Al-Zahra Mosque
Original name | Al-Zahra Mosque |
Country | USA |
City | Los Angeles |
Phone | +1-323-835-0633 |
Fax | |
Address | 8152 Seville Ave, South Gate, CA 90280 |
Website | http://masjidalzahra.com/index.html |
info@masjidalzahra.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Imam Husain Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز الإمام الحسین (علیه السلام) الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Boise-Idaho |
Phone | +208-353-8880 |
Fax | |
Address | 348 N Orchard St, Boise, ID 83706, USA |
Website | http://ihic.org.au/ |
azangana47@gmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Asa'ad al-Asadi |
Activities |
Imam Mahdi organization at The University of Iowa
Original name | مؤسسة الإمام المهدی (عج) فی جامعة آیوا |
Country | USA |
City | Iowa |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 702 Carriage Hill - apartment No. Four- Iowa city- Iowa - USA |
Website | https://www.facebook.com/Imam-Mahdi-organization-at-The-University-of-Iowa-866104423449281/?ref=page_internal |
hayderabdulkhaleq-alalwan@uiowa.edu | |
Principal | Hayder Abdulkhaleq Khazir Alalwan |
Activities |
Ithna-asheri Muslim Association of the Northwest (IMAN)
Country | USA |
City | Washington |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 515 State St S, Kirkland, WA 98033, USA |
Website | iman-wa.org |
iman@iman-wa.org | |
Principal | |
Activities |
-Daily afternoon and evening prayers,Sunday Fajr prayer, Friday prayer, Thursday and Friday evening programmes. -Sunday schools, philosophy stude circles and SAT prep classes. -Special occasions commemorations like Moharram, Milad-un-Nabi etc. |
Ahlul Bait Center
Original name | (مرکز أهل البیت (علیهم السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Chicago |
Phone | +1(630)2011969 |
Fax | |
Address | 2425 Main St Evanston, IL 60202, Chicago, USA |
Website | ahlulbaitcenter.org |
Info@ahlulbaitcenter.org | |
Principal | Mohammad al-Ansari |
Activities |
Weekly Islamic programmes, year round observance of all religious events, Sunday Islamic school for children and adults to learn Arabic, Shi'a jurispurdence and theology. |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/AhlulBaitCenter/ ahlulbaitcenter.org |
Alzahra Islamic center in Utah
Hussainiah of San Antonio TX (HSAT)
Original name | حسینیة سان أنطونیو تکساس |
Country | USA |
City | San Antonio-Texas |
Phone | +1(210)2339889 |
Fax | +1(210)2339889 |
Address | 3727 Ticonderoga Dr, San Antonio, TX, 78230, USA |
Website | hsatexas.org |
- | |
Principal | |
Activities |
-Promoting Islamic theology and inviting people to follow Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) method. -Reviving Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) way and expressing respect to them. -Serving Muslim community in religious, cultural and social issues. -Supporting expatriate students and refugees, especially university students. |
Nebraska Islamic Foundation
Original name | مرکز نبراسکا الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Lincoln |
Phone | +1402763388 |
Fax | |
Address | 7125 Douglas St. Lincoln,NE 68507 USA |
Website | _ |
Faecbook | ttps://www.facebook.com/Nebraskaislamicfoundation/?rf=115652981798081 |
Principal | Adnan Al-Jaberi |
Activities | Prompting Ahlul-Bayt's religion (PBUT) |
Imam Hussain Islamic Center in Minnesota (IHIC)
Original name | مرکز الإمام الحسین علیه السلام فی مینسوتا |
Country | USA |
City | Minnesota |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 6120 Brooklyn Boulvard Brooklyn Center, MN 55429, USA |
Website | loveislam.org |
Principal | |
Activities |
Promoting Islam Theology according to Ahlul-Bayt's methods, propagating Ahlul-Bayt's thoughts, reviving Islamic occasions. |
Al-Basheer Islamic Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة البشیر الإسلامیة |
Country | USA |
City | Phoenix |
Phone | +1 602-207-8330 |
Fax | |
Address | 6523 N Black Canyon HWY. Phoenix, AZ 85015 U.S.A |
Website | _ |
smehdi@cox.net | |
Principal | Seyyed Saheb Mahdi al-Hasani |
Activities |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/albasheerfoundation/ |
Al Ghadeer Benevolent Foundation
