What were the significant recommendations of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) about life in this world and the hereafter?

It is narrated that Sa’ad ibn Ashj stood up and asked:


What were the significant recommendations of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) about life in this world and the hereafter?

O’ the Prophet of Allah (SWT), how will we be treated after death? The Prophet (PBUH) replied: You will be accounted for (what you have done in the world), and your grave will be narrowed or extended. Sa’ad asked: O’ the Prophet of Allah (SWT), do you also fear from death and the grave? The Prophet (PBUH) replied: No, but I am ashamed before God that I have not been able to thank God enough for all or even some of the blessings. Sa’ad said: I take God, the Prophet (PBUH), and all of you as witnesses that I will make Haram to myself the sleep at night, the food of the day (fast), the peace of the night, socializing with people and any association with women. The Prophet (PBUH) responded by saying: Never do these. If you do not socialize with people, how are you going to carry out enjoining good and prohibiting bad? After settling in town among people, going to desert is being ungrateful for all God’s blessings. Sleep at night, eat in the day, and do not wear clothes made of gold or silk, and live with your family. O’ Sa’ad, now go to the Bani Al-Mostalaq Tribe, because they have returned my representative [1].

[1] Navader Ravandi, Page 152.


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