Al-Mahafdha Hussainiya
Original name | حسینیة المحافظة |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Barbar |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | |
Principal | Baqer al-Mahafdha |
youtube | https://www.youtube.com/c/hussainiatalmahafdha |
Activities |
Religious Hawzat of Imam Ameer Al-Moameneen (A.S)
Original name | حوزة الإمام أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) الدينية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Ma'ameer |
Phone | +97317702397 |
Fax | +97317702397 |
Address | Imam Ali Mosque - Building 70 - Road 6002 - Complex 634 - Al-Maamir Street-Bahrain |
Website | https://al-7awza.org/ |
info@al-7awza.org | |
Principal | Mohammad Jafar Aal Said |
Activities |
Olamaa Islamic Council
Original name | المجلس الإسلامي العلمائي |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Hillat Abdul Saleh |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | |
Principal | |
https://www.instagram.com/olamaabh/ | |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pg/OlamaaBH/about/?ref=page_internal |
Activities | The Islamic Scientific Council takes care of scientists in Bahrain, communicates with them, and holds annual conferences in various fields. |
Sanabis Mourning House
Original name | مأتم السنابس |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Sanabis |
Phone | +973 (55) 17551810 |
Fax | |
Address | Building: 803, Road: 425 Alsanabis 404, Bahrain |
Website | https://www.alsanabis.org/ |
info@alsanabis.org | |
Principal | Ja'far al-Shemrookh |
Activities |
Al-Elmain Howza
Original name | حوزة العلمين |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Buri |
Phone | +973 (17) 644785 |
Fax | |
Address | 40087 PO.Bx - Bahrain |
Website | http://alasfoor.org/ |
_ | |
Principal | Ahmad al-Sheikh Khalaf Al Asfoor |
Activities |
An institution that teaches al-Hawazavi lessons in the morning with the lessons of reciting the Quran and its sciences in the evening. It currently runs 5 centers for the improvement of the Holy Quran in different regions of Bahrain in Buri, Ali, Jeddah, etc. |
Holy Quran Society
Original name | جمعية القرآن الكريم |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Jidhafs |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | St. 14 - Jidhafs - Bahrain |
Website | |
Principal | Sheikh Hamid al-Madeh |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/The-Holy-Quran-Society-1592448761037673/ |
instagram.com/quran_soc/?hl=en | |
Activities |
Imam Baqer (A.S) Hawzah
Original name | (حوزة الامام الباقر(عليه السلام |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Barbar |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | al-Badea St, Bahrain |
Website | _ |
albaqer@albaqer.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Javad al-Veda'ee |
Faecbok | |
Activities |
Al-Qassab Hussainya
Original name | حسينية القصاب |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Manama |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | Bahrain |
https://twitter.com/MattamAlQassab?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor | |
Website | |
- | |
Principal | Seyyed Alavi Abu-Qayeb |
Activities |
Holding ceremonies in Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) martyrdom and birthday anniversaries in addition to other cultural activities. |
Al-Zainabia Hussaynia
Original name | حسينية الزينبية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Manama |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | Bahrain |
Website | _ |
Principal | |
Instagram. | https://www.instagram.com/h_alzainabieh/ |
Activities |
Setting up mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussain (A.S) and all Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) martyrdom anniversaries in addition to celebrating their birthdays and happy events. |
Aal-Teifl Hussainiah
Original name | حسينية الشيخ عبد الحسن آل طفل |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Jidhafs |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | Bahrain |
https://www.instagram.com/aal_teifl/ | |
Website | _ |
Principal | Abdulkarim Ahmad al-Fardan |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/Aal.Teifl/ |
Activities |
Islamic Awareness Centre
Original name | مركز المعرفة الاسلامية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Manama |
Phone | +973 39592353 |
Fax | +973 17233699 |
Address | Bahrain |
Website | |
- | |
Principal | Chairman of Board of Directors : Masoud Jahromi |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/Islamic-Awareness-Centre-204603205844/ |
Activities |
It works to spread authentic Muhammadi Islam through wisdom and good advice. It also propagates the Muhammadiyah message in various languages among non-Arabic speaking communities in the country. |
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Association
Original name | (جمعية أهل البيت (عليهم السلام |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Muharraq |
Phone | +973 (17) 344474 |
Fax | +973 (17) 342228 |
Address | 23666 PO.BX - Muharraq - Bahrain |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pg/altawiya/about/?ref=page_internal |
https://twitter.com/ahlolbayt14?lang=en | |
Website | _ |
_ | |
Principal | Sheikh Abul-Azim al-Mohtadi al-Bahrani |
Activities |
Al-Huda Center
Original name | مركز الهدى للدراسات الاسلامية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Sanabis |
Phone | +973 (17) 555484 |
Fax | +973 (17) 552196 |
Address | 18621 PO.BX - Bahrain |
Website | _ |
info@al-hudanet.net | |
Principal | Sheikh Mohammad Sanghour |
Activities |
Islamic Awareness Association
Original name | جمعية التوعية الاسلامية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Manama |
Phone | +973 234111 243111 |
Fax | +973 253444 |
Address | 31300 PO.BX - Bahrain |
Website | |
islam@islam.org.bh | |
Principal | Sheikh Saeed Noori |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pg/altawiya/about/?ref=page_internal |
Activities |
An Islamic non-governmental institution whose vision, cultural and social values derive from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the holy Prophet (PBUH&HF). |
Kawara Hussaineyiah Society (KHS)
Original name | جمعية الكورة الحسينية |
Country | Bahrain |
City | Kawarah |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 32710 PO.BX - Isa Town - Bahrain |
Website | |
aljameyia@yahoo.com | |
Principal | Nader al-Malah |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Media-News-Company/%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%83%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B3%D9%8A%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A9-325971237495024/ |
Activities | Islamic awareness, lectures, seminars, cultural publications, cultural competitions, reviving religious events, etc. |