Original name | مرکز الغدیر الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | North Bergen, New Jersey |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 337 79th St North Bergen, NJ 07047 U.S.A |
Website | http://al-ghadeer.org/ |
alghadeernj@gmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Mo'en A-ssahlani |
Activities |
Reviving Islamic occasions and holding Shi'i ceremonies. Establishment of a school for children to teach Islamic theology and Arabic language. |
Imam Hussain (A.S) Organization
Original name | مؤسسة الإمام الحسین علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Missouri-St. Louis |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 5401 Lansdwone St. Louis 63109 |
Website | _ |
12imamorg@gmail.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Salah Abu Hussein al-Basri |
Activities |
1- Holding Imam Hussein (A.S) mourning ceremonies. 2- Teaching the holy Quran. 3- Promoting Islamic theology among the people of society through revival of religious events. 4- Providing a place for Shi'a Muslims to hold their marriage ceremonies and funerals. |
Al-Fatemah Islamic Center
Country | USA |
City | Albany |
Phone | +1 5188691492 |
Fax | |
Address | 10 South Family Drive Albany, NY 12205 U.S.A |
Website | http://www.alfatemahic.com/ |
mail@alfatemahic.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
1- Holding Imam Hussein (A.S) mourning ceremonies. 2- Teaching the holy Quran. 3- Promoting Islamic theology among the people of society through revival of religious events. 4- Providing a place for Shi'a Muslims to hold their marriage ceremonies and funerals. |
Imam Sadiq (A.S) Husseinieh
Original name | (حسینیة الإمام الصادق (علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Maine |
Phone | +1 2077109024 |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | |
Principal | Salem Khalaf Moshari Al-Zohayri |
Activities |
Al-Rassul (PBUH&HF) Mosque
Original name | مسجد الرسول صلی الله علیه و آله |
Country | USA |
City | Atlanta-Georgia |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 476 Hillcrest Rd, Lilburn, GA 30047 U.S.A |
Website | al-rasol.org |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/alrasolCenter/ |
Info@Al-Rasol.com | |
Principal | Abu-Ja'far |
Activities |
Fadak Islamic Center (FICR)
Country | USA |
City | Rolla |
Phone | +1 573 2020560 |
Fax | |
Address | 1020 Kingshighway Rolla, MO 65401, USA |
Website | fadakislamiccenter.org |
info@fadakislamiccenter.org | |
Principal | |
Activities |
1- Providing a place for Shi'a Muslims to gather and practice their faith. 2- Promoting Islamic theology and the principles of Islam. 3- Teaching the Islamic history, Theology and principles. 4- Teaching how to read the holy Quranin Arabic with an appropriate meaning and understanding. |
Alrasool Islamic Center
Country | USA |
City | Memphis |
Phone | +1 9013809002 |
Fax | |
Address | balairy@yahoo.com |
Website | |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/alrasoolcenter/ |
balamiry@yahoo.com | |
Principal | Haj Basem |
Activities |
Islamic Guidance Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة الهدایة الإسلامیة |
Country | USA |
City | knoxville tn |
Phone | +1 8656603704 |
Fax | |
Address | 3607 chapmen hwy knoxville tn 37912 U.S.A |
Website | https://www.facebook.com/Islamic-Guidance-Foundation-671607789952770/ |
Principal | Hashim Mousavi |
Activities |
1- Holding Imam Hussein mourning ceremonies, 2- Teaching Quran, 3- Teaching Arabic language, |
IMAN Islamic center-Quincy
Original name | مرکز ایمان الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Quincy |
Phone | +1 7838030873 |
Fax | |
Address | 5 Altamont Rd Quincy MA, 02189 U.S.A |
Website | imanislamiccenter.org |
events@imanislamiccenter.org | |
Principal | Haj Vafi |
Activities |
1- Spreading religious awareness among Muslim Community through revival of religious events. 2-Establishmen of chilren school for teaching Arabic and islamic lessons. 3- Linking with all Islamic centers in the USA and Canada. |
Imam Sadeq (A.S) Islamic Foundation-Boston
Original name | مؤسسة الإمام الصادق علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Boston |
Phone | +1 6172991915 |
Fax | |
Address | 43 poplar st, roslindale, MA 02131 U.S.A |
Website | https://www.facebook.com/IMAM.SADEQ.ISLAMIC.FOUNDATION/ |
