces and countries, offering condolences to the Master of the Order and Time (may God hasten his holy reappearance) on the anniversary of the martyrdom of his grandfather, Imam Ali al-Hadi (peace be upon him).
Children’s book about life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) published in Sri Lanka
An originally Persian book titled “Stories As Sweet As Honey”, which tells the story of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) life for children in a simple language, has been translated into Sinhala and published in Sri Lanka.
Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam Muhammad Baqir
The Fifth Infallible Imam of the Shi'ite Muslims 'Imam Muhammad Baqir', the initiator of sciences and the heir of the knowledge of the Prophets was born on the first day of the month of Rajab in the year 57 Hijrah in the holy city of Medina. On this happy and auspicious occasion we extend our heartiest and joyous greetings to all the followers and lovers of holy Ahlul Bayt (PBUT).
Aspects of Imam al-Hadi personality
The qualities of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.) were like the qualities of his fathers who were distinguished by them over all people.
The Common Ziyarah of Imam Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari
I thus beseech Allah, my and your Lord, that He may decide that the rewards of my visit to you to be His sending blessings upon Muhammad and his Household
Islamic Republic of Iran: Over 30 million pilgrims visit Mashhad annually
Mashhad Governor Mohsen Davari said more than 30 million pilgrims visit the holy city in northeast Iran every year.
Karbala: Imam Hussain’s (A.S) shrine prepares for burial of the Grand Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani [photos]
Al-Furat News Agency, quoting a source informed of the readiness of the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) to welcome the body of the Grand Ayatollah Safi Golpayegani.
Italian book seeking to introduce Shia community
A recently-published book titled "Shi'as in Italy: The Path of Minor Islam in Diaspora" seeks to illustrates the role, practices and ethnic composition of the Shia communities of Italy.
“Hadiths of Lady Fatimah (a.s.)” published in Urdu
Collection of “Hadiths of Lady Fatimah (a.s.)” by the late Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Dashti was translated and published in Urdu in India.
Najaf Ashraf: Library of Imam Ali’s (A.S.) shrine inaugurated
The library of the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (A.S.) in Najaf was inaugurated in presence of Iraqi and Iranian officials.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers in London gift roses to passerby on birth anniversary of Lady Fatima
In honour of Hussain ibn Ali's mother, Fatima binte Muhammad's birth anniversary 'Who is Hussain?' team in London dedicated this week gifting roses to the general public with Who Is Hussain? information packs. 1443-2021.
British girl coverts to Islam in London
Gabriella, a 22-year-old English, and Catholic, attended the celebration of the birthday anniversary of Lady Fatima in the Islamic Center of London, converted to Islam, and chose the name Fatemeh for herself.
Brief history of Prophet (s) and his daughter Fatima (a), the confluence of two Lights
This lecture look at the Prophet [SAW], and his daughter Bibi Fatima [AS] who constitutes the link in between the Prophet [SAW] and the line of the Imams [AS].
Courtyard between two holy sanctuaries celebrate birth of Lady Fatima (+Photos)
The Hussayni Rites and Processions Department in the two holy shrines held this evening, Monday (20 Jumada al-Thaniya 1443 AH) corresponding to (January 24, 2022), its annual central ceremony to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Lady of the Women of the Worlds Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her), in an atmosphere of joy and overwhelming happiness that pervaded the courtyard between the Two Holy Shrines.
Imam Hussain’s (A.S) shrine among world’s five popular pilgrimage sites
The holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) has been recognized among the five most popular destinations for pilgrimage in the world, Vietnamese daily reported.
Festival for women underway in Iraq marking Hazrat Zahra birthday
A festival has been organized for Iraqi women on the occasion of birth anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA).
Basic principles of Islam: Imam Ridha’s (AS) letter to Maʾmun
The Abbasid Caliph, Ma’mun, wrote to Imam Ridha (AS) asking him to explain the basic tenets of Islam to him. In response, the Imam (AS) wrote a short treatise. We will now highlight some sections of it:
16 countries attend International Quranic Conference in Karbala
An international conference kicked off in Iraq’s Karbala on Monday that seeks to unify arbitration regulations of Quran competition internationally.
Int’l congress on Hazrat Hamza (a.s.) scheduled for early February
A faculty member of Al-Mustafa International University said that an international congress with a focus on Hazrat Hamza ibn Abd al-Muttalib (AS) will be held in Qom on February 3.
Shia, Sunni Muslims attend conference on "Message of Prophet Muhammad" in Lahore
The great conference "Message of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)" with the axis of boosting Islamic solidarity was held as a number of senior Shia and Sunni authorities attended the event in Lahore.
Mashhad: Twelve people converted to Islam at Imam Reza’s (AS) shrine in 2021
A total of 12 individuals from different backgrounds and nationalities converted to Islam at the holy Shrine of Imam Reza (A.S.) in Mashhad in 2021.
Demise Anniversary of Ummul Baneen Wife of Imam Ali / Biography
Hadrat Fatima bint-e-Hazm bin Khalid (also known as Umm-ul-Baneen) was the wife of Imam Ali (a.s.) and mother of Hadrat Abbas (a.s.).
Photos: Mourning ceremony for demise anniversary of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (s.a.) held in Karbala
Mourning ceremony for demise anniversary of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (s.a.) was held at Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) holy shrine in Karbala.
The Nurturing Role of Lady Fatimah (S.A.)
Lady Fatimah (S.A.) was an illustration of a perfect woman, or rather, a perfect human being within the Islamic faith.
Commemorating martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima in Karbala (+Photos)
The holy city of Karbala, the capital of the Hussayni rituals and its holy shrines, was overwhelmed with grief and mourning for more than three days, as if it was living the Ashura days of Imam al-Hussayn (peace be upon him), and that the month of Muharram has returned.
Nigeria: Muslims in northern states mourn martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (S.A.)
Muslims in the Bauchi State of Nigeria held the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah (SA), the daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his Progeny).
Photos: Religious theatrical play staged between the two holy shrines in Karbala
The square between the Two Holy Shrines hosted a religious theatrical play that shed light on parts of the life of Lady Az-Zahra (peace be upon her).
Photos: Hazrat Zahra’s (S.A) mourning ceremony held in Moscow
Lady Fatima’s (SA) martyrdom anniversary was held at Hazrat Zahra’s (SA) Center in Moscow.
Al-Abbas’s (AS) holy shrine: New humanitarian service for homeless children
The Al-Abbas’s (p) Holy Shrine, through its affiliated center (Compassionates between each other), launched a humanitarian initiative called the “Warmth Caravan”, aimed at distributing winter coats to more than (1,000) homeless children in ten Iraqi governorates.
Shia Graph: Birth Story of Jesus Christ (A.S) In the Holy Quran
The birth story of Jesus Christ (A.S) is mentioned in the Surah Maryam of the Holy Quran.
Hadiths of Lady Fatimah (a.s.)” published in Urdu
Collection of “Hadiths of Lady Fatimah (a.s.)” by the late Hojat al-Islam Mohammad Dashti was translated and published in Urdu in India.
What are the characteristics of good friends according to Prophet Jesus (AS)?
It is narrated that the Prophet Isa/Jesus (AS) described to his companions the characteristics of those who they can socialise with:
Book: Female religious authority in Shi’i Islam
The book examines 13 cases of women exercising religious authority in Shia Islam from the classical period to the present.
12th International Intensive Course in Shia Studies to be held in Iran
Iranian University of Religions and Denominations will organize the 12th Intensive Course in Shia Studies from 24 February to 4 March 2022.
Iraq: New German Ambassador visits holy shrines in Karbala
Germany’s new Ambassador to Iraq traveled to the holy city of Karbala on Wednesday. During the trip, Martin Jaeger visited the holy shrines of Imam Hussain (A.S.) and Hazrat Abbas (A.S.), reported.
How can the wisdom of a believer be completed?
It is narrated from the eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha (AS) who said:
What is the effect of irrational action?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Photos: Ghazriya youth distributes food on martyrdom of Sayyida al-Zahra near al-Abbas shrine
For the fourth day, the youth of Ghazriya distributes hot food on martyrdom anniversary of Sayyida al-Zahra near holy shrine of al-Abbas in Karbala.
Fatimah is Fatimah: How is Fatimah (SA) a symbol of ‘Islamic thought’? (Part 1)
Fatimah is Fatimah is a Compilation of lectures given by Dr Shariati about the life of Fatimah Zahra (SA), the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH) and how she is a manifestation and a symbol of the way and an essential direction of ‘Islamic thought’ .
Imam Ali (A.S.) shrine hosts mourners of Hazrat Zahra (S.A.)
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf hosted a mourning ceremony on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (S.A.).
Photos: Lady Fatimah(S.A) martyrdom anniversary held at Karbala Center of Orebro, Sweden
Lady Fatimah(S.A) martyrdom anniversary was held at Karbala Center of Orebro, Sweden 1443-2021.
Mourning ceremony of Hazrat Zahra's martyrdom held at Imam Reza holy shrine
Fully observing all possible health protocols, Imam Reza holy shrine has held some special programs to commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA).
Photos: Hazrat Zahra mourning ceremony held at Ahlulbayt World Assembly
Mourning ceremony of Hazrat Zahra's martyrdom was held at Ahlulbayt World Assembly in Qom.
Which characteristics can lead the believer to the heaven?
It is narrated that a man had the honour of meeting with the Prophet of Islam (PBUH).
Lady Fatimah’s (S.A.) role as an educator in society
Lady Fatima (S.A.) maintained the roles of being a considerate daughter, a loyal wife, a loving mother, and an accomplished educator for her community and for women for centuries to come. Hadhrat Fatimah (S.A.) is the highest woman in knowledge, purity, patience and piety that history has ever known.
Holy shrine of al-Abbas covered in black for commemoration of martyrdom of Lady Zahra (+Photos)
The shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) was covered with the largest black cloth of condolences after the mourning season of Imam al-Hussayn (may Allah's peace be upon him) in Muharram and Safar, in order to commemorate and recall the martyrdom anniversary of the dearest of creation to the Messenger of God (may Allah's prayers be upon him and his family.
Maqam of Imam Mahdi in Karbala hosts mourning gathering commemorating martyrdom of lady Fatima (+Photos)
The Maqam of Imam al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his holy reappearance) in the Holy city of Karbala hosted a mourning assembly to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Lady az-Zahra (peace be upon her) organized by the body of al-Slalmah Gate in cooperation with the Maqam Department at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine.
What are the effects of lies, jealousy and malice?
The First Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Photos: Sayyida Zainab birthday celebrated at Al-Huda Islamic center of Toronto, Canada
Sayyida Zainab birthday was celebrated at Al-Huda Islamic center of Toronto, Canada 1443-2021.
Photos: Shiite Muslims celebrate birthday of Lady Zainab at al-Qaem center of Berlin, Germany
Shiite Muslims celebrate birthday of Lady Zainab at al-Qaem center of Berlin, Germany 1443-2021.
Iraq: International conference held on Mahdism in Kadhimiya
The tenth edition of an international conference on Mahdism was held in Kadhimiya, a northern neighborhood of the city of Baghdad, Iraq.
Photos: Imam Ali’s (AS) shrine decorated with flowers on the auspicious birthday of his daughter ‘Seyyedah Zainab (SA)’
Imam Ali’s (A.S.) shrine was decorated with flowers and green banners on the auspicious birthday of his daughter ‘Seyyedah Zainab (SA)’ 1443-2021.
Photos: Tuggeranong Church delegation visited Imam Hassan (AS) Centre of Canberra in Australia
Deputy Leader of the opposition and delegation from Tuggeranong Church community visited Academy of Imam Hassan (AS) Centre of Canberra (IHCC) to discuss how wider communities can be supported.
What happens to oppressors and liars?
In a letter to Moawiyah (the Umayyad Ruler), the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) wrote:
When must a believer ask God for salvation?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said
Receiving visitors of shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas with flowers on birth anniversary of Lady Zainab (+Photos)
The servants of the shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) from the Sayed Servants Division of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine are welcoming the visitors from the early hours of the morning with sweets and roses, accompanied by the most beautiful expressions of congratulations on the birth anniversary of the heroine of Karbala; Lady Zaynab (peace be upon her), which coincides with this Friday, the fifth of the month of Jumada al-Ula.
What is the effect of discrimination on societies according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Then I was Guided: The Prophetic Traditions which persuaded Muslims to follow Imam Ali (A.S) (Part 1)
The Prophetic Traditions which persuaded me to follow Imam Ali (AS) were those I have read in the Shia of the Sunni references and they were approved by the Shia, and they have many more. But as usual I only referred to the Prophetic Traditions that have been agreed on by both parties, and here are some of them:
Can materialistic motivation be counted for the hereafter?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Can wise behaviour lead to prosperity?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
What are the benefits of Dua?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
India: Urdu translation of ‘History of Shiism’ published
An Urdu translation of the book “History of Shiism (from the beginning to the end of the Minor Occultation)” was published in India.
What is the benefit of avoiding anger?
It is narrated that one day a man came to see the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and said:
Photos: Delegation of Muslims from Europe and Africa visited Imam Ali holy shrine in Najaf
A delegation of Muslims from Europe and Africa, chaired by the Al-Hadrat Al-Qadiriyah visited Imam Ali holy shrine in Najaf.
What is the true description of this world?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Spanish translation of the English book on Lady Masumah published
Sheikh Mohammad Ali Shomali announced that in rememberance of the sad demise anniversary of Lady Masumah, daughter of 7th Shia Imam, the Spanish translation of the English book on Lady Masumah is published.
What factors lead to the decline of a nation according to Imam Ali (AS)?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Photos: Birthday celebration of Imam Hasan Askari at Imam al-Muntadhar center of Southwest Ohio, US
: Birthday celebration of if Imam Hasan Askari was held at Imam al-Muntadhar center of Southwest Ohio, US.
Photos: Imam Hasan Askari birthday celebrated at Imam Zaman Mosque in Pathum Thani, Thailand
Imam Hasan Askari birthday was celebrated at Imam Zaman Mosque in Pathum Thani, Thailand.
Photos: Hazrat Masoumah demise anniversary commemorated in Qom
Mourning ceremony of Hazrat Masoumah's (s.a.) demise anniversary was held at holy shrine in Qom.
Arbaeen photo exhibition held in Rome
Arbaeen march photo exhibition was held for two days from 13-14 November in Rome, the capital of Italy.
Did social security exist in Imam Ali’s (AS) time?
It is narrated that at the time of Imam Ali’s (AS) Caliphate, a blind old man was begging in the street.
People of Karbala preparing to commemorate death anniversary of Lady Masumah in her holy shrine
The people of Karbala and their united mourning procession, in coordination with the Department of Hussayni Rites, Processions and bodies of the two holy shrines of Imam al-Hussayn and al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them), concluded the preparations for their commemoration of the death anniversary of Lady Fatima al-Ma'soomah (peace be upon her), on the tenth of Rabi’ Thani at her holly shrine in the holy city of Qom.
