Fajr Ashura Cultural Center
Original name | مركز فجر عاشوراء الثقافي |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +9647728220543 |
Fax | |
Address |
Turath al-Najaf Foundation Building - Komey ibn Ziad Ave. - Najaf - Iraq
Website | fajrashura.com |
tenth.night@yahoo.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Samy al-Badri |
Activities |
Dar alturath Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة دار التراث |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +9647800070094 |
Fax | |
Address |
al-Barid Ave. - Hannanah District - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | dar-alturath.org |
info@dar-alturath.org | |
Principal | Alaa al-A'asam |
Activities |
Al Hakeem Documentary Center
Original name | مركز آل الحكيم الوثائقي |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address |
al-Sa'd District - Thurat al-eshrin Sq. - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | alhakeem-iraq.net |
info@alhakeem-iraq.net | |
Principal | Seyyed Mohammad Javad al-Hakeem |
Activities | Publishing works of the Hakeem family. |
The Center for the Heritage of Sayed Bahrululoom
Original name | مركز تراث السيد بحر العلوم |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | Najaf - Iraq |
Website | bahrululoom.org |
Principal | Seyyed Fazel Bahrul Uloom |
Activities |
Nahjul Balagha Sciences Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة علوم نهج البلاغة |
Country | Iraq |
City | Karbala |
Phone | +07728243600 |
Fax | |
Address |
Next to Ali Akbar (A.S) status - al-Sedrah Ave. - Karbala - Iraq |
Website | inahj.org |
inahj@imamhussain.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Nabil Qadouri al-Hassani |
Activities | Conducting courses on the concepts of Nahjolbalaghe in the field of ethics and training. |
Warith Anbia Foundation
Original name | (مؤسسة وارث الانبياء للدراسات التخصصية في النهضة الحسينية (فرع النجف الأشرف |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +9647711602329 |
Fax | |
Address |
Opposite Belgheis School - al-Barid Ave. - Hannanah - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | warithanbia.com |
info@warithanbia.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Original name | مركز جنّة الحسين (عليه السلام) للدراسات الحسينية |
Country | Iraq |
City | Karbala |
Phone | +1.3138555957, +9647814598282 |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | jannatalhusain.net |
info@jannatalhusain.net | |
Principal | Mohammad Kazemi |
Activities | -Hussaini Studies -Investigation and scientific research -Printing and electronic publication -Publishing and propagating via social networks -Audio clips -Promoting Imam Hussain (A.S) teachings among his followers. -Holding religious ceremonies and lectures. -Sending Propagating books and CDs to different parts of the world. |
Torath al-Najaf Religious Cultural Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة تراث النجف الحضاري والديني |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +9647808600804 |
Fax | |
Address |
Near Komeyl Ibn Ziyad tomb - al-Karamah District - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | najafcf.com |
najafcf@najafcf.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Samy al-Badri |
Activities |
Establishment of a Center for Religious Discussions. Holding professional scientific courses. Holding linguistic courses (Aincient languages like Syriac, Hebrew...). Establishment of s great vitual library. Holding international religius conferences for Hawzah scolars. Editting ang correcting manuscripts as well as publishing them. Publishing "Turathieh" magazine. Disseminating Hawzah contents through the internet. |
Alemam -kashefalghtaa -Public Library
Original name | مكتبة الإمام كاشف الغطاء - العامة |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +9647801273384 |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | www.kashefalghtaa.com |
info@.kashefalghtaa.com -- kashefalghtaa@gmail.com | |
Principal | اSheikh Sharif Mohammad al-Hussein Aal Kashefalghtaa |
Activities | Preserving exquisite Shi'i manuscripts, keeping religious communication between the scholars. |
Al-Hikmeh Foundation for Islamic Culture
Original name | مؤسسة الحكمة للثقافة الإسلامية |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | alhikmeh.net |
info@alhikmeh.net | |
Principal | |
Activities | Propagating Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) culture, compilation and publishing of the "Yinabi" Magazine, production of television and satellite programs aimed at introducing Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT). |
Al-Ameer (A.S) Cultural Center
Original name | مركز الامير (عليه السلام) الثقافي |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | Najaf - Iraq |
Website | malameer.com |
info@malameer.com | |
Principal | Syyed Riaz Musavi |
Activities | Holding summer classes for students and promotional courses during Ramadan, Sending preachers to Hosseiniahs and Mosques. |
Al-Murtadha (A.S) Foundation For Culture & Guidance
Original name | مؤسسة المرتضى(ع) للثقافة الإرشاد |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address |
End of al-Rasul Ave. - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | almurtadha.org |
murtadha@almurtadha.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Mohammad Hussain al-Amidi |
Activities |
anwar al-Huda Library
Original name | مكتبة أنوار الهدى الإسلامية |
Country | Iraq |
City | Basra |
Phone | +964 (4) 730159 |
Fax | |
Address |
PO.BX 6 - Shatt al-Arab Area - Basra - Iraq |
Website | anwaralhuda1.jeeran.com |
Principal | Hesam Shaker Jasem |
Activities | Specialized library in the field of jurisprudence, beliefs, religion, history and philosophy. |
Al-Ghari Islamic Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة الغري للمعارف الاسلامية |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +964 (33) 210384 |
Fax | +964 (33) 210394 |
Address |
Opposite Post office - Hannanah District - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | al-ghari.com |
alghari_1425@yahoo.com | |
Principal | Sheilk Ghasem Hashemi |
Activities | A cultural, religious and informational institution aimed at spreading Islamic culture. |
Turath Shi'a Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة إحياء التراث الشيعي |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +964 (33) 332811-332813 |
Fax | +964 (30) 247498 |
Address |
PO.BX 558 - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | turathshiai.com |
turathshiai@yahoo.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Mohammad Qapanchi |
Activities | Preserving Shi'a handwritten manuscripts as well as editting ,correcting and publishing them. |
Almuhakk Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة المحقق |
Country | Iraq |
City | Hillah |
Phone | +(964) 7801020562 |
Fax | +964 (30) 247498 |
Address |
PO.BX 434 - Hillah - Iraq |
Website | hawza.jeeran.com |
ssabud2003@hotmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Sa'd al-Shemri |
Activities | Promotion and Dissemination of Shi'a thought means of common tools to introduce them to young people, communication with the Hawzahs. |
Al-Sahwa Islamic Foundation
Kashif al-Qetaa Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة كاشف الغطاء العامة |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +964 7801006730 |
Fax | +964 (33) 361720 |
Address | Mahdieh School - Najaf - Iraq |
Website | kashifalgetaa.com |
info@kashifalgetaa.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Abbas Kashif al-Qetaa |
Activities |
Aalulbayt Global Information Center
Original name | مركز آل البيت (عليهم السلام) العالمي للمعلومات |
Country | Iraq |
City | Karbala |
Phone | +964 (32) 329283 |
Fax | |
Address |
Opposite Ibn Fahd tomb -Imam Hussain Ave. - Karbala |
Website | holykarbala.net |
holykarbala@holykarbala.net | |
Principal | Seyyed Abbas Jlo Khan |
Activities |
A cultural Islamic center aiming to promote Shi'a approach through the internet. |
Aalulbayt Global Information Center
Original name | مركز آل البيت (عليهم السلام) العالمي للمعلومات |
Country | Iraq |
City | Najaf |
Phone | +964 (33) 91-332690 |
Fax | +964 (33) 332692 |
Address |
No 24, al-Rasool Ave, Najaf, Iraq |
Website | holynajaf.net |
admin@holynajaf.net | |
Principal | Sheikh Musa al-Javaheri |
Activities |