imamalsadeqislamicfoundation@gmail.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Imam Sadeq (A.S) school on Sundays, Educational programs for children in English, Teaching Arabic to people, |
Al-Kawthar Cultural Educational Center
Original name | مرکز الکوثر التعلیمی |
Country | USA |
City | Phoenix |
Phone | +1 6027104679 |
Fax | |
Address | 6602 N Black Canyon Hwy Phoenix, AZ 85017 U.S.A |
Website | https://alkawtharaz.com/ |
alkawtharaz1@gmail.com | |
Principal | Haj Qaleb Al-Ghorayshi |
Activities | Holding congregational prayers (Salah al Jama'ah) like Friday prayer, holding Ahlul-Bayt's ceremonies, teaching Arabic to people, Providing Ouran courses, Cultural activities and Math competitions in order to improve society's cultural, social and religious level. |
Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M)
Country | USA |
City | Dearborn |
Phone | +13135624626 |
Fax | |
Address | 835 Mason St. Dearborn, MI. 48124 |
Website | imam-us.org |
info@imam-us.org | |
Principal | Seyyed Morteza Keshmiri |
Activities |
Sahebozzaman Islamic Center of Atlanta
Original name | مرکز اسلامی صاحب الزمان (عج) در آتلانتا |
Country | USA |
City | Atlanta Metro-Georgia |
Phone | +17706429411 |
Fax | |
Address | 4853 Old Mountain Park Road, Roswell, GA 30075 U.S.A |
Website | sicoa.org |
sicoa@bellsouth.net | |
Principal | |
Activities |
As-Siddique Islamic Centre
Original name | مرکز الصدیق الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Atlanta-Georgia Metro |
Phone | +14044426978 |
Fax | |
Address | 1412 Dresden Drive, Atlanta, GA 30319 U.S.A |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Jafaria Association of Connecticut
Original name | رابطة کونیتیکت الجعفریة |
Country | USA |
City | Hartford-Connecticut |
Phone | +18607048472 |
Fax | |
Address | 1 Meriden Road, Middlefield, CT 0648 U.S.A |
Website | jaoct.org |
jafariacenter12@gmail.com | |
Principal | Seyyed Heidar Sarfaraz-Sheikh Mohammad Ali |
Activities |
Islamic Institute of Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT)
Original name | معهد أهل البیت (علیهم السلام) الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Hartford-Connecticut |
Phone | +18602328954 |
Fax | |
Address | |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Ahlul-Bait (PBUH) Mosque
Original name | (مسجد أهل البیت (علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Denver Metro-Colorado |
Phone | +13039365855 |
Fax | |
Address | 201 South Lowell Blvd, Denver, CO 80219 U.S.A |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Imamia Education Society
Original name | جمعیة الإمامیة للتعلیم |
Country | USA |
City | Denver Metro-Colorado |
Phone | +17205151416 |
Fax | |
Address | 1880 Eagle Street, Aurora, CO 80011 U.S.A |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Lady Fatima (A.S) Center
Original name | (مرکز السیدة فاطمة (علیها السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Denver Metro-Colorado |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 2175 South Jasmine Street, Suite 119, Denver, CO 80222 U.S.A |
Website | denvermasjid.org |
Principal | |
Activities |
Masjid Al-Bashir Mohammed
Alrasool Mosque
Al Mahdi Center
Original name | (مرکز المهدی (عجل الله تعالی فرجه |
Country | USA |
City | Phoenix Metro-Arizona |
Phone | +14805579699 |
Fax | |
Address | 1016 South River Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 U.S.A |
Website | almahdi.net |
Principal | |
Activities |
Alabama Islamic Educational Center
Original name | مرکز ألاباما الإسلامیة للتربیة |
Country | USA |
City | Huntsville-Alabama |
Phone | +12564892907 |
Fax | |
Address | 8200 Memorial Parkway NW, Huntsville, AL 35810 U.S.A |
Website | alzahra.us |
info@alzahra.us | |
Principal | |
Activities |
A.I.E.C of Fatima Zahra at Birmingham
Original name | مؤسسة فاطمة الزهراء (علیها السلام) فی برمنغهام |
Country | USA |
City | Birmingham |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 1736 28th Avenue South, Homewood, AL 35209 U.S.A |
Website | zahracenter.org |
Alzahra.center@gmail.com | |
Principal | |
Activities | Teaching religious rules, Propagating Ahlul-Bayt's (PBUT) culture and manners, Keeping contact to Muslim community. |
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Society