Al-Azhar scholars visit Imam Ali (AS) holy shrine
A number of scholars from Egypt’s Al-Azhar Islamic Center visited the holy mausoleum of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf, Iraq.
How did Imam Ali (AS) describe the Haram World?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Austria: First time participation of “International Shia Publications” in Vienna Exhibition
ILogos International Publishing will be presenting the “Scientific Discourse of Shi’ism” on the world stage at the Vienna International Exhibition.
Ceremonies in Rey to mark Hazrat Abdul Azim (AS) birthday
Several ceremonies will be held in Rey, south of Tehran next week to celebrate the birthday of Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS).
Can God be seen?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" volunteers help 200 families in a small village in Tanzania with necessary food items
Mkumbara is a small village in Tanga region of Tanzania where locals depend on farming for their livelihood. Recently it was attacked by 20 elephants and most of their crops were destroyed! The villagers contacted our organisations for assistance. "Who is Hussain?"
Christian young man converts to Islam at Imam Reza holy shrine
A 30-year-old young man from Mauritius Island has converted to Islam at Imam Reza holy shrine in Mashhad, northeast Iran, after expressing his words of testimony.
Photos: Birthday celebration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) & Imam Sadiq (AS) held at Bazme Ahlebayt Center in Perth, Australia
Birthday celebration of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) & Imam Sadiq (AS) was held at Bazme Ahlebayt Center in Perth, Western Australia 1443-2021.
Photos: Welcoming symbolic caravan of Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) in Qom
On the occasion of the anniversary of the arrival of Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) in Qom, the people and pilgrims of Qom welcomed the symbolic caravan of Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.).
Photos: Conference of Sunni, Shiite scholars, thinkers in Tanzania
On the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h), a conference of Sunni and Shiite Ulama and thinkers was held in the Dar es Salaam, by the representative of Al-Mustafa (p.b.u.h) International University, in cooperation with the Cultural Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tanzania.
Shiite population in Congo Kinshasa growing every year: Massampo Al-Ameli
In an interview with ABNA, the representative of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in Congo Kinshasa explained the situation of Shiites in the country.
What are the basic principles in life according to Imam Sadeq (AS)?
It is narrated that the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) was asked:
Chilean Director seeking to introduce Imam Hussain (A.S) to Latin America
A Chilean director has traveled to Karbala to produce a documentary about Imam Hussain (A.S) and Muslims’ ceremonies to commemorate him.
Why fairness is so important in Islam?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who told Imam Ali (AS):
Imam Sadiq (A.S) | Biography, Characteristics & Teachings
Jaʿfar ibn Muhammad ibn Ali (702-765 AD) is the sixth Imam of the Shia Muslims and is known as Sadiq (AS).
Why respecting the Ahlul Bayt (AS) of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is so important?
It is narrated that Abu Hanifah the Founder of Hanafi denomination visited the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) to benefit from Imam’s (AS) speech/advice. At the time Imam (AS) was going out of the house while having a walking stick in his hand.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended public participation to people
The power structure formed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was based on public participation.
Photos: Birth celebration of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Sadiq at Fatima Zahra Center of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Birth celebration of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Sadiq at Fatima Zahra Center of Sao Paulo, Brazil 1443-2021.
Photos: Birth celebration of Prophet Muhammad, Imam al-Sadiq at al-Mahdi Center of Toronto, Canada
Birth celebration of Prophet Muhammad, Imam al-Sadiq at al-Mahdi Center of Toronto, Canada 1443-2021.
Photos: Prophet Muhammad birthday celebrated in Bauchi and Jos of Nigeria
Prophet Muhammad birthday celebrated in Bauchi and Jos of Nigeria 1443-2021.
Prophet of Islam (PBUH): Biography, Characteristics & Teachings
Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim (570-632) is the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and the last Divine Prophet (PBUH) whose greatest miracle is the Holy Quran.
Imam Reza holy shrine celebrates birth anniv. of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Imam Reza holy shrine is holding week-long ceremonies to mark the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with the slogan of “Blessing to Humanity”.
What methods Ahlul Bayt (AS) adopt in difficult times?
When the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) decided to move from Mecca toward Iraq, he stood up and recited a sermon by saying:
Imam Mahdi (A.J) & followers of other religions
One of the controversial issues of New Theology in the field of Mahdism is the issue of the mode of conduct of Imam Mahdi (A.J) with followers of other religions during the re-appearance period. Unfortunately, it has been a long time that, due to misconceptions and superficial understanding of some Shia texts and narratives, the belief in the violent and harsh conduct of the Imam (A.J) with non-Muslims has infiltrated into the minds.
Photos: Brazilian Shia cleric help people who forgotten by society
On children's day Brazilian Shia cleric, Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul, help people who forgotten by society.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers in Perth, Australia give roses, water bottles to passersby in the name of Imam al-Hussain
Who is Hussain?' volunteers gave roses and water bottles to passersby in the name of Imam al-Hussain in Arbaeen.
Photos: Hundreds of thousand pilgrims attend holy shrine of Askariyah on martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari
Hundreds of thousand pilgrims attended holy shrine of Askariyah on martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (AS).
Photos: Holy shrine Lady Fatima Masumah on Martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari
Holy shrine Lady Fatima Masumah on Martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari (PBUT) 1443-2021.
What must one do before prohibiting others from inappropriate acts?
The first Shia Imam, Ali (AS) said:
Photos: Pilgrim children on route to Imam Ali (a.s.) holy shrine
Every year on the 28th of Safar, which is the anniversary of the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the day of the pilgrimage of Imam Ali (a.s.), millions of Iraqis from different citiecome to Najaf Ashraf. Many children took part in the march.
Photos: 1st Congregational Prayers Hazrat Abbas holy shrine after 19 months
Earlier, an official with the Astan (custodianship) of Hazrat Abbas (AS) holy shrine said that congregational prayers would resume while complying with the health protocols, including social distancing. The Astan had suspended Friday prayers at the holy mausoleum in March 2020 due to concerns about spread of the coronavirus.
London: Europe’s biggest ever Imam Ali (A.S) Exhibit underway
London is now hosting the biggest and most expensive Islamic exhibits which focuses its entire attention to the life and legacy to the cousin and son in law of Islam’s holy prophet Muhammed (PBUH). The Imam Ali (AS) Exhibit takes viewers on an interactive journey through the life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS).
Photos: Servants of Imam Ridha’s (A.S) shrine mourn his martyrdom anniversary
Servants of Imam Ridha’s (A.S) shrine mourn his martyrdom anniversary.
Who are the best servants of God according to Imam Ridha (AS)?
It is narrated from the eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha/reza (AS) who said: The best servants of Allah (SWT) are those who:
Why some societies are dominated by bad people according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Al-Khoei Foundation condemns the gruesome killing of Shia Muslim worshippers in an attack in Kunduz, Afghanistan
Following the terrorist attacks at a Shia Mosque during Friday prayers in Kunduz , Al-khoei Foundation, a leading Shia organisation based in London issued a statement and said “The Al-Khoei Foundation is devastated at the loss of lives of Shia worshippers in a suicide bombing at a Shia Mosque during Friday prayers in Kunduz, Afghanistan, on 8th October 2021, which killed at least 50 Shia Muslims and injured more than 100 people.
Photos: Mourning ceremony of Prophet demise, Imam Hassan martyrdom at Imam Ali holy shrine
Mourning ceremony of Prophet demise, Imam Hassan martyrdom was held at Imam Ali holy shrine in Najaf.
What is Imam Ali’s (AS) instruction for interacting with people?
Regarding how to interact with people, the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) advised his son by saying:
Photos: Arbaeen mourning ceremony in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
Arbaeen mourning ceremony was held in Koumassi of Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Astan Quds Razavi announces Imam Reza (a.s.) martyrdom anniversary programs
Astan Quds Razavi has announced scientific, cultural, and religious programs arranged on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversaries of Imam Reza (AS) and Imam Hassan (AS) as well as special programs for demise anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in final days of the lunar Month of Safar.
Flag brought to Karbala with Swedish Shiites signature
Imam of “AhlulBayt (a.s.)” Husseiniyya of Malmo said, “I carry a flag that was signed by 200 Shiites in Malmo who couldn’t be honored to participate in the Arbaeen Walk, and I performed the pilgrimage on their behalf.”
The significance of Arbaeen Walk in unity of religious denominations
Although Arbaeen is initiated by Shia Muslims as spiritual re-awakening, the participants include Sunnis, Ibadis, Christians, Jews, Yazidis, and Zoroastrians as both pilgrims and volunteers in service of the devotees. It is clear that people from all walks of life see Imam Hussain (A.S.) as a universal and meta-religious symbol of courage, compassion, love, and freedom.
What is the difference between the behaviours of the believers and the hypocrites?
It is narrated from the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) who said:
A photo of the Grand Ayatollah Khoei in Arbaeen Walk
The following photo is the participation of the Grand Ayatollah Khoei in the Arbaeen Walk from Najaf Ashraf to Karbala, which took place at the age of about forty (more than eighty years ago).
Photos: Arbaeen March in Stockholm
The Arbaeen procession was held on Sunday (September 26, 2021) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photos: Serving Arbaeen pilgrims on route from Najaf to Karbala
The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (a.s.) and the Holy Shrine of Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) distribute thousands of meals daily among the Arbaeen pilgrims by setting up Moukebs on the route from Najaf to Karbala.
Over 14 million pilgrims taking part in Arbaeen procession in Karbala
More than 14 million people are participating in the Arbaeen procession in Iraq, officials of the Karbala Province said.
What did the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) say about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS)?
It is reported that two years after the birth of the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS), the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) went on a trip and on his way stopped in a place and recited the words of Istirja’a: “Inna Lillah wa Inna Ilayhe Rajiun (Verily we belong to Allah (SWT) and verily to God we shall return)” and cried.
I came to Arbaeen Walk with 50 Canadian citizens: Shiite missionary from Canada
A Shiite missionary to Canada said, “The Arbaeen pilgrimage strengthen relations between Muslims and different countries.”
Thought, good conduct, most important message of Arbaeen Walk: French pilgrim
On the lessons that can be learned from the Arbaeen walk, a French pilgrim said, “In the Arbaeen Walk, not only Shiites but all the people of the world learn to have the best behavior and deeds towards each other.”
Photos: Serving of Moukeb of Imam Ali holy shrine to Arbaeen pilgrims
The Moukeb of Al-Murtada, affiliated with the Imam Ali (a.s.) holy shrine, serves the Arbaeen pilgrims on the 96th pillar on the route from Najaf to Karbala.
How can a sinner avoid committing sins?
It is narrated that a man came to see the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) and said:
Infographic: Procession of Arbaeen is Shia identity
The procession of Arbaeen is Shia identity.
Photos: Campaign on 'Hussain For Justice' in Calcutta; water, cake, pamphlet distributed to create awareness about Imam Hussain
Campaign for #HussainForJustice was held in Calcutta (Kolkata) on 19th September 2021.
Photos: Imam Hussain lovers walking to Karbala, cross borders of Muthanna arrived Hamza city
The Hussayni crowds continue their march towards the Qiblah of the Free-men and the Kaaba of Steadfastness; Karbala, to perform the Ziyarat Arba'een. No fatigue, no stress and no boredom, as long as the goal is the honor of visiting Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him) on the anniversary of the 40 day after his martyrdom anniversary.
Holy shrine of Al-Abbas announces preparation of 350 female medical and nursing volunteers (+Photos)
The Female Unit of al-Siddiqah al-Tahirah (A) of the Medical Affairs Division at the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine announced that it has received 350 female volunteers from the medical and nursing staff, for the purpose of involving them in the health plan of the Ziyarat Arba'een, after being trained through skills and development courses in a way that contributes to improving their level and ensuring their complete readiness.
What is the difference between a true Shia and a person who likes Imam Hussain (AS)?
It is narrated that a man told the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS):
Speech of Lady Zainab a proof of her exceptional eloquence
At his court, Yazeed recited the blasphemous poetic verses of Abdullah bin Zab'ari Sahmi which he had composed while he was an unbeliever and also added some poetic verses of his own and said openly that he wanted to take revenge upon the descendants of Muhammad because Muhammad and his companions had killed his polytheist ancestors.
International webinar: “The Role of Imam Sajjad (AS) In Consolidating Islam’s Foundations”
The International webinar entitled:
Photos: Arbaeen pilgrims walk towards Karbala
Photos: Arbaeen pilgrims walk towards Karbala.
Photos: Azadari of Imam Hussain at Mohibane Karbala Center in Birmingham
Azadari of Imam Hussain at Mohibane Karbala Center in Birmingham, England 1443-2021.
Photos: Ladies held mourning ceremony for Hazrat Ruqayyah in Bani Hayyan village of Marjeyoun District
Ladies of Bani Hayyan village in Marjeyoun District, Lebanon organized mourning ceremony for Hazrat Ruqayyah the daughter of Imam Hussain.
Photos: Reciting Ziyarat Ashura and mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba at Kadhimiya holy shrine
Reciting Ziyarat Ashura and mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba at Kadhimiya holy shrine, Iraq 1443-2021.
Arbaeen International Congress Held In Karbala
The 5th edition of Arbaeen International Congress was held for two days at Khatam-ul-Anbiya (PBUH) Hall of the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (AS) in Karbala, Iraq. According to, the youth and facing the systematic intellectual and cultural attacks was the main theme of the program held on September 10 and 11.
Photos: Brazilian Shia cleric ‘Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul’ distributes snacks and juice to needy people in Sao Paulo
On Sunday 12th September the Brazilian Shia cleric ‘Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul’ distributed 400 snacks and more than 50 litres of juice to needy people during the Month of Safar in Princess Isabel Square of Sao Paulo.
Photos: Mourning Majlis on Sayyida Ruqayya martyrdom held at Husainiya Fatima Zahra of Istanbul
Mourning Majlis on Sayyida Ruqayya martyrdom held at Husainiya Fatima Zahra of Istanbul, Turkey.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Sayyida Roghayeh held at her holy shrine in Damascus
The mourning ceremony for the martyrdom of Sayyida Roghayeh was held in her shrine in Damascus 1443-2021.
Community that will cry over Imam Hussain (AS)
It has been narrated in few books of trustworthy contemporaries that:
Photos: Third conference of Shia preachers and religious scholars of Scandinavia countries held in Malmo
Third conference of the Shia preachers and religious scholars from Scandinavia countries under the auspices of representative of the supreme religious authority was organized in Malmo, Sweden.
Photos: Muharram mourning at Imam Al-Sajjad (AS) Hussainiya in Damascus
Muharram mourning at Imam Al-Sajjad (AS) Hussainiya in Damascus, Syria 1443-2021.
Why the believers need to act before it is too late?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
What did Imam Ali (AS) do about illegal wealth when he became the Islamic Caliph?
In his second day in office as the Islamic Caliph, the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said to people:
Photos: Raising flag of Imam Hussain (A.S) to the top of Pedra Bonita in Rio de Janeiro
Raising the flag of Imam Hussain (A.S) to the top of Pedra Bonita in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1443-2021.
