How did Imam Sadeq (AS) describe the characteristics of a true friend?

 It is narrated from sixth Shia Imam Jafar Sadeq (AS) who said:

How did Imam Sadeq (AS) describe the characteristics of a true friend?

The one who has all the following conditions is a complete friend; otherwise the level of friendship is reduced to the extent of the decrease in those conditions, and if has none of them, basically cannot be considered as a friend.

  1. Be the same on the surface (outwardly) as well as inwardly (within the mind)
  2. To consider your goodness, badness, and dignity as his/hers
  3. If his/her financial situation improved significantly and became wealthy, his/her behaviour does not change toward you
  4. Helps you to his/her ability and power
  5. Does not forget and leave you on your own in difficulty and distress [1].

[1] Wasa’elul Shia, Vol. 12, Page 146.


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