Why Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS) always helped the needy?

It is narrated that Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS) was asked:

 Why Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS) always helped the needy?

How come any poor person, who comes to your door, does not return disappointed? Imam Hassan (AS) replied: I am also a needy person in the doorstep of God, and I do not like to be turned away empty handed. God has granted us Divine Blessings, and never wants to deprive God’s servants. I am worried that if I refuse a poor person, God also turns me away empty handed. Imam (AS) then added: When a needy person comes to me, I welcome and applaud him, as it has become Wajib for me to help him. This needy person favoured me and people like me, and the best days of generous individuals are when they are asked to help [1].

[1] Daneshnameye Imam Hassan (AS), Vol. 1, Page 696.


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