Photos: Muharram mourning nights at Imam al-Reza Hussainiya in Amerli town
Muharram mourning nights at Imam al-Reza Hussainiya in Amerli town, Iraq.
How did Imam Ali (AS) treat his enemies at war?
In one of the battles between polytheists (Moshrikin) and Muslims and in the middle of the war the sword of one of the enemy’s soldiers who was fighting against Imam Ali (AS) broke. That Moshrik person said to Imam Ali (AS):
Photos: First group of pilgrims start Arbaeen March in Basra
As the Arbaeen season approaches, the first group of pilgrims in the southern Iraqi city of Basra began marching toward the holy city of Karbala.
The Arrival of Ahlul Bayt (AS) at the Moment of Death
It is mentioned in many traditions that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Ali bin Abi Talib (AS) and, according to some narrations, even the Holy five (Panjetan), and also all the fourteen Infallibles (AS) arrive at the head of the dying person.
Muharram and Safar a time of Mourning
For the followers of the Ahlul Bayt (AS), the first two months of the Islamic year are a time of grief and mourning.
300 thousand meals provided by host restaurant of the Al-Abbas’s (A.S) holy shrine during Ashura
The Host Restaurant Department of the Al-Abbas’s (AS) Holy Shrine announced that it has provided (300,000) meals for the visitors during the Ziyarat Ashura, starting from the first to the thirteenth of Muharram, when the burial of the holy bodies of Imam Hussain, his family and companions (peace be upon them) was commemorated. The meals were prepared and distributed by following the public health and safety conditions, in order to preserve the safety of visitors and those who are honored to serve them.
Women’s Sacrifices In Ashura Uprising
There are some unique characteristics in the story of Karbala.
Photos: Distribution of drinking water in the name of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Lisbon
Distribution of drinking water in the name of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Lisbon, Portugal 1443-2021.
Arbaeen International Headquarters establishes in Latin American region
The Arbaeen International Headquarters established for the first time in the Latin American region with the participation of cultural activists from these countries.
What do the Qur’an and Sunnah say about Gnosis?
At a number of places in the Holy Qur’an Allah (SWT) has directed people to ponder over the contents of the Holy Book and not to pass by them cursorily In a large number of verses, the universe and the entire creation have been described as Allah’s (SWT) signs.
Photos: Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Masom of Chicago, Illinois State
Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Masom of Chicago, Illinois State, US.
Photos: “Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Buenos Aires organized ‘Blood Donation Campaign’ in Muharram
“Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Buenos Aires, Argentina organized Blood Donation Campaign in Muharram 1443-2021.
How Does Ashura Affect Me?
In a Mutawatir (corroborated) tradition from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny), it is narrated, “Verily, I am leaving behind two precious things (Thaqalayn) among you:
Photos: Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) held at Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine
Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Imam Sajjad (a.s.) held at Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) holy shrine in Qom.
Photos: Muharram mourning nights at Shabab al-Sibtayn Hussainiya in London
Muharram mourning nights at Shabab al-Sibtayn Hussainiya in London, England 1443-2021.
Photos: Muharram mourning ceremonies at Islamic Institute of America of Dearborn, Michigan State
Muharram mourning ceremonies at Islamic Institute of America of Dearborn, Michigan State, US 1443-2021.
How important is it for the human being to learn lessons from the past history?
It is narrated from the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) who said:
Photos: ‘Hussain Day’ with presence of different religions commemorated in Kolwezi
‘Who is Hussain?’ team in Kolwezi city of Congo organized ‘Hussain Day’ meeting with presence of different religions 1443-2021.
Photos: Ashura mourning procession in Milano
Ashura mourning procession in Milano, Italy 1443-2021.
Photos: Blood Donation Campaign in Ashura Day in Sabon Zango of Accra
Blood Donation Campaign in Ashura Day in Sabon Zango of Accra, Ghana 1443-2021.
Photos: Ashura awareness Campaign "Who is Imam Hussain?" in Caracas
Ashura awareness Campaign "Who is Imam Hussain?" in Caracas, Venezuela 1443-2021.
Prostration on the Soil of Karbala (The Land of Imam Hussain’s (AS) Martyrdom)
The Uprising of Ashura and Responses to Doubts” by: “‘Ali Asghar Ridwani”
Imam Hassan’s (AS) Thought’ international conference planned in Iraq
The organizing committee of the 8th edition of an international conference on Imam Hassan Mujtaba’s (AS) Thought announced the themes of the program.
Which characteristics can be gained by following Ahlul Bayt (AS) according to Imam Hussain (AS)?
It is narrated from the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) who said:
How can the believers protect and respect the efforts of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Annual Ashura Procession in Adelaide
Annual Ashura Procession in Adelaide, Australia 1443-2021.
Photos: Ashura night at Mawkib Abess Shakeri in Cologne, Germany
Ashura night at Mawkib Abess Shakeri in Cologne, Germany 1443-2021.
Photos: Ashura night mourning by Muslim Youth in Motion in Vancouver
Ashura night mourning by Muslim Youth in Motion in Vancouver city, British Colombia Province of Canada 1443-2021.
How is it possible to be your own enemy?
A man wrote a letter to one of the Prophet of Islam’s (PBUH) companion (Sahabah) and asked for advice. In reply the Sahabi wrote:
Why martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S) became immortal?
The killing of Imam Hussain (A.S) left a burning heat in the hearts of the true believers that will never ever cool down.
Photos: Shia Muslims in Girigli village distributes 300 packs of meat to people in need during Muharram
Hazrat Fatima Masjid of Girigli (Qırıqlı / Qırıxlı ) village of Goygol District, Azerbaijan distributed 300 packs of meat to people in need during Muharram mourning.
Photos: Ashura mourning procession in Houston, Texas State
Ashura mourning procession in Houston city of Texas State, US 1443-2021.
Photos: Ashura mourning Majlis in Turgutlu
Ashura mourning Majlis in Turgutlu, Turkey 1443-2021.
Photos: 10th Muharram Ashura mourning procession out of Hossaini Dalan Imambargah of Dhaka
10th Muharram Ashura mourning procession out of Hossaini Dalan Imambargah of Dhaka, Bangladesh 1443-2021.
What happened on the night before the Day of Ashura?
On the night before the Day of Ashura, the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) addressing his most loyal companions and followers, said:
Why Imam Hussain (A.S) rejected to take the oath of allegiance to Yazid?
Why Imam Hussain (A.S) did not take the oath of allegiance to Yazid and preferred instead to lay down his life and be martyred?
Photos: Muharram mourning procession in New York
Muharram mourning procession in New York, US 1443-2021.
Photos: Thousands participate in Muharram mourning procession around al-Kadhimiya holy shrine
Thousands participated in Muharram mourning procession around al-Kadhimiya holy shrine, Iraq 1443-2021.
Photos: Tasua night in in Pinheiros neighborhood of Sao Paulo
Tasua night in in Pinheiros neighborhood of Sao Paulo, Brazil 1443-2021.
Photos: Raising flag of Hazrat Abbas (AS) in Myanmar despite spread of coronavirus , problems of coup
Simultaneously with the first decade of Muharram 2021, mourning ceremony is being held in "Hosseinieh Mohammad Ali Mazandarani" in "Tanji" city in "Myanmar".
Photos: Al-Hussaini mourning procession at Imam Ali holy Shrine, Najaf Ashraf
Al-Hussaini mourning procession at Imam Ali holy Shrine, Najaf Ashraf, Iraq 1443-2021.
What did Imam Hussain (AS) say about martyrdom in the way of Allah (SWT)?
It is narrated from the third Shia Imam, Hussain ibn Ali (AS) who said:
Muharram life skills workshop under way in Berlin
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Berlin, Germany, has organized a workshop on life skills on the occasion of the month of Muharram.
Photos: Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Dua e Zahra in Northampton, England
Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Dua e Zahra in Northampton, England 1443-2021.
Photos: Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Muhammad Abdullah in Sialkot, Pakistan
Muharram mourning Majlis at Hussainiya Muhammad Abdullah in Sialkot, Pakistan 1443-2021.
What is the difference between the satisfaction of God and the satisfaction of the people?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Photos: 4th Night of Muharram mourning at Imam Hussain (AS) Foundation in Montreal, Canada
4th Night of Muharram mourning at Imam Hussain (AS) Foundation in Montreal, Canada 1443-2021.
Photos: 5th night of Muharram mourning at Al Kawthar cultural center in The Hague, Netherlands
5th night of Muharram mourning at Al Kawthar cultural center in The Hague, Netherlands 1443-2021.
Photos: 3rd night of Muharram at Hussainiya of Kassel, Germany
3rd night of Muharram at Hussainiya of Kassel, Germany 1443-2021.
Photos: International Day of Ali Asghar held at Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine
International Day of Ali Asghar held at Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) holy shrine in Qom.
Día Internacional de Alí Asghar (P) en la Hussainiya Hazara Nachari de Quetta, Paquistán
Abd Alá bin al-Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib (en árabe عبدالله بن حسین بن علی بن ابی طالب) más conocido como Alí al-Asghar (árabe:
Photos: Students assist to prepare Wali-ul-Asr Center of Caledon in Canada for Muharram 1443
Students’ assist in preparing Wali-ul-Asr Center of Caledon in Canada for Muharram 1443.
Photos: Zeynebiye Mosque of Istanbul, Turkey prepared for month of sorrow Muharram
Zeynebiye Mosque of Istanbul, Turkey prepared for month of sorrow Muharram.
Photos: Ceremony of raising the Hussaini flag on the eve of Muharram 1443 in Hilla, Iraq
Ceremony of raising the Hussaini flag on the eve of Muharram 1443 in Hilla, Iraq. 1443-2021.
Photos: Al Ghadeer charitable foundation in New Jersey preparing to receive holy month of Muharram
Al Ghadeer charitable foundation in New Jersey is preparing to receive the holy month of Muharram.
Photos: Imam Ali holy shrine covered with black preparing for month of sorrow 'Muharram al-Haram'
Imam Ali holy shrine covered with black preparing for month of sorrow 'Muharram al-Haram.
Photos: Imam Hussein shrine covered with red carpet in preparation for month of sorrow 'Muharram'
Imam Hussein shrine covered with red carpet in preparation for month of sorrow 'Muharram.
Photos: Imam Sadiq (AS) Center in Copenhagen preparing for Muharram 1443
Imam Sadiq (AS) Center of Copenhagen in Denmark are preparing for month of Muharram 1443-2021.
How can the situation of those who are deviated from the God’s Straight Path be described?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Imam Hussein holy shrine covered with black banners to welcome arrival of Muharram 1443
Imam Hussein holy shrine covered with black banners to welcome arrival of Muharram 1443.
Photos: Meeting of Shiite missionaries in Russia
The meeting of Russian Shiite missionaries was held for two days in the presence of Ayatollah Reza Ramazani, Secretary-General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly in Moscow, Russia.
What did the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) say about taking part in scientific gatherings?
It is narrated that one day a man from Ansar came to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and asked:
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Um Al-Banin center in Essen, Germany
Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Um Al-Banin center in Essen, Germany 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Imam Hussain center of Montreal, Canada
Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Imam Hussain center of Montreal, Canada 1442-2021.
How did Imam Ali (AS) define the human being’s body and soul?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Scientific and political life of Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A.S)
Imam Musa ibn Jaʿfar (AS), the seventh Shia Imam, was born in 745 AD in Medina.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers of Paris, France distribute refreshing drinks, cakes, fruit salads to hundreds of people in need
On Saturday, July 10, a dozen volunteers from "Who Is Hussain?"
What did Imam Baqir (AS) say about the vital issue of Welayah?
It is narrated from the fifth Shia Imam, Mohammad Al-Baqir (AS) who said:
What is Imam Ali’s (AS) strategic guideline for staying safe from dangers of this world?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Photos: Celebration of Eid Al-Ghadir at Imam Sadiq (AS) center of Copenhagen, Denmark
Celebration of Eid Al-Ghadir at Imam Sadiq (AS) center of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Shia Paradigm of Islam: Prophets and Imams (Part 2)
Every human being receives the word and light of God but we receive these gifts to varying degrees.
Images: Old Pictures of Imam Musa al-Kadhim Holy Shrine, Iraq
Old Pictures of Imam Musa al-Kadhim Holy Shrine, Iraq.
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebration at Imam Baqir center in Accra, Ghana
Eid al-Ghadir was celebrated at Imam Baqir center in Accra, Ghana under the leadership of sheikh Suleiman Bamba Mai Nima 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Ghadir celebrated in Halkali of Istanbul, Turkey
Eid al-Ghadir celebrated in Halkali of Istanbul, Turkey 1422-2021.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers in London distributed 100 hygiene kits, food parcels to people in need
On auspicious days of Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Ghadir, the volunteers of 'Who is Hussain?' branch in London in collaboration with with OutsideIn for donating T-Shirts and socks distributed 100 hygiene kits, food parcels and cupcakes to people in need.
Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe to celebrate Eid Al-Ghadir
The Union of University Students Islamic Associations in Europe will organize a ceremony to celebrate Eid al-Ghadir.
Photos: First day of 'Eid al-Ghadir' celebration held in Zaria, Nigeria
First day of 'Eid al-Ghadir' celebration was held in Zaria, Nigeria 27th of July 2021.
Photos: Brazilian Shia cleric 'Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul' along with Christian priest help needy people in Sao Paulo with clothes and breakfast
Brazilian Shia cleric 'Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul' along with Christian priest help needy people in Sao Paulo with clothes and breakfast 26.07.2021.
Photos: Imam Ali holy shrine decorated with flowers on the eve of Eid al-Ghadir
Imam Ali holy shrine decorated with flowers on the eve of Eid al-Ghadir 1442-2021.
Photos: Shia Muslim girls celebrate Eid al-Adha in Dearborn, Michigan
Shia Muslim girls celebrated Eid al-Adha in Dearborn, Michigan 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Adha celebration at Amir Al Mumineen Hussainiya of Gothenburg, Sweden
Eid al-Adha celebration at Amir Al Mumineen Hussainiya of Gothenburg, Sweden 1442-2021.
How to choose a life partner according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Dua Arafah at Imam Hussain holy shrine, Karbala
Thousands of pilgrims attend Dua and Salat Arafah at Imam Hussain holy shrine, Karbala 1442-2021.
Photos: Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqil commemorated at Panjtani Imambargah in Khulna, Bangladesh
Martyrdom of Muslim bin Aqil was commemorated at Panjtani Imambargah in Khulna, Bangladesh 1442-2021.
Photos: Prayer of Eid al-Adha performed by senior Shia cleric Sheikh Jalala in Tanzania
Prayer of Eid al-Adha performed by senior Shia cleric Sheikh Jalala in Tanzania 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Adha prayer at Hussaini Dalan historical Hussainiya of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Eid al-Adha prayer was held at Hussaini Dalan historical Hussainiya of Dhaka, Bangladesh 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Adha prayer performed at Imam Reza center in Bottrop, Germany
Eid al-Adha prayer was performed at Imam Reza center in Bottrop, Germany 1442-2021.
Photos: Mourning ceremony of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir held at Al-Askariyayn shrine
Mourning ceremony of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (a.s.) held at Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani's office in Qom.
