How the believers are protected from sins by God?

Imam Ali (AS) narrated from the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) who said:

	How the believers are protected from sins by God?

Allah (SWT) has allocated 72 covers for the believer; when he/she commits a sin, one of the covers is removed and if he/she repents, God will mend that cover and will add seven covers to it. But if someone does not repent and move towards sin step by step, his/her covers will gradually be removed. If in the middle of the way repents again, God will mend those covers as well as adding another seven covers. But if he/she moves in the way of disobedience, then will be without covers. Then Allah (SWT) will order angels to cover God’s servant with their wings, and if he/she continues with disobedience, angels will complain to God and will remove their wings and say: O’ God, this servant has troubled us with his/her secret and open sins. Then God will tell the angels: Remove your wings. If from now on he/she commits sins in the dark of the night or light of the day, or in plains, and in the depth of the sea, God will place his/her sins on people’s tongues. Therefore, request God not to tear the curtain of your dignity [1].

[1] Navader-e-Ravandi, Page 97.


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