Original name | جمعیة أهل البیت علیهم السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Columbus |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 3125 Lilly Mar Court, Dublin, OH 43017 U.S.A |
Website | ahlulbayt-columbus.org |
Principal | Ala' Hamudi (phd) |
Activities | Teaching Quran and Islamic lessons in Arabic. |
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز أهل البیت الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Columbus Metro |
Phone | |
Fax | |
Address | 2580 West Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43235 U.S.A |
Website | ahlulbayt-columbus.org |
Principal | |
Activities |
Unity Center
Original name | مرکز الوحدة |
Country | USA |
City | Greater Cleveland |
Phone | +13374296216 |
Fax | |
Address | 10909 Chippewa Road, Brecksville, OH 44141 |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Mosque of Imam Ali (A.S)
West Michigan Islamic Center (in Kalamazoo)
Original name | (مرکز غرب میشیغان الإسلامی (کلمازو |
Country | USA |
City | Kalamazoo-Michigan |
Phone | ++1 2693899642 |
Fax | |
Address | 611 Northampton Rd, Kalamazoo, MI 49006 U.S.A |
Website | youtube.wmick.org twitter.wmick.org facebook.wmick.org |
feedback@wmick.org | |
Principal | An administrative committee whose members are voted in an annual election. |
Activities |
This center has been striving to introduce Islam to the world according to Ahlul-Bayt's method. Our community started with reciting Komeyl prayer gatherings, but our young memebers continued this tradition till now and started different programmes to meet society's needs according to available facilities. Programmes as follows: -Holding daily Salah for men and women, -Holding Shi'i ceremonies like Ahlul-Bayt's birthdays and death anniversaries, reciting prayers gatherings, Eid celebrations etc, -Arranging various entertainment programmes with Islamic theme such as amusing trips and cultural competitions, -Organizing educational programmes and reinforcement classes in addition to short courses in computer and photography, -Arranging religious programmes like teaching Salah and Quran specially to non-Arabic speakers, -Holding religious seminars to introduce the true Islam and Ahlul-Bayt's thoughts to non-Muslims, -The center hosts all special social events from celebrations and funerals, -This youths' center is composed of people from different nationalities for doing social charitiy and welfare. |
Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Islamic Center
Alzahra (S.A) Islamic Center
Bab-Ul-Iim Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز باب العلم الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Los Angeles- California |
Phone | +1 (323) 771-6339 |
Fax | |
Address | 5950 Heliotrope Circle, Maywood, California USA |
Website | babulilm.org |
Principal | |
Activities | This center aims serving God believers and provide Islamic education for kids and adults according to Jaffari thoughts (Shi'ism), and it is the first institute in southern California that is considered as mortmain (Waqfi). |
Al Hussien Youth Center
Original name | (مرکز شباب الحسین (علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1 (323) 5628087 |
Fax | |
Address | 4313 Gage Ave Bell, California USA |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Imamia Education Center
Original name | مرکز الإمامیة التعلیمی |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1 (714) 5245580 |
Fax | |
Address | 2110 E. First Street, Suite 120, Santa Ana, Ca. 92705 USA |
Website | imamia.org |
aamithani@yahoo.com | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Islamic education for children in a professional environment. Teaching the following topics: Quran, jurispurdence, ethics, history and beliefs. To form a strong basis for our children to meet the future challenges in Western siciety, specially university life. Providing a place for children of Muslims from different ethnicities to get to know each other and make friends to creat a better Islamic society. Helping Paretnts in teaching Islam to their children. Providing different programmes for youths (Aged 17 to 30) to continue their education. |
Yaseen Educational Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة یاسین للتربیة |