How did Imam Baqir (AS) show Divine Gift bestowed on him?
Abu Basir was one of the most prominent students of Imam Baqir (AS) and he was totally blind, he narrated:
Photos: Imam Ali’s (A.S) holy shrine covered with black on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Al-Baqir (A.S)
Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine covered with black on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (AS) 1442-2021.
Debate of Imam al-Baqir with Christian scholar
The Fifth Shi'ite infallible Imam, Imam al-Baqir's (a) debate with a Syrian Christian scholar is a set of questions and replies between Imam al-Baqir (a) and a Syrian Christian scholar. The Christian scholar asked different questions, all of which were answered by the Imam (a).
7th Dhu al-Hijjah; Martyrdom of Imam al-Baqir / Biography
Muhammad Bin Ali Bin al-Hussain Bin Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: محمد بن علي بن حسین بن علي بن أبي طالب) (b. 57/677 – d. 114/733) known as Imām al-Bāqir (a) and Bāqir al-'Ulūm, was the fifth Imam of the Shi'a, whose period of Imamate lasted nineteen years.
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" volunteers in Mauritius island visited deaf school, distributes winter jackets, snacks and drinks
Recently "Who is Hussain?"
Islam In Ireland: Shia Mosque And Shia Muslims (Part 4)
Shia Muslims form a minority of ten to fifteen per cent of Muslims worldwide.
What did Imam Ali (AS) say to those who disobeyed Divine Commands?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
How can people be assigned to a group according to their life style?
It is narrated from the seventh Shia Imam, Musa Al-Kadhim (AS) who said:
What is the Islamic guideline for combating the inordinate desires?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Decorating Imam Ali’s (A.S) holy shrine with flowers on the occasion of marriage anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) & Lady Fatimah (SA)
Decorating Imam Ali’s (AS) holy shrine with flowers on the occasion of marriage anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) & Lady Fatimah (SA).
Photos: Brazilian lady convert to Islam on eve of Imam al-Jawad martyrdom in Sao Paulo
On the eve of martyrdom anniversary of 9th Shia Imam 'Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (pbuh)' Brazilian lady 'Bruna Garrido' recited Shahada (declaration of faith) and converted to pure Islam with presence of Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul and Sheikh Hossein Khaliloo at Islamic center of Fatima al-Zara of Sao Paulo.
10th Julay 2021
Photos: Imam Ali holy shrine covered with black on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad
Imam Ali holy shrine covered with black on martyrdom anniversary of Imam al-Jawad 1442-2021.
Photos: Night of the martyrdom of Imam al-Jawad at Kadhimiya holy shrine
Night of the martyrdom of Imam al-Jawad at Kadhimiya holy shrine 1400-2021.
What is the Islamic guideline for clean and pure life?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers in Mauritius island distribute blankets to 60 needy families for winter
On Saturday 26th June 'Who is Hussain?'
Why repentance is considered to be a Divine Secret according to the holy Quran?
One of the secrets of the universe is repentance which is the key to many problems of the human being. In Ayahs 9 to 12 of Surah Nuh, this point has been described clearly:
Who is a prosperous man in this world?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Belarusian lady converts to Islam at Imam Reza (a.s.) holy shrine
A young lady from Belarus has converted to Islam at the holy shrine of Imam Reza (a.s.).
Photos of Kadhimiya’s holy shrines covered in black on eve of Imam Al-Jawad (AS) martyrdom
Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa known as Imam Al-Jawad (AS) (Arabic: امام الجواد) is the ninth Shia Imam.
The First Explicit Appointment
Shi’ism; Imamate and Wilayat” by : “Seyyed Muhammad Rizvi”
Challenges of Shia Muslims after martyrdom of Imam Ali (A.S)
During the reign of Ali (AS), the Shia cause advanced greatly as individuals loyal to Ali (AS) occupied the high and critical posts of state.
Ghadir Khumm Int’l Art Exhibition Planned in Karbala
The Astan (custodianship) of Imam Hussein (AS) holy shrine in Karbala, Iraq, plans to organize the 5th international annual painting exhibition of Gharir Khumm on July 28.
Photos: Imam Ali’s (A.S) Shrine in Najaf Ashraf
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S) in the city of Najaf hosts thousands of pilgrims from different Iraqi cities on a daily basis.
What was the prophet of Islam’s (PBUH) strategic advice to people?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
International conference of 1000 Shia elites to be held
The International Society of Ali Asghar (PBUH) will hold the international conference of 1000 Shia elites and the world of Islam from 65 nationalities (via cyber and from distance).
How important is it to help other people at the time of economic difficulty?
It is narrated that at the time of the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) the economic situation declined and prices of goods went up and famine happened. Imam (AS) asked his house helper:
Photos: Kids of Imam al-Sajjad's Hussainiyah in Sydney, Australia celebrate birth of Imam al-Rida
Kids of Imam al-Sajjad's Hussainiyah in Sydney, Australia celebrate birth of Imam al-Rida 1442-2021.
Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) And Religion
The prime factor for the disappointment of the Shia was the lack of a uniform or coherent ideology; and this continued to be so till the time of the sixth Shia Imam, Jafer Al-Sadiq (AS). This is what the writer says.
Photos: Imam al-Kadhim holy shrine celebrates auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha
Imam al-Kadhim holy shrine celebrates auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha 1442-2021.
Photos: Imam al-Ridha birth celebration at al-Zahra center in Linz, Austria
Imam al-Ridha birth anniversary was celebrated at al-Zahra cultural center in Linz, Austria. 1442-2021.
Hadith Da’wat ‘Ashirah
The Prophet (PBUH) invited his relatives to luncheon and after the meal told them,
Why the true believers are always calm and contented?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afaar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Photos: Imam Mahdi center in Sao Paulo, Brazil celebrates birth of Imam al-Ridha
Imam Mahdi center in Sao Paulo, Brazil celebrates birth of Imam al-Ridha 1442-2021.
Political life of Imam Al-Ridha (A.S)
The eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha (AS), was born in Medina in 765 AD.
Happy and Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of Imam al-Ridha (A') / Biography
Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza, the eighth Shi'ite Holy Imam was born on 11th Zee al-Qa'adah 148 A.H. in the holy city of Madinah.
Photos: Imam al-Ridha birth celebration at Imam Reza Masjid in Istanbul, Turkey
Imam al-Ridha birth celebration was held at Imam Reza Masjid in Istanbul, Turkey 1442-2021.
Photos: Decorating Imam Ali shrine with green banners on auspicious birth of Imam al-Ridha
Decorating Imam Ali shrine with green banners on auspicious birth of Imam al-Ridha 1442-2021.
Photos: Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha held at Imam Al Sadeq Center in Detroit, Michigan
Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Ridha was celebrated at Imam Al Sadeq Islamic Center in Detroit, Michigan 1442-2021.
Various phases of the Deeds of the Imams
The activities of all Imams (AS) are one and the same.
Knowledge of infallible Imams (AS) about the unseen
Sometimes even among Shias have emerged damaging comments by some.
Birth anniversary of Imam Reza (a.s.) to be celebrated in Britain
The Islamic Center of England will organize a ceremony in three languages on the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS), teh 8th Shia Imam.
Who is an honourable person according to the Islamic teaching?
It is narrated that a man came to see the fifth Shia Imam, Mohammad Al-Baqir (AS) and said:
Why is it important for people to obey a Divine Leader?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Why prejudice and bigotry must be erased from Islamic nation?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Photos: Who is Hussain? team in Arusha, Tanzania visited less fortunate areas, orphanages distributed food baskets to 87 families
Who is Hussain? team in Arusha, Tanzania visited areas where the less fortunate reside.
Why opportunities for attaining God’s satisfaction in this world should not be ignored?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Important announcement of secretariat of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) conference, on issuance of certificates to participants
In a statement, the secretariat of the “International Conference of Abu Talib (a.s.), Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)” announced,
Islamic unity center to hold webinar on birth anniversary of Imam Reza
World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has scheduled to mark the ten days between birth anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (AS) and his brother, the eighth Shia Imam also known as the Ten Days of Dignity.
Birthday Anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Masumah / Biography
Hadrat Fatima Masumah the Blessed and the Gracious Divine Lady from the Holy Ahlul Bayt was born in the holy city of Madinah, Her father Imam Musa al-Kazim the 7th Shia Imam.
Why corruption of five groups in society can be destructive?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Photos: Hazrat Masoumeh (s.a) birthday anniversary celebrated in Isfahan
A ceremony was held in Isfahan to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (s.a.).
Competition planned in Canada on Imam Reza (AS) birth anniversary
The Tasnim Association in Edmonton, Canada, plans to hold a competition on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of Imam Reza (AS).
Photos: Imam al-Sadiq martyrdom anniv. held at Al Kawthar Cultural Center in The Hague, Netherlands
Imam al-Sadiq martyrdom anniversary was held at Al Kawthar Cultural Center in The Hague, Netherlands.
Photos: Martyrdom anniv. of Imam Jafar Sadiq held at Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine / 3
Martyrdom anniv. of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.) held at Hazrat Masoumah (s.a.) holy shrine in Qom.
Photos: Martyrdom anniv. of Imam Jafar Sadiq held in Isfahan
Martyrdom anniv. of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (a.s.) held in Isfahan.
What is the significance aspect of Alawi rule?
It is narrated that the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) appointed Amr ibn Salamah as the Governor of Isfahan.
Terrorist attacks on Afghan Shias are acts of genocide: Shia Ulema Council
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" blood donation campaign in France
"Who is Hussain?" blood donation campaign in France. March 2021.

Video / The Sixth Heir
The Sixth Heir" is a nice clip in Farsi with English subtitles in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (AS).
Argentinian merchant converts to Islam at Imam Ridha’s (A.S) holy shrine
An Argentinian merchant has converted to Islam through expressing his words of testimony at Imam Reza/Ridha’s (AS) holy shrine.
Can good deeds and providing aid to the needy prolong life?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar As-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Oldest photos of Al-Askarian (AS) Holy Shrine in Samarra
The Al-Askarian (AS) Holy Shrine in Samarra, Iraq is built in the form of a hexagon with a golden dome that is located in the middle of the holy courtyard.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza (a.s.) at Fatima Masoumeh (s.a) shrine
Mourning ceremony for martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza (a.s.) held at Hazrat Fatima Masoumeh (s.a) shrine in Qom.
The superiority of some lands over others in Hadiths
“The Uprising of Ashura and Responses to Doubts” by: “‘Ali Asghar Ridwani”.
Photos: Al-Baqi Cemetery Before And After Demolition
Al-Baqi Cemetery before and after the demolition; on the occasion of the eighth of Shawwal, the anniversary of the destruction of the holy tombs of the Imams (AS) of Baqi.
Program to be held in Sweden to mourn destruction of Baqi Cemetery
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, will hold a program on Thursday to mourn the anniversary of the destruction of the Baqi cemetery.
Why is it important to marry at the right age according to Imam Sadeq (AS)?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
How to join the people who want to satisfy God?
In a sermon, the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) described characteristics of those who are striving to satisfy God:
How did the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) guide the people?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer performed at al Hassanein center in Berlin, Germany
Eid al-Fitr prayer was performed at al Hassanein center in Berlin, Germany. 1442-2021.
Photos: Morning of Eid al-Fitr at Imam Ali holy shrine, Najaf
Morning of Eid al-Fitr at Imam Ali holy shrine, Najaf. 1442-2021.
Which four groups Dua is not rejected according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Holy Shrine of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) in Karbala
The shrine of Hazrat Abbas (A.S) in the city of Karbala hosts thousands of pilgrims from different parts of Iraq on a daily basis.
How can monotheistic nature of the human being be proved?
It is narrated that the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) asked a disbelieving person:
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer performed at Hossaini society in Victoria, Australia
Eid al-Fitr prayer was performed at Hossaini society in Victoria, Australia. 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer performed at Lebanese association of Freetown, Sierra Leone
.Eid al-Fitr prayer was performed at Lebanese association of Freetown, Sierra Leone. 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer held at Imam Hasan Center in Sydney, Australia
Eid al-Fitr prayer was held at Imam Hasan Center in Sydney, Australia. 1442-2021.
Photos: Eid al-Fitr prayer offered at Imam Hasan Center in Osnabruck, Germany
Eid al-Fitr prayer was offered at Imam Hasan Center in Osnabruck, Germany. 1442-2021.
Demonstration in protest of the Hazara genocide and the attack on Hazarajat schools in Afghanistan
Demonstration in protest of the Hazara genocide and the attack on Hazarajat schools in Afghanistan.
Photos: Hussaini service processions offer Iftar tables in Karbala
The Hussaini service processions organize Iftar tables for visitors of the shrines of Imam Husssain (A.S) and his brother Abal-Fadhl Al-Abbas (AS) from the first days of the advent of the holy month.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' team serve Iftar to over 60 needy children in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Another Successful Iftar event by ''Who is Hussain?"
Photos: Imam Hussain’s (A.S) Holy Shrine
The holy shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) in the holy city of Karbala, hosts thousands of pilgrims from different parts of Iraq on a daily basis.
Bus blast kills, injures 25 in southern Afghanistan
As many as 25 people are reportedly either killed or injured after the bus carrying them in southern Afghanistan hits a roadside bomb, not long after several blasts kill scores of school children in the capital Kabul.
“Protecting the Quran from Distortion” published in Norwegian by ABWA publications
The book “Protecting the Holy Quran from Distortion” was translated into Norwegian and published by ABWA Publications.
Ali (a.s.); the Scale of the Truth” published in Swahili
The book “Ali (a.s.); the Scale of the Truth” (original name: ALI (A.S.) NI KIPMO CHA UKWELI NA HAKI) was translated and published in Swahili by the publications of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly.
How can human salvation happen?
One of the most important conditions for individual and social success as well as the advancement of the human society is to avoid sins.
Photos: 3rd Night of Qadr at Kadhimiya Holy Shrine, Iraq
The 3rd Night of Qadr was observed at Kadhimiya Holy Shrine, Iraq.
Photos: Qadr night ceremony at Alulbayt (A.S) Foundation in London, UK
The Qadr night ceremony was held at the Alulbayt (A.S) Foundation in London.
Why according to Islamic ideology cunning and deception is prohibited in politics?
It is narrated from Asbaq ibn Nabatah who reported:
Photos: Second "Night of Qadr" observed at Imam Ali holy shrine
The second night of the Qadr held at Imam Ali (a.s.) holy shrine in Najaf in accordance with health protocols to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
Photos: Nights of Qadr held at Fudiyya center in Potiskum, Nigeria
The Nights of Qadr were organized by followers of Sheikh Zakzaky at Fudiyya center in Potiskum, Nigeria 1442-2021.
Lady Fatima (SA) and the Night of Divine Decrees
We know that Qur’anic verses have a literal meaning and a figurative meaning, and many interpretations.
