IECOC held Interfaith Celebration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birth Anniversary

The annual Interfaith Celebration of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was held at the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County, California on Saturday, November 9th.

IECOC held Interfaith Celebration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birth Anniversary

IECOC held Interfaith Celebration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birth Anniversary

IECOC held Interfaith Celebration of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Birth Anniversary

The event featured Dr. Hathout, Pastor Mark Davis and Bishop Steve Gilliland as guest speakers.

Dr. Seyyed Mostafa al-Qazwini, founding Imam of IECOC, in a post on Twitter wrote “it’s beautiful when Jews, Christians, Sunnies and Shias gets together harmoniously under one roof. Thanks to all participants”.


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