Country | USA |
City | Los Angeles- California |
Phone | +1 (310) 356 6003 |
Fax | |
Address | 8605 Santa Monica Blvd Ste. 22760 Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA |
Website | yaseened.org |
info@yaseened.org | |
Principal | |
Activities | The foundation was founded in 1998 by a group of Muslims to facilitate the educational needs of Muslim students who go to universities and help them maintain their Islamic identity. |
Zainabia Islamic Society
Original name | الجمیعة الزینبیة الإسلامیة |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1 (909) 957 7648 |
Fax | |
Address | 575 N Towne Ave Pomona, CA 91767 USA |
Website | zainabia.us |
Principal | |
Activities | 1- Holding daily Salah 2- Holding Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) ceremonies. 3- Reciting Komeyl prayer every week. |
Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat
Original name | جماعة الشیعة الإثناعشریة-لوس انجلس |
Country | USA |
City | Los Angeles-California |
Phone | +1(562)9427442 |
Fax | |
Address | Pico Rivera, CA 90660 USA |
Website | lajamaat.org |
President@lajamaat.org | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Islamic Educational Center of Orange County
Original name | المرکز التعلیمی الإسلامی فی اورانج کاونتی |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1(714)4320060 |
Fax | +1(714)4320070 |
Address | 3194-B Airport Loop Dr. Costa Mesa, California USA |
Website | iecoc.org |
info@iecoc.org | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Az-Zahraa Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز الزهراء الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1 (213) 5893510 |
Fax | |
Address | 8152 Seville Ave South Gate, California USA |
Website | az-zahraa.org |
Principal | |
Activities | It aims making a vibrant society through the holy Quran, great Prophet's Sunnah (PBUH&HF) and Ahlul-Bayt's teachings (PBUT). |
Almustafa Islamic Center
Country | مرکز المصطفی الإسلامی | |
Country | USA | |
City | Denver | |
Phone | +13037195196 | |
Fax | ||
Address | ||
Website | ||
almustafaic@yahoo.com | ||
Principal | board of directors | |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pg/Almustafa-Islamic-Center-211159255590901/about/?ref=page_internal | |
Activities |
Religious lectures, Islamic lessons, dialectics, lessons for ladies, holding religious ceremonies such as Ahlul-Bayt's birthdays and death anniversaries (PBUT), training lessons and religious ceremonies for kids. |
Iranian Muslim Organization of North America (IMAN)
Saba Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز صبا الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1(408)9465700 |
Fax | |
Address | 4415 Fortran Ct. San Jose, CA 95134 USA |
Website | saba-igc.org |
saba@saba-igc.org | |
Principal | Nabi Reza Abedi |
Activities |
Islamic activities such as holding religious ceremonies and lectures. |
Alrasool Mosque and Islamic Educational Center
Original name | (مسجد الرسول محمد (صلی الله علیه و آله و سلم |
Country | USA |
City | Arizona |
Phone | +1(623)8825390 |
Fax | |
Address | 5302 N. 35th Ave. Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
Islamic Education Center
Original name | مرکز التعلیم الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Illinois |
Phone | +1 (630) 469 5533 |
Fax | +1 (630) 469 5598 |
Address | 1269 Goodrich Ave Glendale Heights, IL 60139-3371 USA |
Website | iechusaini.org |
Principal | |
Activities |
Al-Mahdi (A.S) Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز الإمام المهدی (عجل الله تعالی فرجه) الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Nashville-Tennessee |
Phone | +1 (615) 2562434 |
Fax | |
Address | 404Wingrove Ave.Nashville, Tn 37203 U.S.A |
Website | |
al-mahdi.center@att.net | |
Principal | Haj Nazal Soltan |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/almahdi.us/?rf=121395584540723 https://www.almahdi.us/ |
Activities |
A center providing religious activities such as celebrating Islamic occasions, teaching Shi'i jurispurdence lessons and moral lessons to different groups pf people of the society in addition to establishing a kids' school as well as arranging marriage contracts (aghd) and funerals. |
Al-Hakim Foundation