Major challenges During Imam Ali’s (A.S) Reign: The Wrongdoers & the Disobedient
After establishing the caliphate in Kufa, and appointing new and effective governors while removing the corrupt ones, everywhere people were speaking about Ali’s (AS) Caliphate except in one region: Syria. Syria was still under the influence and dominance of Muawiyah, who had made his oath of allegiance to the Imam conditional on being given those responsible for Uthman’s murder.
Photos: The First Night of Qadr at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia
The First Night of Qadr was held at Muhammadi Welfare Association in Sydney, Australia 1442-2021.
Conference held in Pakistan's Rawalpindi about Imam Ali (a.s.)
A conference in connection with the 1402nd Martyrdom of Amir-ul-Momineen Hazrat Ali (AS), was organized by Markazi Imam Hussain Council in collaboration with Punjab Arts Council in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on Sunday.
Photos: First Night of Qadr observed at Imam Hussain (a.s.) holy shrine
The first Night of Qadr observed at Imam Hussain (a.s.) holy shrine in Karbala.
Book titled "Protecting Quran from Distortion" published in Norwegian
The book titled "Protecting the Holy Quran from Distortion" was translated and published in Norwegian language.
Aerial Photos: Construction process of Lady Zaynab (S.A) courtyard in Karbala
Aerial images of the construction process of the courtyard of Hazrat Zaynab (SA) near the Hussaini shrine, in Karbala, Iraq.
Photos: Performing Maghrib & Isha prayer in Ramadan month at Imam Ali Center in Dallas, Texas
Performing Maghrib & Isha prayer in Ramadan month at Imam Ali Center in Dallas, Texas.
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" volunteers in London help needy people in their weekly campaign
Who is Hussain?" volunteers in London help needy people in their weekly campaign.
Photos: On martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali, his holy shrine covered with black flags
On martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali, his holy shrine covered with black flags.
Prominent Qaris to Recite Supplications in Islamic Center of Berlin Programs
The Islamic Center of Berlin plans to organize online supplication recitation sessions with the participation of internationally known Qaris.
Virtual course for Shiite women on “Islamic education of children” to be held in Urdu
Organized by AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, the International Virtual Course for Shiite Women on “Islamic Education of Children” will be held in Urdu.
Imam Hassan (AS) the paragon of forbearance and generosity
Imam Hassan (AS) was the second of the twelve Imams, the first grandchild of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the first of child Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatima (SA).
Imam Hasan Mujtaba fighting 'unjust'
On the 21st night of the Ramadhan of 40th Hijra his father Hazrat Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (a.s.) passed away making all the people sorrowful and grieved.
Photos: Humanitarian day in the Month of Ramadhan by Imam Ali (AS) Masjid in Curitiba, Brazil
Volunteers of Imam Ali (AS) Masjid in Curitiba city of Paraná state in Brazil as Humanitarian day donated essential items to one of the most needy communities in Curitiba in the Month of Ramadhan.
Photos: Birth of Imam Hasan Mujtaba Celebrated at Panjtan Hussainiyah in Khulna, Bangladesh
Birth anniversary of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (A) was celebrated at Panjtan Hussainiyah in Khulna, Bangladesh. The speaker of the program was Maulana Syed Ibrahim Khalil Rajavi.
Political life of Imam Hassan (AS)
Hassan (AS), the first child of Imam Ali (AS) and Lady Fatimah (SA), was born on March 4, 625 AD in Medina. His birth happened in the fasting Month of Ramadhan. The name Hassan was chosen by the Prophet (PBUH). This name was not famous among Arabs of that time. (Mufid, Irshad)
Photos: Decorating Imam Ali holy shrine on auspicious birth of Imam Hasan Mujtaba
Decorating Imam holy shrine with green banners on auspicious birth of Imam Hasan Mujtaba 1442-2021.
Imam Ali center in Stockholm plans Ramadan 2021 Quran contest
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, plans to organize a Quran competition of Ramadan 2021.
Photos: Demise anniversary of Hazrat khadija held at Imam Hussain holy shrine
Demise anniversary of Hazrat khadija (s.a.) held at Imam Hussain (a.s.) holy shrine in Karbala.
Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) advice about the Month of Ramadhan
One of the best ways for us to reflect on Ramadhan and the blessings which are within it and the mercy contained therein, is to reflect on some of the traditions, the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his noble family – May God’s peace and blessings be upon all of them.
Rare photos of Lady Khadijah’s (S.A) shrine before and after destruction
Rare photos of Lady Khadijah’s (S.A) shrine before and after destruction by Saudi Wahhabis.
Holy Quran Verses Revealed about Hazrat Khadija
It is pertinent here to narrate some verses of the Holy Qur’an which are said by the exegetes to have been revealed about Hadrat Khadija or are related to her.
International Conference Umm Al-Momenin Khadija al-Kobra (a.s.), First Lady of Islam” was held
On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, and the anniversary of her demise, the “International Conference Umm Al-Momenin Khadija Kobra (a.s.),
Holy Ramadan programs at Rasul Akram Center in Lusaka, Zambia
The biggest source of happiness for believers is when God accepts and loves them. Fasting opens a door to the love of God and puts people under God’s attention. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Indeed, God has appointed angels to pray for those who fast.”
Photos: Islamic education for 200 women in holy Ramadan at Imam Sadiq Islamic school in Kigogo, Tanzania
Islamic education for about 200 women in holy Ramadan month by Sheikh Hemedi Jalala at Imam Jafar Sadiq seminary school in Kigogo district of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Lessons included Islamic Fiqh (law), ethics and Islamic taughts.
The Islamic Center of Hamburg published special online magazine for Ramadhan
The Islamic Center of Hamburg, Germany, has published two special online magazine issues on the occasion of the holy Month of Ramadhan.
Confessing sins to others is prohibited in Islam
According to holy religion of Islam, confessing sins in front of other people is forbidden.
Ramadan at Zainabia Islamic Center in Brisbane, Australia
With the presence and gathering of Shia Muslims in the Zainabia Islamic Center, in the city of “Brisbane” in Australia, programs of lectures, interpretation and expression of Ahkam (rulings) will be held during the holy month of Ramadan.
Programs of Islamic Center of England in Ramadhan 2021
The special program of “Ramadhan, The Month of Salvation” of the Islamic Center of England with the focus on soul-purification is broadcast in four languages of Arabic, Urdu, English and Persian during the holy Month of Ramahdan every day from five and thirty minutes until the Maghrib Adhan (call to prayer).
Welcoming Ramadhan in words of Imam Sajjad (A.S)
In Ramadhan, fasting from food, water and other things sets a context within which we can try to establish God’s presence in our life.
Articles on ‘Fighting Satan in Nahjul Balagha’ published in Japan
A collection of articles and translation in Japanese of Imam Ali’s (AS) sermons in Nahjul Balagha on “how to fight Satan” was published by Tosei Sano, a professor at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan.
Photos: kids participate congregational prayer in Ramadan month at Imam Hassan center of Canberra, Australia
In holy month of Ramadan kids along with parents participate congregational prayer at Imam Hassan center of Canberra, capital of Australia. 1442-2021.
Ramadhan Checklist for a believer’s trip towards Allah (SWT)
When starting on a journey, most people like to have a list of items that they will need. Before departure they make sure they have all the items.
Photos: Imam Reza Masjid in Satun, Thailand help needy people during Ramadan month
Imam Reza Masjid in Chalung area of Satun, Thailand help needy people during Ramadan month 1442-2021.
Photos: 1st Day of Ramadan Month at Rasul Akram Center in Lusaka, Zambia
1st Day of Ramadan Month at Rasul Akram Center in Lusaka capital of Zambia 1442-2021.
Astan Quds Razavi distributes iftar meals among people of Mashhad
During the holy month of Ramadan, Astan Quds Razavi distributes iftar meals among the pilgrims of Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine.
Beautiful Names of God: Al-Azeez+Photo
“Asma Al-Hosna” or the Beautiful Names of God are the words used for “Allah” in Islam.
Astan Quds Razavi announces massive audiovisual programs, safe Ramadan practices under Covid-19 red alert
Regarding coronavirus red alert across the country and concurrent with the holy month of Ramadan, Astan Quds Razavi has planned producing and broadcasting live programs and imposing a wide range of measures for social distancing for pilgrims of Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine, says Mohammad Reza Mousavikia the official in charge of audiovisual media of AQR.
What was Imam Ali’s (AS) recommendations to the governor of Egypt?
Abu Is’haq Hamdani one of the companions of the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) narrated:
Office of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani announces Wednesday as first day of Ramadhan in the United Kingdom, European, Scandinavian countries, Middle East and in most parts of the world
The office of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani announced Wednesday as the first day of the holy Month of Ramadhan (1442 AH / 1400 SH/ 2021 AD) in the United Kingdom, European, Scandinavian countries, Middle East and in most parts of the world.
What is the effect of preaching without practicing?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Jafar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
What is Satan’s famous saying?
It is narrated that Allah (SWT) told Prophet Moses (AS):
Photos: Holy Shrine of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) in Samarra
The holy shrine of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) in the city of Samarra hosts thousands of pilgrims from different parts of Iraq on a daily basis.
Who is the most suitable adjudicator?
In a letter to Malik Ashtar, Imam Ali (AS) wrote:
What is the indicator of a free human being?
It is narrated that one day the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) went among Ashab-e-Suffah (companions of Al-Suffah;
How can social freedom be established?
In Ayah 23 of Surah Al-Jathia, Allah (SWT) said:
Who is a discerning person?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Holding a Quranic symposium on Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J)
The Department of Qur’anic Studies at women electronic Umm Al-Baneen University (peace be upon her) in Najaf, affiliated to the Intellectual and Cultural Affairs Department at the Al-Abbas’s (AS) Holy Shrine, has set up an electronic Qur’anic symposium titled (Imam Al-Mahdi – may God hasten his holy reappearance – in the Holy Qur’an), through the ( ZOOM) platform, with the participation of more than (300) participants from inside and outside Iraq, presented by Sheikh Hussein Abdul-Redha Al-Asadi, one of the professors specialized in the Mahdism matter.
Photos: Kids Celebrate Imam Mahdi Birth Anniversary at Panjtan Center in Melbourne, Australia
Kids Celebrated Imam Mahdi Birth Anniversary at Panjtan Center in Melbourne, Australia.
Photos: Between the two holy shrines; Imam Hussain and al-Abbas (pbut) / 2nd April 2021
Between the two holy shrines; Imam Hussain and al-Abbas (pbut) / 2nd April 2021.
Photos: Birthday celebration of Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J.) held in Detroit of Michigan
Pictures of birthday celebration of twelfth infallible Imam, Hazrat Mahdi (A.J.) was held at Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) Islamic Center in Detroit city of Michigan State, US.
Awaiting for reappearance of Imam Mahdi (A.J)
Imam Mahdi (A.J.) is the twelfth and last of the chain of the Purified Imams (A.S) and the divine successors. Although all the Imams (A.S) were holding the divine office of wilayat, the efforts of the enemies to eliminate the twelfth Imam (A.J) were maximum. Hence Imam (A.J.) was entrusted to ghaibat (Occultation) and being away from the sight of people, he had to fulfill all the duties of an Imam.
Duties and Responsibilities of Shia Muslims During Imam Mahdi’s (A.J) Occultation
It is now clear how important it is to wait for the reappearance of Imam Az-Zaman (A.J.) and how great is the status and position of those who await.
Call for International Congress of "Khadijah Kobra Mother of the Believers" (+Poster)
International Congress of "Khadijah Kobra Mother of the Believers, The First Lady of Islam" called for sending articles.
Photos: Celebrating Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) at Al-Asr Society in Melbourne, Australia
Celebrating Birth of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) was held at Al-Asr Society in Melbourne, Australia.
Photos: Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) celebrated at Lebanese School in Cotonou, Benin
Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) celebrated at Lebanese School in Cotonou, Benin.
Photos: Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) celebrated at AlMas'alah Masjid, Qatif
Auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Mahdi (a.j.) celebrated at AlMas'alah Masjid, Qatif.
What is the point of knowledge when it is not utilized?
It is narrated from the fourth Shia Imam, Ali bin Hussain Al-Sajjad (AS) who said:
How can the human being reach a high status of moral principles?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" volunteers in Mombasa, Kenya providing breakfast to homeless
Who is Hussain?" volunteers in Mombasa, Kenya providing breakfast to homeless.
Celebrating birth anniversaries of Sha'ban moons at al-Abbas holy shrine
As in every year, with the first day of the holy month of Sha'ban, the month of the auspicious birth anniversaries of Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them), the Al-Abbas's holy shrine like usual is decorated to show the joy and festivity.
Why is it important to pay back debts?
It is narrated that one day the body of a dead person was brought so that the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) could pray over it.
Brilliant and lofty character of Imam Hussain (A.S)
The incomparable qualities that were present in the personality of the leader of the noble men and the elements and basic matters that were present in the being of Imam Hussain (A.S) in incalculable quantity are as follows:
Birth of Imam Hussain on third of Shaban and Related Dua’a
Abu’l-Qasim ibn `Al’ al-Hamadany, the representative of Imam Imam Hassan Askari (a.s), received a document telling that our master, Grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Imam Hussein (a.s), was born on the third of Sha’aban; therefore, you should observe fasting on this day and recite the following supplication:
On Birth Anniversary of Imam Hussain; 150 Maxims of Imam Hussain (A')
Never will be salvaged the people who win the consent of the creature at the cost of the dissatisfaction of the creator. (Maqtal Khawarazmi , Vol. 1 , P. 239).
Can inordinate desires affect the belief?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Sacrifices of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the sake of Islam
The sacrifices which the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) offered for Islam, remain unparalleled in history.
Article Elaborates on Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) Characteristics
The Iranian Cultural Center in Uganda has published an article in several media outlets of the African country featuring the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) characteristics.
Imam Hussain’s (A.S) Holy Shrine decorated ahead of Sha’aban Eids
The holy mausoleum of Imam Hussain (A.S) in Karbala, Iraq, was decorated with flowers ahead of the auspicious occasions of the lunar Hijri Month of Sha’aban.
Sha’ban; the Month of Allah’s (SWT) Mercy
Sha’ban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar, is considered the Month of Allah’s Mercy.
The Importance of Right Friends
Every child has that time in his or her life when they meet new friends. This friendship can last for a long time which turns it into a brotherhood/sisterhood relationship. This relationship has the capability of being stronger than family ties, Imam Ali (A.S) states “A friend is closer than relatives.”(1).
Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS)
Ali Akbar ibn Hussain (AS) was born on 11th of Shabaan 44 AH and he was the son of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (AS) and Umm-e-Laila (SA).
Why is it necessary to avoid lying, jealousy and malice?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said: Avoid lying which is disconnected from the belief.
Political System of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
According to Islamic sources, by accepting the Rule of God, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Infallible Imams (A.S) , we will accept that the Islamic government is based on the Divine Rule on all material and spiritual aspects of the human being.
Ziarat (visita) Al Profeta Muhammad (P)
El nacimiento del Santo Profeta Muhammad (P) fue un destello de luz para una sociedad sumergida en lo más profundo de la oscuridad de la ignorancia. Esta luz radiante se propagó por el mundo entero. Como prueba de esta grandeza, casi un siglo después del surgimiento del Islam, ya se encontraba el mensaje del Corán en lugares muy distantes de la península arábiga y seguía avanzando, convirtiéndose así en el movimiento más sorprendente de la historia humana.
