Al-Qa'im Mosque
al-Sadeq (A.S) Islamic Center
Hussaineyat Aleyassin
Original name | حسینیه آل یاسین |
Country | Australia |
City | Sydney |
Phone | +61 433327039 |
Fax | |
Address | 2/93 Carlingford Street, Sefton 2162 NSW Australia |
Website | h-aleyassin.com |
aleyassin.h@gmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Ali Aburihan |
Activities | Hussaineyat Ale Yassin is an Arabic and English Shia Islamic center in Sydney, Australia, launched by the directions and guidance of the Islamic Authority Ayatollah Sayid Saqie Husseini Shirazi. Our aim is to revive and spread the message and knowledge of the Ahlulbayt(a.s), as well as the rituals of Imam Hussein(A.S). We run lessons to teach the Arabic language, the Quran and Shia Islamic beliefs in both Arabic and English to boys and girls. We also aim to continue the support of our community with various programs and activities and welcome all to participate. |
Fatima Zahra (A.S) Islamic Center
Original name | Fatima Zahra (A.S) Islamic Center |
Country | Australia |
City | Brisbane |
Phone | +61421785548 |
Fax | |
Address | 1 Denman Street Leichhardt QLD 4305 Brisbane, Australia |
Website | fzic.org |
info@fzic.org | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Hussainiyat Al-Rasool Al-Adham (PBUH)
Original name | Husseiniat Alrasool Alaatham Alkarbalaeia Of Adelaide |
Country | Australia |
City | Adelaide |
Phone | +61 435926887 |
Fax | +61 433199858 |
Address | 2 Pedder Crs, Regency Park Adelaide Australia |
Website | alkarbalaeia.com.au |
info@alkarbalaeia.com.au info@alrasool.com.au | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Al-Hadi (A.S) Islamic Center
Original name | AL-HADI (A.S) ISLAMIC CENTRE |
Country | Australia |
City | Sydney |
Phone | +61 295563636 |
Fax | +61 295563636 |
Website | alhadicentre.com |
Principal | Sheikh Nami Farhat al-Amali |
Activities |
Imam Al-Kadhim (A.S) Mosque
Original name | Imam Kadhim Mosque |
Country | Australia |
City | Shepparton Victoria |
Phone | +61412166699 |
Fax | |
Address | 6 Grant Court Shepparton Victoria 3030 Australia |
Website | imamkazimmosque.com |
hussamsaraf@gmail.com | |
Principal | Hossam Sarraf al-Husseini |
Activities |
Kumail Islamic Charity Foundation
The Shi'a House Center
Al-Haddi Welfare Association
Original name | مركز الهادي |
Country | Australia |
City | Canberra |
Phone | +61412432070 |
Fax | |
Address | 1 Hyland Place, Wanniassa 2904 ACT Australia |
Website | al-haadi.com |
info@al-haadi.com | |
Principal | Eftekhar Haydar |
Activities | Reviving Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) occasions. |
Shi'a Islamic Community [S I C]
Al-Nabi Al-Akram (PBUH&HF) Hussainiyah
Original name | حسينية النبي الأكرم (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) |
Country | Australia |
City | Sydney |
Phone | +61 (2) 97931136 |
Fax | +61 (2) 97931136 |
Address | Olympic Parade Bankstown 2200 Australia |
Website | h-alnabi.com |
h_alnabie@yahoo.com.au | |
Principal | Abu Reyhaneh |
Activities |
Al-Rasool Al-Azam (PBUH&HF) Mosque
Original name | مسجد الرسول الاعظم (صلى الله عليه وآله) |
Country | Australia |
City | Sydney |
Phone | +61 (2) 97939104 |
Fax | +61 (2) 97939014 |
Address | 1 Vimy Street Bankstown NSW 2200 Sydney Australia |
Website | alansaree.org |
la_ilaha_illa_hoo@hotmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Mohammad Hussain al-Ansari |
Activities |
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Islamic Association
Imam Mahdi (A.S) Mosque & Center
Imam Hussain (A.S) Islamic Centre
Al Zahra (a.s) Muslim Association (A.Z.M.A)
Shi'a Muslim Association Cammunity
Original name | Shia Muslim Association Cammunity |
Country | Australia |
City | Sydney |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | no. 59 Lucas Rd. , Burawood, Sydney, N S W 21314, Australia. |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
ALGahdeer Islamic Association
Al-Zahra (S.A) College
Imam Ali (A.S) Islamic center
Al-Noor Islamic Center
Original name | |
Country | Australia |
City | Perth |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | P.O.BOX 432 mirrabooka squ. Perth 6061 W A AUSTRALIA |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |