The NonGovernmental Organization of Islam and Christianity (NGOIC)
Original name | انجمن گفتگوی اسلام و مسیحیت |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +989374893032 |
Fax | |
Address |
No. 43, Alley 10, East Moallem Ave. Qom |
Website | http://www.ngoic.com |
mskashani@chmail.ir | |
Principal | Mohammad Kashani |
Activities |
The Mohammad (PBUH&HF) Foundation
Original name | (بنیاد علمی فرهنگی محمد (ص |
Country | Iran |
City | Tehran |
Phone | +982155166917 |
Fax | +982155166917 |
Address | |
Website | mohammadfnd.org |
info@mohammadfnd.org | |
Principal | Masoud Basiti |
Activities |
Specializing in the following issues:
The Islamic Foundation for the Promotion and Guidance
Original name | بنیاد اسلامی جهانی تبلیغ و ارشاد |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +7741737 (251) 98+ |
Fax | +7741737 (251) 98+ |
Address |
No. 9 - St. 12 - Dourshahr Ave - 3718536345 M.B - Qom - Iran |
Website | Altabliq.com |
info@altabliq.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Mohammad Ali Alavi |
Activities |
Imam Al - Reza (A.S) Foundation for Research and Scientific Investigations
Original name | مؤسسة الامام الرضا عليه السلام للبحث و التحقيق العلمي |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7836353 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7836353 |
Address | Eram Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | ridhatorath.com |
info@ridhatorath.com | |
Principal | Ayatollah Sheikh Moslem Davari |
Activities |
An institution that aims to prepare investigators, develop their abilities, graduate students and scientists capable of coping with their time and answering its requirements. In addition to providing the scientific field in particular and the intellectual arena for the community in general scientific research, answering to proposed religious questions and eliminating possible doubts. |
Amir al-Mu'minin (A.S) Research Center
Original name | (مؤسسه تحقیقی امیرالمؤمنین (علیه السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7741184 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7744864 |
Address |
No. 7 - St. 2 - 3776 M.B - Hojjatieh Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | nahjolbalaghe.com |
Principal | Mohammad Mahdi Dashti |
Activities |
Research and study on the approach of Nahj al-Balagha and Hadith, translation of the Nahj al-Balagha to other languages, extraction of science and the arts from the sources of Hadith. |
Orvat-ul-Vosgha Foundation
Sadeqieh Religious Foundation
Foundation for the Defense of the sanctity of Islam
Al - Burhan Cultural Foundation
Research Foundation in Islamic Sciences Department of Answering Religious Questions
Original name | موسسه گفتگو در علوم و معارف اسلامی بخش پاسخگویی به سئوالات اعتقادی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7743183 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743177 |
Address |
St. 10 - Moallem Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | balagh.net |
Principal | Mohammad Baqir Shariati Sabzevari |
Activities |
Responding to doubts and religious questions. |
Research Institute in Islamic Sciences Department of Philosophy and Islamic Kalam
Original name | موسسه گفتگو در علوم و معارف اسلامی بخش فلسفه و کلام اسلامی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7744928 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743177 |
Address |
No. 23 - St. Amar - Shohada (Safaieh) Ave - 37185-3688 M.B - Qom - Iran |
Website | balagh.org |
Principal | Ali Reza Al Bouye |
Activities |
Islamic philosophy, Western philosophy, Islamic Kalam, religious philosophy, intellectual defense of Islamic fundamentals. |
Imam Ali (A.S) Translation and Publication Center
Original name | (مؤسسه ترجمه و نشر امام علی (علیه السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7743996 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743199 |
Address |
No. 30 - St. Momtaz - Shohada (Safaieh) Ave - 37185-737 M.B - Qom - Iran |
Website | alimamali.com alimamali.net alimamali.org |
info@alimamali.com,webmaster@alimamali.com,mujtaba@info@alimamali.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Zia' Javaheri |
Activities |
Imam Mahdi (A.J) Foundation
Imam Sadiq (A.S) Foundation for Research and Islamic Studies
Original name | بنیاد پژوهش و مطالعات اسلامی امام صادق |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 2925152 |
Fax | +98 (251) 2922331 |
Address |
Between St. 11 and St. 9 - Amin Ave - Qom - Iran
Website | imamsadeq.org |
info@imamsadeq.org | |
Principal | Ayatollah Sheikh Jafar Sobhani |
Activities |
Research and publication of jurisprudence books, educating and training researchers, answering to religious questions, reviving Islamic texts, correcting Shi'a great scholars' books and providing "Kalam" education. |
