Some quotes from Imam Hussain (A.S)

International News Agency invites all Shia Muslims and Ahlal-Bayt (A.S.) devotees all around the world to be the messengers of Imam Hussain’s (A.S.) movement to the world in Muharram 2020, by using cyberspace and through updating their profile pictures with Ashura symbols and posting contents about Imam Hussain (A.S.) on social media with the hashtag “#OneShiaOneMessage“.

Some quotes from Imam Hussain (A.S)

Here is several tweets:

To any oppressed,
Mahatma Gandhi:"I learnt from Hussein how to achieve victory while being oppressed".#Hussain #ImamHussain #ما_ملت_امام_حسینیم

— Qasemebnolhasan (@Qasemebnlhasan) August 21, 2020

Imam Hussein (AS):
Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.#mondaythoughts #ImamHussain#muharram1442

— Elizabet (@Elizabe67436885) August 17, 2020

The martyrdom of #ImamHussain (pbuh) is the saddest event in history.

Yet, it contains a beauty we cannot see, which transcends time and space.

It takes the heart of Zaynab (pbuh) to see it:

"I saw nothing but beauty."
[مَا رَأَیْتُ إِلَّا جَمِیلًا]#Muharram2020 #Muharram

— Dr Sayyed Rehan Naqvi (@SayyedMRNaqvi) August 17, 2020

"The Most Merifull Person is One Who Forgives When he is Able to take Revenge"#ImamHussain A.S💕

— Babar Ali (@BabarAli8787) August 21, 2020

“ Those who are silent when others oppressed are guilty of oppression themselves “ #ImamHussain

— Qassem (@qassome1) August 20, 2020

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