Who is the true follower of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated that a man came to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and said:
Celebration of Eid Al-Maba’ath held at holy shrine of Imam Reza (A.S)
Simultaneously with the Eid Al-Maba’ath (prophetic mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a ceremony was held in Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine for renaming a courtyard after the Great Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in the presence of the chief custodian of Astan Quds Razavi.
What did the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) say about ignorance and wisdom?
It is narrated that in one part of his will and testament to his son in law and the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS), the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) said:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established a community based on moral principles
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to establish a community based on moral principles, and in doing so, he set out to perfect people’s ethics.
Photos: Art exhibitions of International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib
Simultaneously with the International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.), an exhibition of the conference's works of art, including calligraphy and paintings, was held.
Who are the best of people according to Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (AS)?
It is narrated from the seventh Shia Imam, Musa Al-Kadhim (AS) who said:
Photos: Huge crowds of Shia pilgrims flock to Kadhimiya holy shrine on martyrdom anniv. of Imam Musa al-Kadhim
Huge crowds of Shia pilgrims flock to Kadhimiya holy shrine on martyrdom anniv. of Imam Musa al-Kadhim.
Introduction to publications of International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s): 4. Bolugh al-Matalib fi Sharh Lamie Abu Talib (a.s.)
After three years of academic, literary, promotional and cultural activities, the “International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.);
AQR to name Razavi courtyard after Holy Prophet (pbuh)
Astan Quds Razavi has planned to change the name of Razavi Courtyard into Holy Prophet (pbuh) courtyard in a special ceremony on the occasion of the anniversary of prophetic mission of Mohammad (pbuh), the Messenger of Allah.
Photos: Shia, Sunni Muslims attended meeting on Imam Ali at al-Zahra center in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Shia, Sunni Muslims attended joint prayer and a meeting about Imam Ali (A') at Fatima al-Zahra Islamic center with presence of Sheikh Rodrigo Jalloul in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Webinar of “Abu Talib, Talebian’s role from Allameh Mohammad Mahdi Kharsan’s view point”
The 41th pre-conference of the International Conference “Hazrat Abu Talib, Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)” will be held on Saturday March 6, 2021, virtually and in person in Qom.
Ayatollah Sistani to Pope: Religious leader must play role in preventing catastrophes
At the start of his second day in Iraq, Pope Francis on Saturday morning flew to Najaf for a private meeting with the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani at his residence.
A Selection of Imam Ali’s (AS) Sayings’ Published in Sweden
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, published a book titled “A Selection of Imam Ali’s (AS) Sayings” in the Swedish language.
Which three vital elements are needed by every country?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Astan Quds Razavi unveils book titled “The Epic of Imam Sajjad (AS)”
The unveiling ceremony of the book The Epic of Imam Sajjad (AS) including speeches by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution about the political and cultural struggles of Imam Sajjad (AS) was held at the Razavi University of Islamic Sciences, in the premises of Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine.
What is the connection between ‘Shirk’ and ‘Riya’?
Shaddad ibn Aws narrated: One day I saw the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who was crying, and asked him:
A Selection of Imam Ali’s (AS) Sayings’ Published in Sweden
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, published a book titled:
Demise Anniversary of Hadrat Zainab Daughter of Imam Ali
The Daughter of Imam Ali (A.S.) and Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) and the Greatest Messenger of the Husaini Revolution, Hadrat Zainab bint Ali (A.S.) who universalized the message of Hussaini Revolution and laid the foundation of Mourning of Imam Husain(A.S.) was dead on 15th Rajab 62 A.H. in Damascus(Syria) by the ruling Umayyad caliph.
What is the consequence of too much praise?
In a letter to Malik Ashtar (RA), the first Shia Imam, Amiral Momeneen Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) wrote:
Shia City of Lucknow in India
Lucknow is the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh in India and is one of the Shia centers.
Lady Zaynab’s (S.A) honorable life and noble traits
Lady Zaynab (S.A), the Prophet’s (PBUH) granddaughter, was characterized by a personality that combined all the high moral standards and the honorable tendencies and, accordingly, she has been the best exemplary of honor, chastity, and dignity in addition to every virtue of human perfection.
What Is Divine Miracle?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
What is the most correct way to understand this world?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
How did Imam Ali (A.S) accept the offer of caliphate after twenty five years?
Imam Ali (AS), after twenty five years of exclusion from power, on the Helpers’ and Emigrants’ insistence, reluctantly accepted the offer of the Caliphate.
Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali (A.S) Celebrated in Afghanistan’s Jurisprudence Center of Infallible Imams (A.S)+Photos
The celebration of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (A.S) was held at the Infallible Imams Center in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
Old Pictures of Imam Ali’s (A.S) Holy Shrine
Imam Ali Islamic Center of Sweden republished old photos of Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine in Najaf, Iraq.
Imam Ali (AS) birth anniversary celebrated in Pakistan
Culture Center of Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan has held a ceremony to celebrate the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS) and Father's Day with the presence of cultural figures, academics and religious thinkers.
Social and political life of Imam Jawad (A.S)
Imam Muhammad Taqi, better known as Al-Al-Jawad (AS) (‘The Generous’), was born in Medina in 811 AD.
How can the human being achieve Divine Dignity?
It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
How can a believer deal with Qadha and Qadr?
It is narrated that Imam Ali (AS) was sitting near a wall and noticed that it was broken and it was possible for it to collapse, so he immediately stood up and moved away from there. A man asked Imam (AS):
What is the criterion for prosperity and adversity according to Imam Jawad (AS)?
It is narrated from the ninth Shia Imam, Mohammad Al-Taqi Al-Jawad (AS) who said:
Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine near his birthday anniversary+Photos
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S) is preparing for his birth anniversary.
Intellectual Accomplishments of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad
One day Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s), then aged nine, was standing with some boys in a lane of Baghdad.
Photos: Birth anniversary of Imam Jawad celebrated at Fatima Masumeh Shrine
Birth anniversary of Imam Jawad (a.s.) celebrated at Fatima Masumeh (s.a.) holy Shrine in Qom.
Photos: Courtyard of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S.A) in Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine
The construction project of the courtyard of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S.A) in Imam Ali’s (A.S) Holy Shrine in Najaf Ashraf, Iraq, is in its final stages.
Pope Francis scheduled to meet with Ayatollah Sistani
The visit will be of special significance as it will contribute to softening world public opinion towards the Shia Muslims and the position of the Vatican will be also promoted due to the connection with the Shia Muslims and their elders.
How can Shia Muslims make their infallible Imams (AS) happy?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadiq (AS) who told his companions:
Photos: Co-writing calligraphy event on occasion of “Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.)”
On Saturday, February 13, 2021, in the nave of Hazrat Zahra (a.s.) in the Shrine of Hazrat Masumeh (a.s.) in Qom, on the occasion of the “International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.),
Netherlands’ Ambassador to Iraq: Visiting Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine is a great honor for me+Photos
Netherlands’ Ambassador to Iraq, Michel Rentenaar, and his accompanying delegation visited the holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S) today (Sunday) and visited the historical and ancient monuments of the holy shrine.
Imam Ali al-Hadi weapon 'Prayer'
During the rule of Motawkel, Imam Hadi had to face hardship. He was always under the control of the spies of the rulers. Nevertheless he discharged his duties as the Imam of Muslims.
Common Ziyarah of Imam Ali Al-Hadi and Imam Al-Askari
Peace be upon you (both); O the representatives of Allah!
Imam Ali al-Hadi who explained Islamic Laws of Jurisprudence
When people shall be resurrected on the day of Judgement, a caller will call me: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Allah has permitted you to reward your lovers and the lovers of your progeny who have followed them for your sake; and opposed their enemies for your sake.
‘Imam Baqir (A.S)’ international festival planned in Iraq
The 7th edition of “Imam Baqir (AS)” international cultural festival will be held on February 14 in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq. According to Al-Kafeel website, “Imam Baqir (AS), noble speech and victorious truth” is the motto of this edition of the program. It will be organized on the birthday anniversary of the fifth infallible Imam (AS).
Quranic courses held at al-Abbas holy shrine in Karbala
The Tilawah and Training Qaris Section affiliated to the Holy Quran Institute of the Astan (custodianship) of Hazrat Abbas (AS) holy shrine in Karbala organized two educational, research courses on Iraqi and Egyptian styles of Quran recitation.
What did the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) say about Imam Baqir (AS)?
Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Imam Baqir, Christian scholar and fruits of Heaven
Once a Christian asked our 5th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.), how it could possibly be true what the Imam Baqir (a.s.) had said about the fruits of Heaven not reducing when they were eaten?
Shia mountaineer raises the flags of Imam Hussain (AS) & Pakistan at K2
Shia mountaineer M Ali Sadpara raises the flags of Pakistan and Hussaini (AS) at K2 where he climbed without oxygen during winter season.
What are the signs of the hypocrites?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Why did Imam Ali (A.S) remain silent for 25 years?
The validity of the Ahadith confirming Ali (AS) as the Caliph and the Imam is beyond question. But the question remains: Why did Ali (AS), the rightful successor to the Prophet (PBUH), remain silent after the latter’s death and made no effort to press his rights? Why did he not awaken society from its slumber?
Shafaqna Dictionary of Shia Islam in Media; Imam Hasan (A.S)
Shafaqna Dictionary of Shia Islam in Media is a multilingual collection of Shia Graphs that explain the words used in Shia News and Shia Media.
Development project launched near Hazrat Abbas’s (AS) mausoleum
A development project near the mausoleum of Hazrat Abbas (AS) in Karbala, Iraq, was inaugurated on Thursday.
German woman converts to Islam in Imam Reza’s (AS) holy shrine
on the night of Hazrat Zahra’s (SA) birth anniversary, a young German woman has converted to Islam in Imam Reza’s (AS) holy shrine.
Video: Father Christopher Clohessy Talks About Lady Zahra (S.A)
Fotros Media’s interview with Father Christopher Clohessy about Hazrat Zahra (S.A).
How can a person distinguish between the truth and the falsehood?
In the Battle of Jamal, Harith ibn Hoot asked a question from Imam Ali (AS) about Talha, Zubair, and Aisha uniting on falsehood. Imam Ali’s (AS) reply included words which Egyptian Scholar, Taha Hussain said:
Webinar on “Fatima (S.A), the perfect human being” to be held (+Poster)
The webinar “Fatima (S.A), the perfect human being as a daughter, wife, mother and social activist” is organized by the European Assembly of Women Followers of the Ahlal-Bayt (AS).
The Prophet's Love for Lady Fatimah
It is difficult to define the extent of the Prophet's love for Fatima (A) for she occupied a special place in his heart like no other person did.
The Tasbih (Rosary) of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra
Explanation of Lady Fatima’s (SA) Tasbih:
Holy shrine of al-Abbas decorates with flowers on birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (+Photos)
The Holy shrine of Aba al-Fadl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) was widely decorated to celebrate the birth anniversary of the beloved daughter of the Holy Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and upon his holy Household); the immaculate Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her).
Photos: Imam Ali’s (A.S) shrine on eve of birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah (S.A)
The morning ceremony of reciting the Ziyarat of Amir Al-Momineen Ali ibn Abitalib (A.S) on the eve of the birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S.A) was held in the presence of the servants of the shrine of Imam Ali (A.S) in the courtyard of Alawi in Najaf Ashraf.
Fatima’s (SA) House
The contemporary civilized world realizes the importance of paying due attention to certain spots and structures, which are connected to identified noble people or valuable entities.
Islamic Center of Berlin to Hold Program Marking Hazrat Zahra (SA) Birthday
An online program will be held at the Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Berlin, Germany, to celebrate the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA).
Imam Ali center in Stockholm to launch online course on 'how to prove existence of God'
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, plans to organize an online course titled “how to prove the existence of God”.
What did Imam Ali (AS) say about his protector?
Qanbar (RA) loved Imam Ali (AS) a lot and tried to look after him.
Lady Fatimah’s (S.A) birth and childhood
Lady of light, Fatimah Al-Zahra (S.A) was born on 20th of Jamadi Al-Thani in the fifth year after the migration to Mecca.
Photos: Demise anniversary of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (s.a.) held in Kufa, Iraq
Demise anniversary of Hazrat Umm ul-Banin (s.a.) was held at Alhamra mosque in Kufa, Iraq.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for death anniversary of Lady Umm Al-Banin (S.A) in infallible Imams’ (A.S) holy shrines
The mourning ceremony for the death anniversary of Lady Umm Al-Banin (S.A) was held in the shrines of infallible Imams (A.S) in Iraq.
Photos: Memorial ceremony for 11 Hazara Shia martyrs held in Karachi
Memorial ceremony for 11 Hazara Shia martyrs was held in Karachi. Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari, Leader of the Pakistan Muslim Unity Assembly party, delivered at the ceremony.
Introduction to the publications of the International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s)
Organized by the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly and with the cooperation of similar academic and cultural institutions, the “International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.); Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)”, will be held in March 2021.
What are the indicators of certainty?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) said:
Why the human being should always be hopeful of God’s forgiveness?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Completion of the cladding work of Qibla gate’s floor of al-Abbas holy shrine (+Photos)
The head of the aforementioned department, Eng.
Lady Fatimah (S.A) delivered Fadak Sermon at pinnacles of her eloquence
The story of Fadak is one of the most heart-rending and tumultuous stories in the life of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S.A) in particular, and the family of the Prophet (PBUH) in general, and in the history of Islam in a widespread and disseminating way.
The Grievances of Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra (SA)
The short life of Fatimah (SA), which lasted no more than twenty years according to some historians, was filled with much suffering and grave crises.
What the prominent Sunni Scholar narrated about Lady Fatimah Zahra (SA)?
The prominent Sunni Scholar, Al-Hakim Al-Neyshabouri narrated from Aisha who said:
Lady Fatima al-Zahra in Words of Infallibles
This article introduces some of the facets of Lady Fatima al-Zahra’s status and personality by relying on the words of the Prophet, the Imams, and Lady Fatima herself.
Martyrdom of Lady Fatima held at Imam Ali Center of Stockholm, Sweden
The Imam Ali (AS) Islamic Center in Stockholm, Sweden, has organized online mourning programs ahead of the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (SA) starting on January 14.
Photos: Commemorating Martyrdom of Lady Fatima at Holy Shrine of Imam Ali
Commemorating Martyrdom of Lady Fatima at holy shrine of Imam Ali.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain' team in Mombasa, Kenya serve food packs to homeless on martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah
'Who is Hussain' team in Mombasa city of Kenya serve food packs to homeless on Martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahra.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for Hazrat Fatemeh (s.a.) martyrdom held in Samarra, Iraq
The mourning ceremony of Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra (s.a.), the daughter of Holy Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), was held at Imam Askari (a.s.) and Imam Hadi (a.s.) holy shrines in Samarra.