The Al-ul-Mortaza Religious Communication Center
Original name | (مؤسسه انتشاراتی تحقیقی آل المرتضی (علیهم السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7744327 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7741170 |
Address |
No. 257 - Ayatollah Shahroudi office - Ark St. - Eram Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | shahroudi.com |
info@shahroudi.net | |
Principal | Seyyed Mojtaba Mortazavi Shahroudi |
Activities |
Research, dissemination and publication of religious scientific texts. |
Imam Al-Mahdi (A.J) Foundation
Ahsanolhadith Institute
Original name | مؤسسه قرآنی أحسن الحديث |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 8821353 |
Fax | |
Address |
37185-3697 M.B - No. 54 - St. 18 - Towhid (Nirugah) Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | ahsanolhadith.ir |
Principal | Saheb Ali Mohebbi |
Activities |
Specializing in Islamic sciences especially the holy Quran and Nahj al-Balagha. |
Rehabilitation of Natural Medicine Center
Cultural Publishing Institute of Ehtejaj Allame Tabarsi
Secretariat of the Forum of Religious Sciences
Secretariat of Sheikh Tousi Scientific Research Conference
Shamim Thought House
Dar Al-Mustafa (PBUH&HF) to revive his heritage
The Holy Quran House
DarolZahra Cultural Center
Original name | دار الزهراء (عليها السلام) الثقافية |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7832560 |
Fax | |
Address | Next to Bibam Pharmacy - Somayye Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | darolzahra.com |
info@darolzahra.com | |
Principal | Om Ali Mashkour |
Activities |
Cultural services relating women and the family, dealing with Muslim converts, sending books, establishment of a library containing audio books in the field of women and family, providing Islamic and Howzavi lessons for women. |
House of Investigation and Islamic Knowledge
Association of writers and scholars of Howza
Islamic Knowledge Association
Islamic Computerized Encyclopedia
Original name | الموسوعة الإسلامية الكمبيوترية |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7741069 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7740609 |
Address |
37185-3897 M.B - No. 24 - St. 21 - Fatemi (Dourshahr) Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | mawsoah.org |
mawsoah@mawsoah.org | |
Principal | Sheikh Mohammad Javad al-Ghojani |
Activities |
Promotion of Shi'a and Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) culture through creating CDs. |
Women's Office for Studies and Investigations
The Cooperative Center for Cultural Affairs of the Sacred Mosque of Jamkran
Original name | مرکز تعاونی امور فرهنگی مسجد مقدس جمکران |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7732563 ? 7738271 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7742437 |
Address |
No. 4 , 6 - St. 28 - Fatemi (Dourshahr) Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | jamkaran.info |
info@ jamkaran.info | |
Principal | Seyyed Abbas Lajevardi |
Activities |
Dissemination of cultural knowledge about Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) especially Imam Mahdi (A.S). |
Advisory Center for Howza Students
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Cultural Foundation
Scientific Assembly to answer religious questions
The International Organization for the Preservers of the Holy Quran
World Assembly of Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT)
Original name | (مجمع جهانی اهل بیت (علیهم السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7733646 ? 7740771 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7735179 |
Address |
No. 41 - St. 21 - Fatemi (Dour Shahr) Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | ahl-ul-bayt.org |
info@ahl-ul-bayt_org | |
Principal | Mohammad Arab |
Activities |
International Foundation of Islamic Guidance and Propagation
Bethat Foundation
Saheb al-Zaman (A.J) Foundation
Cultural Management of the Holy Shrine of the holy Masoumeh (S.A)
Scientific Committee of Imam Mahdi (A.J) Conference
The Holy Quran Objectives Foundation
Bezatul-Mokhtar Foundation for Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) heritage revival
Imam Khomeini Heritage Foundation
Original name | (مؤسسه تنظیم و نشر میراث امام خمینی (ره |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7742247 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7742250 |
Address |
37185 3899 M.B - No. 85 - St. Momtaz - Shohada (Safaieh) Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | imam-khomeini.org |
info@ imam-khomeini.org | |
Principal | Mahdi Mehrizi |
Activities | Writing and publishing books and works of Imam Khomeini (R) and reviving his heritage. |
Islamic Feqh Foundation
Original name |
(مؤسسه دائرة المعارف فقه اسلامی بر مبنای مذهب اهل بیت (علیهم السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7739999 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7744962 |
