What did the killers of Imam Hussain (AS) say about him and his parents?

Sanan ibn Anas brought the blessed head of Imam Hussain (AS) to Omar ibn Sa’ad to claim a prize.


What did the killers of Imam Hussain (AS) say about him and his parents?

When Sanan reached near Omar Sa’ad’s tent, he started reading the following poem with loud voice: Fill my horse’s saddlebag with gold and silver as I killed the veiled king. I have killed the one whose father and mother were the best of the people and when the people talk about their ancestry, his is the best and the greatest than all.

When Omar Sa’ad heard this poem, he became angry and beat Sanan with the wood he had in his hand and said: O’ you the mad person, why do you talk like this? Swear to God, if Ibn Ziad hears these words, he will cut your head off [1].

[1] Tarikh Tabari, Vol. 5, Page 454; Tadhkiratul Khawaas, Page 22.

Source: en.shafaqna.com

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