Photos: Martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra held in Qom
Mourning ceremony for martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) held at Hazrat Masoumah holy shrine in Qom.
Photos: Mourning ceremony for martyrdom anniversary of Fatimah Zahra (S.A) held in Kirkuk, Iraq
The mourning ceremony for the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah Zahra (S.A) was held by the holy shrine of Imam Askari (A.S) in Kirkuk province in northern Iraq.
Photos: Eye-Catching Glory of Imam Ridha’s (A.S) Holy Shrine
One can not get enough of seeing all this art, the illuminated shrine of the eighth Imam (AS) of the Shia Muslims shines like the sun among the tile work and the arts used around it.
Webinar to Discuss ‘Abrahamic Religions and New Atheism’
The online program will be held with the participation of intellectuals and academic figures from different countries.
Photos: Protest in front of Pakistani Embassy in Toronto, Canada against ongoing Shia massacre in Pakistan
Protest in a snowy weather in front of Pakistani Embassy in Toronto, Canada against violent murder of 11 Hazara people and the ongoing Shia massacre in Pakistan.
Shia Hazara minority is on front line of Pakistan’s battle with violence
The brutal execution of 11 Hazara coal miners in Machh had grabbed international headlines. From politicians, anti-government forces to the international community, Pakistan’s government came under attack from every side for not protecting the rights of the minority groups in the country. In such a context, Imran Khan announced that his government was planning to set up a new security cell that would be responsible for providing protection to the minority Hazara community.
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" volunteers in Chicago donated 120 bags to homeless in a cold weather
Who is Hussain?" volunteers in Chicago donated 120 bags with essential items to areas with the most homeless population.
Iraqi children show their love of Lady Zahra (S.A)+Photos
Lady Fatimah Zahra (SA), the Lady of the Worlds’ women (peace be upon him), has a great place in the hearts of the lovers and followers of Ahlal-Bayt (Allah’s prayers be upon him and upon his holy Household), who do not forget to recall her tragedy from time to time, educating their children to sanctify her and take her their utmost role model.
Photos: Imam Ridha’s (AS) pilgrimage observing health protocols
Imam Ridha’s (AS) pilgrimage observing the health protocols.
Photos: Fatimiyya Mourning Majlis held at Hussainiyah Imam Ali of Basra, Iraq
Fatimiyya Mourning Majlis was held at Hussainiyah Imam Ali of Basra, Iraq.
New Photos From Holy Shrine of Lady Zaynab (S.A)
New Photos from holy shrine of Lady Zaynab (S.A).
Photos: “Who is Hussain?” Volunteers in Maryland, US donates wells to impoverished areas in Pakistan for accessing clean water
Who is Hussain?” Volunteers in Maryland, US donates wells to impoverished areas in Pakistan for accessing clean water.
An Australian man converted to Islam
A Christian citizen of Australia today in Canberra and in the presence of Allama “Ashfaq Wahidi”, the Friday Imam of this city was converted to Islam. Allama Wahidi said:
Photos: Lady Fatima Mourning Ceremony at the night of New Year 2021 at Imam Mahdi Center in Sao Paulo, Brazil
The night of the New Year 2021 and the martyrdom of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra ( peace be upon her) at the Islamic Center of Imam al-Mahdi in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Photos: Ivory Coast Shia Festival for Orphans on Christmas and commemoration of late Yahya Alavi (Bono)
Imam Al-Sadeq Center in Abidjan, Ivory Coast launched the orphans festival under the slogan ′′ I love Jesus (AS), I love Muhammad (PBUH) “, with the distribution of more than 1000 toys and food kits.
Commemorating First Fatimiyyeh in India+Photos
Simultaneously with the days of the first Fatimiyyehs, mourning ceremonies were held on this occasion in different cities and regions of India.
Can ignorance be cured?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
What is the consequence of discrediting others?
The holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) warned about the dangers of discrediting others and said:
Photos: Martyrdom of Lady Fatima held in Hillah, Iraq
Martyrdom of Lady Fatima held in Hillah, Iraq 30-Dec.-2020.
Imam Ali’s (A.S) Holy Shrine Covered in Black
The holy mausoleum of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf, Iraq, was covered with black banners and cloth sheets in commemoration of martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Zahra (SA).
Photos: “Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Maryland, US packed 80 dinner bags
Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Laurel city of Maryland state, US packed 80 dinner bags for Elizabeth House Soup Kitchen (helping low-income residents).
Daughter of the Prophet (PBUH), The Lady of Light
The prophet of Islam (PBUH) had only one daughter, Fatima (SA).
Imam Hassan's anecdote of his respected mother Lady Fatima Zahra
Imam Hassan Mojtaba (a.s.) says One night – a Friday night - my mother started to perform prayers and prayed until morning; until dawn.
Why Lady Fatimah Zahra (SA) wanted to be buried at night?
It is narrated that in her will the dear daughter of the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH), Lady Fatimah Zahra (SA) pointed to various aspects.
Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (S.A); Second Pillar of Islam
Lady Fatima Al-Zahra (S.A) was not the type of woman who sat at home weaving or sewing with no social responsibility.
Opening fourteenth edition of Fatimi Sorrows Festival in Karbala (+Photos)
The Hussayni Rituals and Processions Department of the Holy Shrines of Imam al-Hussain and al-Abbas (peace be upon both of them) opened the fourteenth edition of the Fatimi Sorrows Festival, that a commemoration and remembrance of the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her), in the square between the Two Holy Shrines, this afternoon, Saturday (10 Jumada Al-Awwal 1442 AH) corresponding to (December 26, 2020), and continues for ten days.
A Quiet Funeral
In the darkness of the jet-black night, when eyes were asleep and voices were silent, a Heavenly procession left Ali’s house while carrying the Messenger of Allah’s (SWT) daughter to her final abode.
Photos: Who is Hussain? Team in Texas Deliver Foods For VNA Meals on Wheels
Who is Hussain? Team in Texas USA deliver foods for VNA Meals on Wheels.
Signs of sadness at Holy Shrine of al-Abbas on martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (+Photos)
The sadness and sorrow prevailed over the atmosphere of the al-Abbas's (p) holy shrine, in remembrance of the martyrdom of the great Lady of the worlds' women; Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her), according to the second narration - which will coincide Tuesday (13 Jumada Ula 1442 AH).
Fatimiyya (Anniversary martyrdom of Lady Fatima al-Zahra )
Fāṭimīyya (Arabic:الفاطمية) is an adjectival term, referring to the anniversary of Lady Fatima al-Zahra's martyrdom, during which Shi'a community holds mourning sessions and rituals.
Lady Maryam (S.A) in Holy Quran
Lady Maryam (Mary) (S.A) was such a profound personality in which Almighty God named a whole chapter of the holy Quran after her.
Jesus Christ’s (AS) value to Muslims is not less than that of Christians
Jesus Christ (AS) never hesitated in a fight against evil or calling people towards piety throughout his life.
Zeynab (SA) an Example Who Said Stand Up to Tyranny: British Priest
British priest and peace and interfaith activist Bonnie Evans-Hills described Hazrat Zeynab (SA) as an example of standing up to tyranny and oppression.
Is knowledge important to all the people?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) told one of his closest companions Komail:
Photos: 'Who is Hussein?' team of Berlin-Germany meet employees to appreciate their efforts during Covid-19
Even though we were forced to stay at home, many risked their lives every day to avoid disruption of elementary accomplishments.
Which three groups’ deeds are not accepted by God?
It is narrated from the fifth Shia Imam, Mohammad Al-Baqir (AS) who said:
Women celebrate birth anniversary of Lady Zaynab at Kadhimiya holy shrine
The celebration was held in the presence and participation of a group of visitors and a number of the Holy Shrine's female staffs.
A white night in Imam Ridha’s (A.S) holy shrine
Autumn snow covered the shrine of Imam Ridha (AS) in white.
Photos: “Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Lebanon spread joy of Christmas to people in need
Who is Hussain?” volunteers in Lebanon spread joy of Christmas to people in need.
Hadhrat Zainab (a): A role model for all
Condolences to the Imam of our time Imam al-Mahdi (atfs), our righteous scholars, the Leader of the Muslim World, and all human beings on the martyrdom anniversary of Aqeelatu Bani Hashim Umm ul-Masaaib Hadhrat Zainab (alyha as-salam)
Photos: Heavy fog covers Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH)
Ahlulbayt News Agency ABNA: Heavy fog covers Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH).
Personality of Sayyida Zaynab, Daughter of Imam Ali (PBUT)
Personality of Sayyida Zaynab, Daughter of Imam Ali (PBUT).
4th Academic Pre-Conference of International Conference “Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.), the Protector of Great Prophet (p.b.u.h) News Conferences & Exhibitions Common Conferences Gallery
Simultaneously with the “Research Day”, in order to hold the International Conference of “Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.); the Protector of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)”, the “4th Academic Pre-Conference” of the conference was held in Qom.
Can accumulating wealth calm the heart?
Some people make mistake and think if they want their hearts to calm down and their anxiety to disappear, must accumulate wealth all the time.
Photos: Amazing moments of heavy fog descending on shrines of Imam Hussain and al-Abbas (PBUT)
Amazing moments of heavy fog descending on shrines of Imam Hussain and al-Abbas (PBUT).
Al-Kadhimayn Shrine Reopens to Pilgrims
Al-Kadhimayn Shrine in Kadhimayn suburb of Baghdad, Iraq, was reopened to pilgrims on Friday.
Photos | Holy Shrine of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) in Samarra, Iraq
The holy shrine of Imam Hassan Askari (AS) in the city of Samarra hosts thousands of pilgrims from different parts of Iraq on a daily basis.
We should present Islam to young people in a way that is close to their interests
I can’t say which European country is the most Islamophobic. What is certain is that Islamophobia is on the rise in all European countries. The main cause, I think, has a lot to do with government policies and with the image that the media constantly offers about Islam.
Why a woman cannot have more than one husband at one time?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) was asked by women:
Photos: Exhibition of research on Shiites situation opened in AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly
The "Research Week" ceremony in the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly was held on Saturday with the commemoration of the late Ayatollah Mohammad Jafar Khoshnevis (Al-Hadi), the unveiling of the latest works of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly and the exhibition of Shiite research.
Al-Sahlah Mosque, residence of Imam Mahdi (A.J) after his reappearance+Photos
Al-Sahlah Mosque, which is located near Kufah, exactly two kilometers in the northwest of the Grand Mosque of Kufah, is the oldest place attributed to Imam Mahdi (A.J).
The Last Signs Heralding the Appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (AJ)
There is a Hadith from Imam Muhammed Baqir (AS) that for three or seven consecutive days, one will see reddish yellow fire raging in the East.
Recognition of Imam Al-Ridha (A.S) and Pilgrimage from afar
All the sinner and the innocent are allowed to enter Imam Riḍha’s (A.S) holy shrine and he does not leave anyone hopeless and empty-handed.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain' volunteers in Mombasa of Kenya serving breakfast to homeless, street kids
Through the inspiration of Hussain Ibn Ali, caring and helping the needy around us, 'Who is Hussain' volunteers in Mombasa of Kenya serving breakfast to the homeless and street kids.
Photos: Remember Imam Hussein Water Project 2020 campaign in North Bengal completed
Remember Imam Hussein Water Project 2020 campaign in North Bengal has been completed.
How to become a true servant of God?
It is narrated from the sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
UK: Birmingham approves new amazing Mosque
A new landmark Mosque in Birmingham, second largest city of the United Kingdom has been approved by the city council.
Is it necessary to seek the advice of others?
It is narrated from the eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha/Reza (AS) who said:
Germany: Catholic Church in Germany Calls For Unity of Muslims and Christians
The Catholic Church in Germany called for the unity of Muslims and Christians to Confront Islamophobia.
Do infallible Imams (AS) pray for their followers?
Hassan ibn Jahm narrated: I told Imam Ridha/Reza (AS):
Photos: Pigeons around the holy shrine of Imam Ali (A.S)
The holy shrine of Imam Ali (AS) in the city of Najaf Ashraf hosts thousands of pigeon pilgrims from different Iraqi cities on a daily basis.
Who are the best servants of God?
The Eighth Shia Imam, Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha/Reza (AS) was asked about the characteristics of the best servants of Allah (SWT), and Imam (AS) replied.
Construction of shrine of Hazrat Zainab (S.A) in Astan Quds Abbasi+Photo
The construction of the shrines and the holy doors belonging to Astan Quds Abbasi announced the final agreement with the special model for the construction of the new shrine of Hazrat Zainab (S.A).
Shia Answers’ online course organized in Indonesia
The Islamic Center of Jakarta, Indonesia, has organized educational programs on Islamic issues including a course titled “Shia Answers”.
How can rulers survive?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Area of Imam Hussain’s (A.S) Holy Shrine Will Broaden by 14 Times
he Head of the Karbala Monuments Reconstruction Headquarters announced the 25% progress of the construction project of the courtyard of Hazrat Zainab (S.A). He stated: “When the space of this complex becomes ready for operation, the area of the infrastructure of the Hussaini holy shrine will increase about 14 times.”
Photos: Rite of oratory and candle lighting for death anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (S.A)
Photos: Rite of oratory and candle lighting for death anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (S.A).
Investigating role of Imam Hussain’s (A.S) holy shrine during Corona crisis in Germany
The human positions and major projects of the holy shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) during the Corona crisis were examined in a book published in Germany.
Hazrat Masoumeh (SA) Sowed Seeds of Knowledge Everywhere She Traveled
Shia Muslims around the world are mourning the demise anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh (SA), the beloved daughter of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (AS), the 7th Shia Imam.
Photos: Mourning ceremony on demise anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh in Qom
Mourning ceremony on demise anniversary of Hazrat Masoumeh held in Qom.
Imam Al-Askari (A.S.) One of the Lights of Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.)
An age will approach when the people’s faces would be laughing (exalting) and their hearts would be dark, bleak and dirty.
Which six characteristics can lead to prosperity in this world and the hereafter?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Birth Anniversary of Imam Hassan Al-Askari
Imam Hassan al-Askari was born in Madina,on 8th day of the month of Rabi' Thani, in the year 232 A.H. He was called 'al-Askari' in connection with the district of Askar in the city of Samarra' in which he (the Imam) and his father, Imam Ali un-Naqi al-Hadi (A.S.) were imprisoned by the Abbasid caliphs.
Photos: Beautiful autumn at Holy Shrines
Recent shots from the holy shrines of Infaillable Imams (A.S) in Iraq and Iran show beautiful scenes of autumn 2020.
Distorting Islamic teachings after the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) death
Another set of instances which demonstrate the lack of complete submission to divine commands on the part of the Companions and show that they would sometimes follow their own interests, or that they accepted divine orders only as long as they were in line with their own benefits is the fact that, after the Prophet’s (PBUH) death, they distorted some of Islamic teachings claiming that the changes were intended to reform those teachings.
Quranic Program Marks Birthday of Hazrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS)
A Quranic program was held at the holy shrine of HAzrat Abdul Azim Hassani (AS) in Rey, south of Tehran, on Friday.It marked the birthday anniversary of the revered figure.