Address |
37185 3796 M.B - Golzare Shohada - Enghelab Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | islamicfeqh.com |
feqh@islamicfeqh.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi |
Activities |
Holy Shrine Guidance Institute
Ray Pardaz Organization
Rasa Foundation for Studies and Cultural Investigations
Ravagh al-Hekmah Cultural Center
Sama' Foundation
The Foundation of "Talie'e Mantegh" for scientific and cultural research
Alamul-Hoda Cultural Foundation
Ale-Mohammad Science Foundation (PBUT)
"In the right way" Foundation
Original name | مؤسسه در راه حق |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7743221 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7741474 |
Address |
No. 10 - Alley 20 - Ayatollah Marashi Najafi S.t. - 37185-137 P.B - Qom - Iran |
Website | darrahehaq.com |
info@darrahehaq.com | |
Principal | Some of Howza professors |
Activities |
Kowthar al-Nabi (PBUH&HF) Cultural Foundation
Al - Lewaa Foundation for Islamic Studies
Towhid Education Center
Al- Hojjah (A.J) Foundation
Noor Software Service Center
Original name | مؤسسه خدمات کامپیوتری نور |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7735145 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743501 |
Address |
37185 3417 M.B, al-Noor center, Shohada (Safaieh) Ave, Qom, Iran |
Website | noorsoft.org |
noorservice@noorssoft.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Hamid Najm Amadi |
Activities |
Creating and distributing Islamic, educational, cultural and family softwares on computer disks. |
Naseem Fekr Cultural Center
Welaa Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) Foundation for Islamic Studies
Valiasr (A.J) Organization
Islamic Culture Revival Complex
Islamic Treasure Complex
Islamic Thought Complex
Center for the Revival of Islamic Heritage
Esra Islamic Research Center
Center for Research and Islamic Studies
Original name | مرکز تحقیقات و مطالعات اسلامی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7743186 7744151 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743177 |
Address |
37185 3688 M.B - Moallem Ave - Qom - Iran |
Website | balagh.net |
balagh@balagh.net | |
Principal | Seyyed Morteza Taghavi |
Activities |
Comprehensive research on Islamic knowledge and sciences such as jurisprudence, rights, philosophy, Kalam and history. |
Imam Hassan Askari (A.S) Cultural Center
Imam Reza (A.S) Center for Religious Arts
Figh Research Center
Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences
Original name | مرکز تحقیقات کامپیوتری علوم اسلامی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) ?7743413 7743304 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743414 |
Address |
37185 3857 M.B, Moallem Ave, Qom, Iran |
Website | noorsoft.org |
info@noorsoft.org | |
Principal | Hamid Shahriyari |
Activities |
Creating softwares for introducing Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT), Hadith, al-Rijal, jurisprudence history etc. |
Astronomical Research Center (A.R.C)
Original name | مرکز مطالعات و پژوهشهای فلکی- نجومی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 2936313 2936314 |
Fax | +98 (251) 2913555 |
Address |
No. 81- Mohammad Amin Blvd - Qom - Iran |
Website | nojumi.org |
info@nojumi.org | |
Principal | Sheikh Mohammad Mahdi Najaf |
Activities |
Research on astronimocal issues, reviving Muslim scholars' books about astronimocal affairs, answering to people questions about astronomy, publication of new books about astronomy. |
Quranic Culture and Knowledge Center
Hajj Center for Investigations
Original name | مرکز تحقیقاتی حج |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 251) 7743155 7740800 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7740800 |
Address |
No.6, S.t 15, Fatemi Ave, Qom, Iran. |
Website | hadj.ir |
beseh@hadj.ir | |
Principal | Seyyed Ali Ghazi Askar |
Activities |
Investigating issues and topics related to the Islamic Hajj and pilgrimage affairs. |
Resalah Center
Ayatollah Goddosi Cultural Center
Shahid Mohsen Mohajer Cultural Center
Al-Forat Propagation Center
Islamic Cultural Thought Center
Islamic Knowledge Center
Juristic Lexicon Center
Research Center Of Imam Jawad (A.S)
Translation Center of the holy Quran
Dar Al-Hadith Research Center
Center for Islamic Education Studies
Educational Center of Imam Hussein (A.S) Movement
Al-Nour Ambassadors Center
The Fourteen Infallibles (PBUT) Jurisprudence Center
Original name | (مرکز فقه ائمه اطهار (علیه السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7745250 7743404 |
Fax | |
Address |
No.14, Adib S.t, Moallem Ave, Qom, Iran. |
Website | lankarani.org |
aemmeh@hotmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Mohammad Javad Fazel Lankarani |