The Islamic Education Center of Houston
Original name | المرکز الإسلامی الثقافی فی هیوستن |
Country | USA |
City | Texas |
Phone | +1 (713) 7875000 |
Fax | +1 (713) 7544430 |
Address | 2313 S. Voss Road, Houston, Texas 77057 U.S.A |
Website | https://iec-houston.org/ |
info@iec-houston.org | |
Principal | Ja'far Amir |
Activities |
Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno
Original name | المرکز الحضاری الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | California |
Phone | +1 (559) 2979535 |
Fax | +1 (559) 297 9118 |
Address | 2111 E. Nees Ave, Fresno, CA 93720 U.S.A |
Website | icfresno.org |
info@icfresno.org | |
Principal | Kamal Abu Shamsieh |
Faecbook | icfresno.org https://www.facebook.com/ICFresno/ |
Activities |
The Islamic Center of America
Original name | المرکز الاسلامی فی امریکا |
Country | USA |
City | Dear Born |
Phone | +1 (313) 5930000 |
Fax | +1 (313) 5820988 |
Address | 19500 Ford Dearborn, MI 48128 U.S.A |
Website | icofa.com |
http://www.icofa.com/ | |
Principal | Seyyed Hasan Qazvini |
Activities |
Imam Khoei Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز الامام الخوئی الاسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | New York |
Phone | +1 (718) 2976520 |
Fax | +1 (718) 6585530 |
Address | 89-89 Van Wyck Expressway, Jamaica, NY, 11435 U.S.A |
Website | al-khoei.org |
https://www.al-khoei.org/ | |
Principal | Sheikh Fazel Al-Sahlani |
Faecbook | https://www.facebook.com/pg/alkhoei.org/about/ |
Activities |
Original name | حوزة القائم عجل الله تعالی فرجه |
Country | USA |
City | Texas |
Phone | +1 (512) 2919855 |
Fax | |
Address | 12460 Los Indios Trl., U.S.A |
Website | www.alqaeminstitute.org |
alqaem@alqaem.us | |
Principal | Sheikh Safdar Razi Ali |
Activities | Providing primary Hozavi (religious) lessons in English. |
Imam Ali(A.S) Center
Original name | مؤسسة الإمام علی (علیه السلام) مؤسسة الامام الشیرازی العالمیة |
Country | USA |
City | Virginia |
Phone | +1 (202) 3452089 |
Fax | +1 (703) 9782982 |
Address | 7900 Backlick RD springfield VA 22150 U.S.A |
Website | imamalicenter.org |
https://www.vaiac.com/ | |
Principal | Sheikh Makki Alha'eri, Haj Abdullah Alghoraysh |
Activities | This institution works with the purpose of gathering the hearts of Shi'as and promoting Ahlul-Bayt's religion according to Imam Seyyed Mohammad Shirazi's thoughts. |
Islamic Ahlul-Bayt (PBUT) Association Al-Mahdi Center
Original name | (جمعیة أهل البیت الإسلامیة (مرکز الإمام المهدی علیه السلام |
Country | USA |
City | Santiago |
Phone | +1 (512) 2919855 |
Fax | |
Address | P.O. Box 202583, Austin, TX 78720-2583 U.S.A |
Website | iaba-austin.org |
alqaem@msn.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Safdar Razi |
Activities | An Islamic center serving Muslim community in the USA which also has several branches around the world. |
Shiite Human Rights Watch
International Foundation for Islamic Civilization
Arrasool (PBUH) Islamic Center
Original name | مرکز الرسول (صلی الله علیه و آله) الإسلامی |
Country | USA |
City | Virginia |
Phone | +1 (703) 6420420 |
Fax | +1 (703) 6420421 |
Address | 7254 mapale place Annandale VA 22003 U.S.A |
Website | http://www.alrasool-ic.org/ |
arrasool@alshirazi.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Makki Al-Zakeri |
Activities | This center provides Islamic services, including answering legitimate questions, sending religious books, organizing marriage contracts (Aghd), and holding islamic ceremonies, celebrations and funerals. |
The Islamic Cultural Center of Erie,PA
Original name | المرکز الثقافی الإسلامی فی امریکا |
Country | USA |
City | Pennsylvania |
Phone | +1 (814) 4533001 |
Fax | |
Address | 9 East 12 st Erie, PA 16501, U.S.A |
Website | |
Principal | |
Activities |
AL-Makarim Islamic Foundation
Original name | مؤسسة المکارم الإسلامیة |
Country | USA |
City | Erie - Pennsylvania |
Phone | +1 (814) 4555500 |
Fax | +1 (814) 4555500 |
Address | p.o.box 11094 Erie, PA 15614 USA |
Website | eriecom.com/islam2 |
almakarim72@maktoob.com | |
Principal | Sheikh Mazan Al-Sahlani |
Activities | Revival of religious events, teaching Islamic jurispurdence and education to people of the society in addition to establishment of Quranic school and publication of monthly magazines. |