A Brazilian converted to Islam in Tehran
“Chico”, a citizen of Brazil, converted to Islam.
Why having knowledge of God is so important in Islam?
It is narrated from sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
Engineering Design Division in Al-Abbas’s (A.S) Holy Shrine projects
The Head of the engineering projects department at the Al-Abbas’s (AS) holy shrine, Eng. Dea’ Majeed Al-Sa’egh, confirmed that the Engineering Design Division is one of the important pillars in the implementation of the various urban projects of the Holy Shrine of all kinds.
What does it mean to be a Shia Muslim in Africa?
Islam is one of the religions practiced in Africa. But, Shia Muslims are in minority in this area and face violence by their religious identity.
An Exclusive Interview of a Revert to Islam, “Adbul-Mahdi (Markus)”
An Exclusive Interview of a Revert to Islam, “AdbulMahdi (Markus) ”, from Deutschland by Ali Borna.
Pakistan: Poetry reading session “Prophet of Mercy and Peace” held in five languages in Peshawar (+Photos)
A poetry reading session titled “Prophet of Mercy and Peace” was organized in five languages by the Iranian Cultural Center in Peshawar, Pakistan.
Indian Shia scholar: Holy Prophet's lifestyle best model for strengthening Islamic unity
Hojatoleslam Asgari, an Indian Shiite cleric, speaking in the scientific conference of "The way of life of the holy Prophet of Islam (SA) and contemporary man, said the manner and life style of the Prophet(AS)is the best model for boosting Islamic unity.
Photos: Believers participated in performing rituals of friday at Holy Shrine of Imam Ali in Najaf
Believers participated in performing rituals of friday at Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (AS) in Najaf
Al-Abbas' department of Islamic Affairs opens first aesthetic heritage exhibition in Karbala (+Photos)
Al-Abbas' department of Islamic Affairs opens first aesthetic heritage exhibition in Karbala.
What are the top two good and bad characteristics according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' Mauritius volunteers distributed 35 hygiene kits, hot meal to homeless
On Saturday 7th November Who is Hussain, Mauritius distributed 35 hygiene kits, a hot meal and desert to the homeless spreading the message of #HOPE among those who need it the most. As taught by Hussain Ibn Ali, it's the most vulnerable people in society that need to be taken care of.
Dagestan students held an exhibition dedicated to Prophet Muhammad
Humanitarian-Pedagogical College in Makhachkala held an exhibition of works of design department students.
Why Divine Blessings are taken away from some people?
It is narrated from sixth Shia Imam, Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (AS) who said:
India hosts webinar on 'Prophet Mohammad in Indian religions'
Iran's cultural attaché in India has slammed desecration of religious sanctities as a root cause of conflicts among people with different schools of thought.
Why Imam Ali’s (A.S) leadership did not materialize immediately after the Prophet’s (PBUH) death?
It is sometimes asked why the Prophet’s companions ignored his clear designation of Imam Ali (AS) as his successor and the leader of the believers.
What is hidden Shirk according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
How to become a silent preacher?
A group of Shia Muslims requested Imam Sadeq (AS) to advise them. Imam (AS) said:
What are the indicators of a strong society?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
Photos: Mawlid Al-Nabi Celebration at al-Zahra Center of Midland Park, in New Jersey, USA
Mawlid Al-Nabi Celebration at al-Zahra Center of Midland Park, in New Jersey state, USA.
Photos: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) And Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) Birth Celebration in Lusaka, Zambia
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Al-Sadiq (AS) Birth was celebrated at Haaj Hisan Reza home in Lusaka, Zambia.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' team in Lusaka, Zambia visite a school; distributed cold drinks, snacks, sports equipment to needy students
Volunteeras of 'Who is Hussain?'
Can people follow any Faqih?
It is narrated from eleventh Shia Imam, Hassan ibn Ali Al-Askari (AS) who said:
Which heart is the best according to the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Shia Ulema of Iğdır & Tuzluca send Message of Unity on Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad & Imam Sadiq
Shia Ulema of Iğdır & Tuzluca cities of Turkey sent Message of Unity on Birth Anniversary of Prophet Muhammad & Imam al-Sadiq.

He was lovable and kind
He was lovable and kind is a nice clip in commemoration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Imam Al-Sadiq’s (A.S) high moral standards
The entire life of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (A.S), like the other infallible successors of the holy prophet of Islam, was the true reflection of divine religion of Islam.
Bishop of Jerusalem condemned insult to Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Theophilus III the Bishop of Jerusalem condemned insulting the insult to Islam and the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Prophet’s birth anniversary celebrated at Imam Reza (AS) holy shrine
mam Reza (AS) holy shrine is replete with joy, light and scents concurrent with the birth anniversaries of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and Imam Sadeq (AS).
Photos: Prophet Muhammad's Birth Celebration at Imam Al-Muntadhar Center in Middletown of Ohio State, USA
Prophet Muhammad's Birth Anniversary celebrated at Imam Al-Muntadhar Center in Middletown of Ohio State, USA 2020-1442
Photos: Prophet Muhammad & Imam Sadiq Birth Celebration at Babulilm Hussainiyah in Tokyo, Japan
Prophet Muhammad & Imam Sadiq Birth Anniversary celebrated at Babulilm Hussainiyah in Tokyo, Japan 2020-1442.
Photos: Mawlid al-Nabi Celebrated at Imam Zaman Mosque in Pathum Thani, Thailand
Mawlid al-Nabi Celebrated at Imam Zaman Mosque in Pathum Thani, Thailand 1442-2020.
What is the indicator of a devout society according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Photos: Students of Imam Hasan Center in Canberra of Australia Celebrate Prophet Muhammad Birth Anniversary
Students of Imam Hasan Islamic Center in Canberra capital of Australia celebrated Prophet Muhammad birth anniversary 1442-2020.
Photos: Prophet Muhammad's Birth Anniversary at Hussaini Mosque in Halishahar of Chittagong, Bangladesh
Prophet Muhammad's Birth Anniversary at Hussaini Mosque in Halishahar of Chittagong, Bangladesh / Preachers condemn French Macron's anti-Islam remarks 2020-1442
Photos: Prophet Muhammad's Birth Anniversary at Al-Kauthar Center, The Hague, Netherlands
Prophet Muhammad's Birth Anniversary at Al-Kauthar Center, The Hague, Netherlands 2020-1442.
Why Divine Revelation Is Unrivalled?
It is narrated from the holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
What is the meaning of Hablol Mateen?
Allah (SWT) has sent down the Quran as Hablal Mateen, and God has clearly explained that sending down the Quran is not like sending rain from the sky.
Demonstrations of the Iraqi people in condemnation of insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH)+Photo
Coinciding with the celebrations of the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, was the scene of protests against the insult to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in France.
International webinar on ‘Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Messenger of Humanity’ will be held in Unity Week
An international webinar titled “Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); Messenger of Humanity” will be held on the occasion of Islamic Unity Week.
Birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) celebrated in Pakistan
The birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) observed across Pakistan with great religious zeal and respect on Friday.
Yemeni community in New York celebrates Prophet’s birthday
The Yemeni community in New York celebrated the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) on Thursday.
Photos: Lighting the city of Sanaa for the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) birth anniversary
Different areas of the city of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, were illuminated to welcome the great celebration of the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Blessed marriage and mutual love of Muhammed (PBUH) and Khadija (S.A)
A blessed wedding took place on 10th of Rabi al-Awwal. It is Marriage anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Lady Khadija ( S.A). Their marriage contract, in the simple style, recites the mutual love of Muhammed (PBUH) and Khadija (S.A).
Residents of Yemen's Aden protest against French cartoons of Prophet Mohammed
Residents of Yemen's Aden province protested on Tuesday, condemning the French abuses against the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
How can we meet Imam Mahdi (A.J)?
How can we meet Imam Mahdi (A)? Here is a lecture by Ayatollah Sayyed Adil Alawi, translated by Muhammad Al-Najjar.
How did Imam Askari (AS) describe Shia Muslims?
One night the Governor of Samara came to see Imam Askari (AS) and said:
Believing in Imam Mahdi (AJ) gives vitality and enthusiasm/which society can receive the Promised Mahdi (AJ)?
Hope will lead the people to endure, to open up the path ahead and advance.
What did Imam Ali (AS) say about simple way of living of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)?
It is narrated from the first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) who said:
2-2020 Photos: Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari held at Amir al-Muminin Center in Ostfold, Norway
Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari was held at Amir al-Muminin Center in Ostfold, Norway 1442-2020.
Photos: Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari held at Al-Amin Center in Giessen, Germany
Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari held at Al-Amin Center in Giessen, Germany.
Photos: Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari held at Ahlul Bayt Center of Chicago, USA
Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari held at Ahlul Bayt Center of Chicago, USA - 1442-2020.
Photos: Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari at al-Askariyah holy shrines in Samarra, Iraq
Mourning Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Askari at al-Askariyah holy shrines in Samarra, Iraq 1442-2020.

Video / The Last Sunset
The Last Sunset is a nice clip in Farsi with English subtitles in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan al-Askari AS
Which sins hasten God’s punishment?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb (AS) narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:
Islam-Judaism similarities on Ashura culture/ Interview with an expert on Jewish culture and religion
Bijan Khakshour, an expert on Jewish culture and religion, pointing out that the Jews of Iran have long been pioneers in helping to hold special mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussain (A.S), said:

Video: Wise saying of Imam Hassan Al-Askari
On the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari (AS), Huj. Davoodi delivered speech about the wise saying of Imam Hassan Al-Askari (AS).

Video: Manner of Imam Hassan Al-Askari
On the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Askari (AS), Huj. Davoodi delivered speech about the manner of Imam Hassan Askari (AS).
Month of Rabi’ Al-Awwal is like the spring season in life
A number of mystics believe that the month of Rabi Al-Awwal is the spring of life in the real sense of the word because in this month the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and also his honorable grandson, Imam Abu Abdullah Ja’far ibn Muhammad Al-Sadiq (AS) were born.
Photos: Changing the flag of the dome of the shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) on the eve of Rabī’ Al-Awwal
The black flag of the dome of the shrine of Imam Hussain (A.S) was replaced with the red flag yesterday evening, at the beginning of the month of Rabī’ Al-Awwal.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' Karachi Chapter conducts a mega drive as 'Hussaini Mahol 8.0'; Hindus, Sikhs attended the activities
Who is Hussain- Karachi Chapter conducted a mega drive named as 'Hussaini Mahoul 8.0'.
Why Imam Ali (AS) used to delay fighting his enemies?
The first Shia Imam, Ali ibn Abitaleb Amiral Momeneen (AS) said:
What happens when the Quran is not recited in the house?
It is narrated from Imam Sadeq (AS) who said:
Photos: Arbaeen Mourning Ceremony at Islamic Center of Hamburg, Germany
Arbaeen Mourning Ceremony was held at Islamic Center of Hamburg, Germany.
Imam Ridha’s (A.S) cultural and political activities facilitated development of Shia Islam
The eighth Shia Imam (A.S) through public enlightenment defended the religious role of Shia in general. Cultural and political activities and his efforts facilitated development of Shia Islam.
How did Imam Hassan (AS) describe the holy Quran?
It is narrated from the second Shia Imam, Hassan ibn Ali Al-Mojtaba (AS) who said:
Rabi’ Al-Awwal carries greatest blessings of Almighty Allah (SWT)
Rabi’ Al-Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar, occurring after Muharram and Safar. It has a lot of significance and importance because of important religious events. Humanity has been blessed in this month by the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Photos: Mourning Ceremony for Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hasan at Ahlul Bayt Center in Saint Louis of Missouri State, USA
Mourning Ceremony for Prophet Muhammad and Imam Hasan at Ahlul Bayt Center in Saint Louis of Missouri State, USA.
Photos: "Who Is Hussain?" Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania chapter hands over a Well to Primary School
On 15th October 2020, Who Is Hussain?
Photos: Mourning Ceremony for Prophet Muhammad and Imam Al-Hasan at Imam Reza Mosque in Auckland, New Zealand
Mourning Ceremony for Prophet Muhammad and Imam Al-Hasan at Imam Reza Mosque in Auckland, New Zealand.
Photos: Mourning Ceremony on Demise of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Al-Hasan, Imam Al-Ridha at Karbala Center in Orebro, Sweden
Mourning Ceremony on Demise of Prophet Muhammad, Imam Al-Hasan, Imam Al-Ridha at Karbala Center in Orebro, Sweden.
The sadness covering the al-Abbas's (p) Holy Shrine is intensified with martyrdom anniversary of the Holy Prophet (Allah's prayers be upon him and upon his holy Household).
The sadness and grief over the al-Abbas’s (p) holy shrine, which signs appeared since the first of the month of Moharram, in commemoration of Ashura and the dire Taf tragedy, has reached its climax these days, with the martyrdom anniversary of the Holy Prophet, the Messenger of Mercy and the Intercessor of the nation;
How to attract Divine Attention according to Imam Hassan (AS)?
The second Shia Imam, Hassan ibn Ali, Al-Mojtaba (AS) considered reciting the holy Quran as one of the most important ways of attracting Divine Attention for accepting the prayers (Duas), and in this regard, it is narrated from Imam Hassan (AS) who said:
Passing anniversary of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) held in Najaf Ashraf+Photos
A large number of pilgrims last night and today (Friday) attended death anniversary of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) under strict security and health measures in Najaf Ashraf.
Photos: Pilgrims in Imam Ridha’s (A.S) holy shrine
Presence of pilgrims in Imam Ridha’s (A.S) shrine for martyrdom anniversary of eighth Shia Imam.

Video / The Loneliest One Among All
"The Loneliest One Among All" is a nice clip in Farsi with English subtitles in commemoration of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Rida (AS).
Habib ibn Mazahir: Leader of the left wing of Imam Hussain’s (A.S) army
When he heard of the concerns of the women of the Ahlal-Bayt (A.S) on the eve of Ashura, he took a group of the companions outside their tents and assured them that the tents would be safe as long they – the companions – were alive.
Photos: Gifting Toys to 325 Kids in the Name of Imam Hussain in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Gifting Toys to 325 Kids in the Name of Imam Hussain by Sheikh Rodrigo Jaloul in Sao Paulo of Brazil .Arbaeen2020-1442.
Photos: "Who is Hussain?" Arbaeen Campaign in Hong Kong, China
Volunteers of "Who is Hussain?" Arbaeen Campaign in Hong Kong, China distributed food supplies to some families who have been especially affected during this difficult time. #Arbaeen2020-1442.
Photos: 'Who is Hussain?' volunteers in Ottawa, Canada commemorate Arbaeen of Imam Hussain by cooking & distributing food to women in shelter
To commemorate the 40th day after the martyrdom of Hussain ibn Ali, 'Who is Hussain?'
Imam Reza (AS) Holy Shrine covered in black
The holy mausoleum of Imam Reza (AS) in Mashhad, northeast Iran, was covered with black cloth and banners ahead of the mourning days of the end of Safar.