Activities |
Publication of books and articles about Islam jurisprudence, responding to obstinate's doubts, answering to questions, establishment of a professional and scholarship library. |
Center of Jurisprudence of the holy Quran and Sunnah
Center for the dissemination of Islamic Culture in the world
Nahj al-Balagha Center
Imam Sadegh (A.S) Center
Al-Mustafa (PBUH) Center for Islamic Studies
Ansar al-Mahdi (A.J) Cultural Center
Institute of Islamic Sciences
Institute for the Study of Islamic Schools
Hawza and University Education Center
Noor Al - Asfiya Institute for Scientific and Cultural Studies
Islamic Publications Office
Research Office for Islamic History and Knowledge
Mousavi Islamic Library
Educational And Research Center Of Islamic Sects
The literary Center Of Scientific Hawza
Specialized Center for Teaching Islamic Propagation
Imam Sadiq (A.S) Center
Original name | مركز الامام الصادق (عليه السلام) معهد الدراسات الكلامية |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 2922334 2925152 |
Fax | +98 (251) 2922331 |
Address |
Imam Sadiq (A.S) Institution, al-Kalam education center, Mohammad Amin Ave, Qom, Iran |
Website | imamsadeq.org |
kalam@imamsadeg.org | |
Principal | Sheikh Ja'far Sobhani |
Activities |
Raising the scientific level of students wishing to specialize in the field of Islamic theology and "Kalam" and providing them with higher certificates, to be ready to answer Islamic questions and suspicions. |
The Library Of A'zam Mosque
Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Library
Original name | کتابخانه عمومی آیت الله مرعشی نجفی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7741970 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7743637 |
Address | Ayatollah Marashi Najafi Ave, Qom, Iran. |
Website | َ |
sm_marashi@marashilibrary.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Mahmoud Marashi |
Activitie |
Imam Mahdi (A.J) Institution
Islamic Religions Institution
Original name | مؤسسه مذاهب اسلامی |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7741412 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7733266 |
Address | Islamic Religion Instituthion, Qom, Iran. |
Website | mazaheb.com |
info@mazaheb.com | |
Principal | M.Zamiri |
Activities |
This institution trys to lead to scientific understanding between the Islamic sects in addition to responding to suspicions about Shiites. It also seeks to take its first step towards the statement of the oppinions and the validity of the suspicions raised about Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) and in the next step, this institution will try to provide the appropriate atmosphere for scientific dialogue away from intolerance and bias. |
Original name | مرکز اسلامی نشر |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 6609550 |
Fax | +98 (251) 6602335 |
Address |
No. 25, Branch 2, Ghaffari intersection, Qom, Iran. |
Website | musavilari.org |
info@musavilari.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Mojtaba Musavi Lari |
Activities |
Publication of Quran and Islamic books and sending them to all over the world. |
Tayyebah Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة طيبة لإحياء التراث |
Country | Iran |
City | Qom |
Phone | +98 (251) 7748986 |
Fax | +98 (251) 7748985 |
Address |
No.369/1, 12th Alley, Somayye Ave, Qom, Iran. |
Website | qatifonline.com |
admin@qatifonline.com | |
Principal | Sheilk Zia' Al Sonbol |
Activities | Reviving Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) teachings and heritage among Shi'a communtiy. |
Original name | مؤسسه فرهنگی دارالصادقین |
Country | Iran |
City | Tehran |
Phone | +98 (21) 8865585 |
Fax | +98 (21) 8865717 |
Address | 363 37185 M.B, Tehran, Iran |
Website | |
Principal | Yaser al'Haydari |
Activities |
Fatemet-O-Zahra Cultural Institute
Original name | مؤسسه فرهنگی فاطمة الزهرا |
Country | Iran |
City | Tehran |
Phone | +98 (21) 654669 |
Fax | |
Address | 1717 13185 M.B, Tehran, Iran. |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Mouood Islamic Cultural Center
Original name | مؤسسه فرهنگی موعود عصر |
Country | Iran |
City | Tehran |
Phone | +98 (21) 3137920 |
Fax | +98 (21) 332552 |
Address | 111 17355 M.B, Tehran, Iran |
Website | mouood.org |
Principal | Esmaeel Shafiee Sarvestani |
Activities |
Ansar al-Hussain (A.S) Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة انصار الحسين عليه السلام |
Country | Iran |
City | Tehran |
Phone | +98 (21) 3124158 |
Fax | +98 (21) 352767 |
Address |
No 82, Mahallati S.t, Rey Ave, Tehran, Iran. |
Website | ansaralhussain.com |
info@ansaralhussain.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Celebrating religious occasions, the charity committee, the cultural committee, the loan committee and the marriage committee. |