How can the good deeds be destroyed?

It is narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:

How can the good deeds be destroyed?

The one who says: “Sobhan-Allah”, “Alhamdulillah”, “La Elaha Elallah”, “Allahu Akbar”; Allah (SWT) will plant a tree for each of them in heaven for that person. A man from Quraysh said: O’ the Prophet of Allah (SWT), so we will be the owners of lots of trees in heaven. The Prophet (PBUH) said: Yes, but you must fear that you do not send fire to burn them; and this is the meaning of this Ayah which says: “O’ those who believe, obey Allah (SWT) and the Prophet and do not let your deeds go to waste.” (Ayah 33 of Surah Mohammad)

It is also narrated from Imam Baqir (AS) who said: Allah (SWT) will resurrect a group with a white light in front of them like a very white cloth. Then they are ordered: Particles disperse and become small; then Imam (AS) told Abu Hamza Thomali (RA): O’ Abu Hamza, the owners of this light whom by God’s order the light are taken away from them, in the world they used to perform Salaat and fast, but whenever Haram wealth offered to them, they grabbed it; and whenever they were told of Imam Ali’s (AS) merits, they denied it. Then Imam (AS) added: Very small particles that are observed when sun’s ray glows on them from a hole [2].

[1] Tafseer Nooral Thaqalayn, Vol. 5, Page 45.

[2] As Above, Vol. 4, Page 9.

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